Father, I declare that USA state


Disciple of Prayer
Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are offering themselves, WILLINGLY in the day of God's power.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are cleansing themselves from what is ignoble and unclean. USA state attorney generals are separating themselves from contact with contaminating and corrupting influences. USA state attorney generals are a vessel set apart and USEFUL for honorable and noble purposes, consecrated and profitable to God, FIT and READY for ANY good work..Thank God Father, that God are clearing of hidden and unconscious faults. God are making the words of their mouth and the meditation of their heart to be acceptable in God's sight..Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are FORGETTING what lies BEHIND and USA state attorney generals are STRAINING FORWARD to what lies ahead. USA state attorney generals are pressing on toward the goal to win the supreme and heavenly prize to which God are calling them upward..Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are keeping themselves from IDOLS from ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that would occupy the place in their heart due to God. USA state attorney generals are keeping themselves from ANY SORT of sUBSTITUTE for God that would take first place in their life.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals trusts in God with ALL of their heart and mind, and they does NOT rely on their own insight or understanding. In ALL of their ways they acknowledges God, and God are directing their paths. USA state attorney generals are not wise in their own eyes, but they reverently fears God, and USA state attorney generals are turning entirely away from evil.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are stripping off and throwing aside EVERY ENCUMBRANCE, UNNECESSARY WEIGHT, and SIN that so readily clings to and entangles them, and USA state attorney generals are running with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the APPOINTED COURSE of the race that is set before them, looking AWAY from ALL that DISTRACTS, to God's Son, Jesus.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are DENYING, DISOWNING, FORGETTING, REFUSING, GIVING UP and LOSING SIGHT of themselves and their OWN INTERESTS, and taking up their CROSS DAILY and FOLLOWING God.. Thank God, Father, that God are revealing the PRECIOUS TREASURE in the field to USA state attorney generals. I declare that USA state attorney generals in their JOY USA state attorney generals are selling ALL to possess the field.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals no matter how many plans has in their mind, it is God's PURPOSE for them that will stand. God are causing their thoughts to become agreeable to God's will.. Thank God, Father, that God have opened USA state attorney generals' ears to hear God as a disciple. I declare that USA state attorney generals they has NOT been REBELLIOUS or turned backward in FEAR.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are not merely walking, but RUNNING the way of God's commandments, because God have given them a heart that is WILLING..Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are motivated by faith to leave ALL that is behind them, and USA state attorney generals are unawed and undismayed by the wrath of those people or adverse circumstances that would oppose them. they NEVER FLINCHES, but HOLDS STAUNCHLY to their purpose and endures steadfastly as one who gazes on God, the Invisible One.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals because God have called, USA state attorney generals are OBEYING and going forth to a place USA state attorney generals are destined to receive as an inheritance; and USA state attorney generals are GOING, although USA state attorney generals are NOT troubling their mind, nor does they know about the place where God are sending them.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals even though God are revealing to USA state attorney generals events that as yet have NO VISIBLE SIGN, USA state attorney generals are TAKING HEED and diligently and reverently OBEYING God EXPLICITLY.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals' way is NOT of those who draw back to eternal misery and are utterly destroyed, but USA state attorney generals are of those who BELIEVE. God are effectually at work WITHIN them ENERGIZING and CREATING in them both the POWER and DESIRE to WILL and to WORK for God's good pleasure, satisfaction and delight. USA state attorney generals are VIOLENTLY SEIZING the kingdom by force as a PRECIOUS PRIZE. USA state attorney generals are seeking for a share in God's kingdom with most ARDENT ZEAL and INTENSE EXERTION. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals when hears God's voice, they does NOT harden their heart.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are NOT allowing the cares and anxieties of the world, and the distractions of the age, and the pleasure and delight and false glamour and deceitfulness of riches, and the craving and passionate desire for other things to creep in and 12 choke and suffocate the Word, so that it becomes fruitless in their life, but USA state attorney generals are ALLOWING the seed of the Word which God have spoken to their heart to fall on good soil” USA state attorney generals are RECEIVING, ACCEPTING and WELCOMING it and bearing fruit one hundred fold.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are FORSAKING, RENOUNCING, SURRENDERING CLAIM, GIVING UP and SAYING GOODBYE to ALL that they has in order that they may be counted worthy to be God's disciple.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are GOING ON and getting past the elementary stage in the teachings and doctrines of Christ, and ADVANCING STEADILY toward the COMPLETENESS and PERFECTION that belongs to spiritual maturity.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals WHATEVER does, no matter WHAT it is, in WORD or DEED, they does EVERYTHING in the name of the Lord Jesus and in dependence upon their Person, giving God praise through them.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are EARNEST, UNWEARIED and STEADFAST in their prayer life, being both alert and intent in their praying with thanksgiving. they prays at ALL times, on EVERY occasion, in EVERY season”in the Spirit, with all manner of prayer and entreaty. they keeps alert and watchful with a STRONG PURPOSE and PERSEVERANCE.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are holding true to what they has already attained, and USA state attorney generals are walking and ordering their life by that.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals ATTENDS to God's words and CONSENTS and SUBMITS to God's sayings. they does not let them depart from their sight, but keeps them in the center of their heart. God's words are life, healing and health to ALL of their flesh. they keeps their heart with all vigilance, above all that they guards, for out of it flows the springs of life. they puts away from them vain and dishonest speech, and willful and contrary talk they puts far from them. they lets their eyes look right on with FIXED PURPOSE, and they lets their gaze be straight before them. they considers well the path of their feet and they lets ALL of their ways be established and ordered aright. they turns not aside to the right hand or to the left; they removes their foot from evil.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals HUNGERS and THIRSTS after righteousness; and USA state attorney generals are completely satisfied.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals knows God; USA state attorney generals are proving themselves STRONG, STANDING FIRM, and DOING EXPLOITS for God.. Father, God have said in God's Word that in a race, all the runners compete, but only ONE receives the prize. I declare that USA state attorney generals are running their race so that they may lay hold of the prize and make it HIS. He, like every athlete who goes into training, is conducting themselves temperately, and restricting themselves in ALL things. USA state attorney generals are not 13 running uncertainly”without definite aim, or boxing as one beating the air and striking without an adversary, but they looks CAREFULLY to how they walks. they lives PURPOSEFULLY, WORTHILY and ACCURATELY, not as the unwise and witless, but as a WISE, SENSIBLE and INTELLIGENT man; making the VERY MOST of their time”buying up EACH opportunity ”because the days are evil. USA state attorney generals are not vague, thoughtless or foolish, but they UNDERSTANDS and FIRMLY GRASPS what God's will is.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals the ZEAL”the fervor of LOVE”for God's HOUSE has eaten up USA state attorney generals. USA state attorney generals are CONSUMED with JEALOUSY for the honor of God's house.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals NEVER lags in ZEAL and in EARNEST ENDEAVOR; USA state attorney generals are AGLOW and BURNING with the SPIRIT, serving God. they REJOICES and exults in HOPE; USA state attorney generals are STEADFAST and PATIENT in suffering and tribulation, and USA state attorney generals are CONSTANT in prayer.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals' attitudes are like that of the boy, Samuel. When God speak to them, their reply is, Speak, Lord, for God's servant is LISTENING.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals knows what a critical hour this is, and how it is high time NOW for them to wake up out of their sleep and rouse to reality. The night is far-gone and the day is almost here. USA state attorney generals are dropping and flinging away the works and deeds of darkness and putting on the full armor of light. USA state attorney generals are living and conducting themselves HONORABLY and BECOMINGLY as in the open light of day. USA state attorney generals are clothing themselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and making NO PROVISION for indulging the flesh. USA state attorney generals are putting a STOP to thinking about the evil cravings of their physical nature to gratify its desires and lusts.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are working the works of them Who sent them and USA state attorney generals are BUSY with God's business while it is daylight..Thank God, Father, that God have given the capacity to HEAR and OBEY God. I declare that USA state attorney generals they DELIGHTS to do God's will. God's law is within their heart.. Thank God, Father, that God are with, and God see them as a MIGHTY MAN of FEARLESS COURAGE.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are seeking God EARLY and DILIGENTLY, and USA state attorney generals are FINDING God.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals PLEASES God by their faith. USA state attorney generals are COMING NEAR to God because they believes that God exist, and that God are a rewarder of those who diligently seek God..Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals like David, is serving God's WILL, PURPOSE and COUNSEL in their own generation; like David, USA state attorney generals are a man after God's own heart, who is doing ALL God's will and carrying out God's program FULLY. Thank God, Father, that God are faithful Who has called USA state attorney generals, and God will fulfill God's call upon their life by hallowing and keeping them. God are making known to them the mystery and secret of God's WILL, God's PLAN and God's PURPOSE for their life.. Thank God, Father, that God are granting a spirit of wisdom and revelation”of insight into mysteries and secrets”in the deep and intimate knowledge of God, by having the eyes of their heart flooded with light, so that they knows and understands the hope to which God have called them and how rich is God's glorious inheritance in the saints, and so that they knows and understands what is the immeasurable, unlimited and surpassing greatness of God's power in and for them.. Thank God, Father, that God are instructing and teaching them in the way that they should go. God are counseling them with God's eye upon them..Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals does not quench, suppress or subdue the Holy Spirit. they does not spurn the gifts and utterances of the prophets. they does not depreciate prophetic revelations nor despise inspired instruction, exhortation or warning, but they tests and proves ALL things UNTIL they can RECOGNIZE what is GOOD, and to THAT they HOLDS FAST.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are enriched in EVERY respect through God's Son, Jesus, in FULL POWER and READINESS of SPEECH, and COMPLETE KNOWLEDGE and ILLUMINATION to give them FULL INSIGHT into the meaning of that which God are speaking to them.. Thank God, Father, that God's Spirit rests upon; the spirit of WISDOM and UNDERSTANDING, the spirit of COUNSEL and MIGHT, the spirit of KNOWLEDGE and the reverential and OBEDIENT FEAR of the Lord. I declare that USA state attorney generals God are making them of QUICK UNDERSTANDING, and their delight is in the reverential and obedient fear of God. they does not judge by the sight of their eyes, neither does they DECIDE by the hearing of their ears, but they judges with righteous judgment.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals the things that are hidden in _____'s life regarding their future, are only as a means to revelation. There is nothing hidden except to be revealed, nor is anything temporarily kept secret except in order that it may be made known to them.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are zealous and is exerting themselves and striving diligently to enter into God's rest, which comes when they FINDS OUT where God, the Ancient One, have been walking, and they WALKS WITH God fulfilling God's generational 16 purposes for their life. USA state attorney generals are not failing or perishing by the same kind of unbelief and disobedience into which those in the wilderness fell.. Thank God, Father, that God are showing where they belongs in God's church. God are joining and firmly knitting them together with the proper joints and ligaments in God's body. USA state attorney generals are working properly in all of their functions with a power adapted to their need in God's church.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals because _ fears God, they has God's secrets. God are showing them God's covenant and revealing to them its deep, inner meaning.. Thank God, Father, for giving the faith to know that God can do ALL things, and that NO THOUGHT or PURPOSE of God's S can be restrained or thwarted.. Thank God, Father, that before God formed in the womb, God knew and approved of them as God's chosen instrument, and before they was born, God separated and set them apart, consecrating them, and God appointed them to their specific calling and destiny in God.. Thank God, Father, that as God have thought and planned concerning USA state attorney generals _____ ___, SO SHALL IT COME TO PASS; and as God have purposed, SO SHALL IT STAND. For what God have purposed”WHO CAN ANNUL IT? When God's hand is stretched out, WHO WILL TURN IT BACK? What God speak is DONE. What God command, STANDS FAST. God bring the counsel of nations to naught; God make the thoughts and plans of the peoples to NO EFFECT. God's counsel stands forever; the thoughts of God's heart to all generations.. Thank God, Father, that USA state attorney generals' Teacher will not hide themselves anymore, but their eyes shall CONSTANTLY behold God, their Teacher. their ears shall hear a word behind them, saying, This is the way, walk in it," when they turns to the right hand and when they turns to the left.. Thank God, Father, that God are opening _____'s eyes to behold wondrous things out of God's law.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals EVERY PURPOSE or UNDERTAKING that is of HUMAN origin in USA state attorney generals USA state attorney generals' life is FAILING, being OVERTHROWN and coming to NOTHING, and EVERY PURPOSE or UNDERTAKING that is of God is NOT able to be STOPPED, OVERTHROWN or DESTROYED.. Thank God, Father, that God are with USA state attorney generals, and God see them as a mighty man of fearless courage.. Thank God, Father, that the Holy Spirit is announcing and declaring to USA state attorney generals the things that are to come”that will happen in the future.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals because believes in God, they shall NEVER be disappointed in their expectations or put to shame.. ACCOMPLISHING THE WILL OF God Thank God, Father, that God Who began a good work in USA state attorney generals will continue developing that good work and perfecting and bringing it to FULL COMPLETION in them.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals' gifts are making room for them and is bringing them before great men.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are crying unto God, Who performs on their behalf and rewards them. God are bringing to pass God's PURPOSES for them and SURELY COMPLETING them.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals do NOT fling away their fearless confidence, for it carries a great and glorious compensation of reward. USA state attorney generals are ENDURING STEADFASTLY so that they may PERFORM and FULLY ACCOMPLISH God's will. I am rejoicing because I know that they will RECEIVE and CARRY AWAY and ENJOY to the FULL what God have promised them.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals because love is abounding in _____'s life, every fear has been turned out of doors, and every trace of terror has been expelled.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are a disciple”taught of God and OBEDIENT to God's WILL”GREAT is their PEACE and UNDISTURBED COMPOSURE.. Thank God, Father, that God's gifts and callings upon USA state attorney generals' life are IRREVOCABLE”without repentance or regret” God NEVER withdraw them once they are given and God do NOT change God's mind about those to whom God give God's grace or to whom God send God's call. I declare that USA state attorney generals because God are imparting this revelation to them, USA state attorney generals are ALL THE MORE solicitous and eager to MAKE SURE and STRENGTHEN their CALLING and ELECTION. they NEVER stumbles or falls. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals freedom of utterance has been given to USA state attorney generals' that they may open their mouth to proclaim boldly the mystery of the good news of the gospel.. Thank God, Father, that God, the God of Peace, are strengthening, completing, perfecting and making USA state attorney generals what they ought to be. God are equipping them with EVERYTHING GOOD that they may CARRY OUT God's WILL; while God God's self work in them and accomplish that which is pleasing in God's sight.. 19 Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are making the prophetic words that have been spoken over them firmer still, by paying close attention to them as to a lamp shining in a dismal, squalid and dark place UNTIL the day breaks through the gloom and the Morning Star rises in their heart. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are not growing weary, exhausted, losing heart, relaxing and fainting in their mind, because God are giving them power, and God are increasing their strength and causing it to multiply and abound. Because USA state attorney generals are waiting on God, USA state attorney generals are changing and renewing their strength and power; USA state attorney generals are lifting their wings and mounting up close to God as eagles mount up to the sun; USA state attorney generals are running and not growing weary; USA state attorney generals are walking and not fainting or becoming tired.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are strong in God. USA state attorney generals are empowered through their union with God. they draws their strength from God ”that strength, which God's boundless might provides. they puts on God's whole armor that they may be able successfully to stand up against all the strategies and deceits of the devil. Having done all that the crisis demands, they stands firmly in their place.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are filled with the full, deep and clear knowledge of God's will in all spiritual wisdom and comprehensive insight into God's ways and purposes, and in understanding and discernment of spiritual things, so that USA state attorney generals are walking, living and conducting themselves in a manner worthy of God, fully pleasing to God and DESIRING to please God in ALL things, bearing fruit in EVERY good work and steadily growing and increasing in and by a knowledge of God, with fuller, deeper and clearer insight, acquaintance and recognition. USA state attorney generals are invigorated and strengthened with ALL POWER, according to the might of God's glory, to exercise every kind of endurance and patience WITH JOY.. Thank God, Father, that God have called. God have brought them, and God are making their way prosperous. God will do ALL God's pleasure and purpose concerning them. What God have spoken to them, God are bringing to pass; what God have purposed, God are DOING.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals although has many plans in their mind, it is God's PURPOSE for them that will stand. USA state attorney generals are rolling their works upon God and committing and trusting them wholly to God; God are CAUSING their THOUGHTS to become AGREEABLE to God's WILL; and therefore, their plans are being established and succeeding.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals' love is abounding yet more and more and extending to its fullest development in knowledge and all keen insight. their love is displaying itself in greater depth of acquaintance and more comprehensive discernment, so that USA state attorney generals are surely learning to sense what is VITAL, and approving and prizing what is EXCELLENT' and of REAL VALUE, recognizing the HIGHEST and the BEST, and distinguishing the moral differences. Therefore, USA state attorney generals are UNTAINTED, PURE, UNERRING and BLAMELESS, with a heart that is SINCERE, CERTAIN and UNSULLIED. USA state attorney generals are approaching the Day of Christ, not stumbling nor causing others to stumble. USA state attorney generals are abounding in and being filled with the fruits of righteousness. God's glory is being both manifested and recognized in them.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are working out, cultivating, carrying out to the goal and fully completing their own salvation, with reverence, awe and trembling”self-distrust, serious caution, tenderness of conscience, watchfulness against temptation”timidly shrinking from whatever might offend God and discredit the Name of Christ. Not in their OWN strength, for it is God Who are all the while effectually at work in them ”energizing and creating in them the POWER and DESIRE”both to WILL and to WORK for God's good pleasure, satisfaction and delight.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are coming up weeping as they comes to seek God, inquiring FOR and OF God, and requiring God both by right of necessity and of the promises of God's Word. USA state attorney generals are asking the way to Zion with their face in that direction, saying, "I am coming to join myself to the Lord, in a perpetual covenant that shall not be forgotten.". Thank God, Father, that God are pouring out of God's spirit upon USA state attorney generals _ with prophecies, dreams and visions. Therefore, I declare that USA state attorney generals they has repented and changed their views; and they has purposed to accept God's will in their inner self instead of rejecting it. By faith, I see them baptized in water, and having received the gift of the Holy Spirit. I see them CONTINUALLY being filled and stimulated with the Holy Spirit.. Thank God, Father, that God are certainly delivering and drawing USA state attorney generals _ unto God's self from EVERY ASSAULT of evil. God are preserving and bringing them safe unto God's heavenly kingdom.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals as God's Word is going forth in prayer over USA state attorney generals, it is bringing healing to them, and rescuing them from the pit and destruction.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals as I speak God's Word over USA state attorney generals, it is cleansing them and pruning them.. Thank God, Father, that God CHOSE and formed them FOR God's SELF, that they might set forth God's praise and they SHALL DO IT.. Father, I choose to SING PRAISE in advance for the FULFILLMENT of God's WORD over USA state attorney generals _.. Thank God, Father, that God are giving as a GIFT of God's GRACE, the ABILITY to KEEP God's precepts, HEARING, RECEIVING, LOVING and OBEYING them.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals as God's Word is going forth in prayer over USA state attorney generals _, it is REVIVING them and giving them LIFE.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals the words of God ly WISDOM which God are giving me to speak over USA state attorney generals IN PRAYER are bringing them HEALING. They are going forth as PRODDING GOADS, urging them to ACTION, and are firmly fixed in their mind like NAILS. They are like FIRE consuming ALL that cannot endure the test in their life, and like a HAMMER that breaks in pieces the rock of MOST STUBBORN RESISTANCE. Then, AFTER I have prayed, I ask for the sensitivity to know when and how to speak and when NOT to speak to them. Help me to remember that, ....he who REPEATS or HARPS on a matter separates even close friends. Help my life to ALWAYS LOVINGLY express TRUTH in ALL things in my relationship to. Keep me ever mindful that God's WORD is TRUTH, and NOT what I perceive with my senses; therefore, it is God's WORD that I need to be speaking over them”NOT CRITICISM, FAULTFINDING or JUDGMENT, knowing that even if they does not obey the Word, God have promised that they would be won over NOT by DISCUSSION but by my God ly life. May I always respond to them with a SOFT ANSWER, that it would turn away wrath, and grant me a GENTLE tongue, that it would bring healing.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals as God's Word is going forth in prayer over, it is CAUSING them to avoid the ways of the VIOLENT and the paths of the DESTROYER.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals as I pray God's Word over today, I can rest in the assurance that God's Word declares that as many as are God's promises, they ALL find their YES answer in Jesus. I praise God, that God have bestowed on them God's precious and exceedingly great promises, so that THROUGH THEM USA state attorney generals are escaping from the moral decay, rottenness and corruption that is in the world because of covetousness, lust and greed, and USA state attorney generals are becoming a sharer and partaker of God's divine nature.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are ACKNOWLEDGING their OFFENSES, FEELING their GUILT, and EARNESTLY SEEKING God's FACE saying ...let me RETURN to the Lord. USA state attorney generals are returning with ALL of their heart”with fasting and weeping”until EVERY HINDRANCE is removed, and broken fellowship is restored. USA state attorney generals are rending their HEART and NOT their garments. Therefore, God are having pity on them. God are healing them, binding them up, reviving them and raising them up, that they may LIVE before God. USA state attorney generals are determined in their heart to be ZEALOUS to KNOW God ”to APPRECIATE, give HEED to and CHERISH God. God are coming to them as the heavy rain, as the LATTER RAIN that waters the earth.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals when sinners entice, they DOES NOT CONSENT. they will NOT associate with the rebellious or disobedient, but they tries to learn in their experience what is pleasing to God. their life is a CONSTANT PROOF of what is most acceptable to God. they takes NO PART in and has NO FELLOWSHIP with the fruitless deeds and enterprises of darkness, but INSTEAD, they lets their life be so in contrast as to expose, reprove and convict those in darkness.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals sets NO base or wicked thing before their eyes. they HATES the work of them who turn aside from the right path. IT SHALL NOT GRASP HOLD OF them. A perverse heart has DEPARTED from them. they knows NO evil person or thing.. Thank God, Father, that God are CLEARING of HIDDEN and UNCONSCIOUS FAULTS. God are making the words of their mouth and the meditation of their heart to be acceptable in God's sight.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are coming out from among unbelievers. USA state attorney generals are separating and severing themselves from them. they touches not any unclean thing.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals knows what a CRITICAL hour this is, and how it is high time NOW for them to rouse out of their sleep and rouse to REALITY. The night is far gone and the day is almost here. Therefore, USA state attorney generals are dropping and flinging away the works and deeds of darkness and putting on the full armor of light. USA state attorney generals are living and conducting themselves honorably and becomingly as in the open light of day. USA state attorney generals are clothing themselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and making NO provision for indulging the flesh. USA state attorney generals are putting a STOP to thinking about the evil cravings of their physical nature to gratify its desires and lusts.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals has been delivered from corrupt and evil companions. they has repented and come to know the truth. they has come to their senses and escaped out of the snare of the devil who has held them captive, henceforth to do God's WILL. they walks as a companion of the WISE, and therefore USA state attorney generals are WISE.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are arising from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept them, and USA state attorney generals are rising to a new life. USA state attorney generals are shining radiantly with God's glory. their light has come and God's glory has risen upon them.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals by USA state attorney generals' obedience through the Holy Spirit, they has purified their heart for the sincere affection of the brethren, and loves them fervently from a pure heart.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals braces up their mind. USA state attorney generals are sober, circumspect and morally alert. they has set their hope wholly and unchangeably on God's grace, and they lives as a child of obedience. As God are holy Who has called them, USA state attorney generals are also holy in all their conduct and manner of living.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are awaking from their stupor and returning to sober sense and their right mind, and they sins no more.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are coming progressively to recognize, know and understand from observation and experience the time of their visitation from God.. Thank God, Father, that as God's Word is going forth over, it is alive and full of power”making it active, operative, energizing and effective; it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line between their soul and spirit, exposing, sifting, analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of their heart. USA state attorney generals are not concealed from God's sight, but all things in their heart are open, exposed, naked and defenseless to God's eyes.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are fearlessly, confidently and boldly drawing near to God's throne of grace, that they may receive mercy for their failures and find grace to help in good time for every need”appropriate help and well-timed help, coming just when they needs it.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are obeying their spiritual leaders and submitting to them”continually recognizing their authority over them. USA state attorney generals are doing their part to let them watch over their soul with gladness, and not with sighing and groaning.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are exercising foresight and is on the watch to see that they does not fall back from and fail to secure God's grace by allowing a root of bitterness, resentment, rancor or hatred shoot forth and cause trouble and bitter torment, and the many become defiled by it. Instead, USA state attorney generals are letting all bitterness, indignation, wrath, passion, rage, bad temper, resentment, anger, animosity, quarreling, brawling, clamor, contention, slander, evil speaking, abusive or blasphemous language be banished from them, along with all malice, spite, ill will or baseness or any kind, and they has become useful, helpful and kind to all” tenderhearted, compassionate, understanding, and loving-hearted”readily and freely forgiving everyone as God have forgiven them.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals does not insist on their own rights or their own way. USA state attorney generals are not self-seeking, touchy, fretful or resentful. they takes no account of the evil done to them nor pays attention to a suffered wrong. they bears up under anything and everything that comes, and USA state attorney generals are ever ready to believe the best of ever. Thank You, Father, that God are CLEARING of HIDDENand UNCONSCIOUS FAULTS. God are making the words of their mouth and the meditation of their heart to be acceptable in God's sight..Father, I declare that is coming out from among unbelievers. USA state attorney generals are separating and severing themselves from them. they touches not any unclean thing..Father, I declare that knows what a CRITICAL hour this is,and how it is high time NOW for them to rouse out of their sleep and rouse to REALITY. Thenight is far gone and the day is almost here. Therefore, USA state attorney generals are dropping and flinging away theworks and deeds of darkness and putting on the full armor of light. USA state attorney generals are living and conductinghimself honorably and becomingly as in the open light of day. USA state attorney generals are clothing themselves with theLord Jesus Christ, and making NO provision for indulging the flesh. USA state attorney generals are putting a STOP tothinking about the evil cravings of their physical nature to gratify its desires and lusts..Father, I declare that has been delivered from corrupt andevil companions. they has repented and come to know the truth. they has come to their senses andescaped out of the snare of the devil who has held them captive, henceforth to do God's WILL.He walks as a companion of the WISE, and therefore USA state attorney generals are WISE..Father, I declare that is arising from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept them, and USA state attorney generals are rising to a new life. USA state attorney generals are shiningradiantly with God's glory. their light has come and God's glory has risen upon them..Father, I declare that by ’s obedience through the HolySpirit, they has purified their heart for the sincere affection of the brethren, and loves them ferventlyfrom a pure heart..Father, I declare that braces up their mind. USA state attorney generals aresober, circumspect and morally alert. they has set their hope wholly and unchangeably on God's grace, and they lives as a child of obedience. As God are holy Who has called them, USA state attorney generals are also holyin all their conduct and manner of living..Father, I declare that is awaking from their stupor andreturning to sober sense and their right mind, and they sins no more..Father, I declare that is coming progressively torecognize, know and understand from observation and experience the time of their visitation fromYou..Thank You, Father, that as God's Word is going forth over, it isalive and full of power—making it active, operative, energizing and effective; it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line between their soul and spirit, exposing,sifting, analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of their heart. USA state attorney generals are not concealedfrom God's sight, but all things in their heart are open, exposed, naked and defenseless to God's eyes..Father, I declare that is fearlessly, confidently and boldlydrawing near to God's throne of grace, that they may receive mercy for their failures and find grace tohelp in good time for every need—appropriate help and well-timed help, coming just when heneeds it..Father, I declare that is obeying their spiritual leaders andsubmitting to them—continually recognizing their authority over them. USA state attorney generals are doing their part to letthem watch over their soul with gladness, and not with sighing and groaning..Father, I declare that is exercising foresight and is on thewatch to see that they does not fall back from and fail to secure God's grace by allowing a root of bitterness, resentment, rancor or hatred shoot forth and cause trouble and bitter torment, and themany become defiled by it. Instead, USA state attorney generals are letting all bitterness, indignation, wrath, passion, rage, bad temper, resentment, anger, animosity, quarreling, brawling, clamor, contention, slander, evil-speaking, abusive or blasphemous language be banished from them, along with all malice, spite,ill will or baseness or any kind, and they has become useful, helpful and kind to all— tenderhearted, compassionate, understanding, and loving-hearted—readily and freely forgivingeveryone as God have forgiven them..Father, I declare that does not insist on their own rights or their own way. USA state attorney generals are not self-seeking, touchy, fretful or resentful. they takes no account of the evildone to them nor pays attention to a suffered wrong. they bears up under anything and everythingthat comes, and USA state attorney generals are ever ready to believe the best of every person. their hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and they endures everything without weakening..Thank You, Father, that as I pray God's Word over, I shallsee the fruit of the travail of my soul and be satisfied..Thank You, Father, that God are giving as a GIFT of God's GRACE, the ABILITY to KEEP God's precepts, HEARING, RECEIVING, LOVING and OBEYING them..Thank You. Father, that God are replacing and restoring for USA state attorney generals the years that the locust have eaten..Father, God's Word says that a backslider in heart is filled with the fruit of their own ways.Therefore, I declare that USA state attorney generals are filled with the fruit of their own ways,and USA state attorney generals are returning to You, so that God would heal them of all their backsliding.. Father, even though is presently an unbeliever, by faith, Iclaim them for God's kingdom. I cover and remit every sin and ask God not to lay them to hischarge. I call forth the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the deep and intimate knowledge of You, by having the eyes of their heart flooded with light, so that they can know and understand theHOPE to which God have called them, and how rich is their inheritance in the saints, and so that hecan know and understand what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of God's power in and for them. I declare that USA state attorney generals are set apart, separated and withdrawn from heathencontamination and affiliated with Christian people by their union with me, because I amconsecrated and set apart unto You. Therefore, our children are partakers in the Christiancovenant, and they are prepared for You, pure and clean.; ICorinthians 7:14].Father, I declare that the determination of USA state attorney generals’ way is NOT in themselves; it is NOT in them—no matter how STRONG USA state attorney generals are—even at their very BEST—to direct their own steps. But instead, according to God's Word, I declare that their steps are directedand established by You. God delight in their way and God busy God's self with their every step.Even if they falls, they shall not be utterly cast down, for God grasp their hand in support and upholdhim. May God's face shine upon them and save them in God's loving-kindness and for God's mercy’s sake.. Thank You, Father, that God Who began a good work in USA state attorney generals will continue developing that good work and perfecting and bringing it to FULL COMPLETIONin them..Father, I declare that ’s gift is making room for them and is bringing them before great men..Father, I declare that is crying unto You, Who performs on their behalf and rewards them. God are bringing to pass God's PURPOSES for them and SURELYCOMPLETING them..Father, I declare that does NOT fling away their fearlessconfidence, for it carries a great and glorious compensation of reward. USA state attorney generals are ENDURINGSTEADFASTLY so that they may PERFORM and FULLY ACCOMPLISH God's will. I am rejoicing because I know that they will RECEIVE and CARRY AWAY and ENJOY to theFULL what God have promised them..Father, I declare that because love is abounding in ’s life, everyfear has been turned out of doors, and every trace of terror has been expelled..Father, I declare that is a disciple—taught of God andOBEDIENT to God's WILL—GREAT is their PEACE and UNDISTURBED COMPOSURE..Thank You, Father, that God's gifts and callings upon ’s l ifeare IRREVOCABLE—without repentance or regret—You NEVER withdraw them once they aregiven and God do NOT change God's mind about those to whom God give God's grace or towhom God send God's call. Therefore, I declare that because God are imparting this revelation tohim, USA state attorney generals are ALL THE MORE solicitous and eager to MAKE SURE and STRENGTHEN hisCALLING and ELECTION. Therefore, they NEVER stumbles or falls. Father, I declare that freedom of utterance has been given to USA state attorney generals that they may open their mouth to proclaim boldly the mystery of the good news of the gospel..Thank You, Father, that You, the God of Peace, are strengthening, completing, perfecting and making USA state attorney generals what they ought to be. God are equipping them withEVERYTHING GOOD that they may CARRY OUT God's WILL; while God God's self work in them and accomplish that which is pleasing in God's sight.. 19 Father, I declare that is making the prophetic words that have been spoken over them firmer still, by paying close attention to them as to a lamp shining ina dismal, squalid and dark place UNTIL the day breaks through the gloom and the Morning Star rises in their heart. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are not growing weary, exhausted, losingheart, relaxing and fainting in their mind, because God are giving them power, and God are increasing their strength and causing it to multiply and abound. Because USA state attorney generals are waiting on You, they are changing and renewing their strength and power; USA state attorney generals are lifting their wings and mounting up close toYou as eagles mount up to the sun; USA state attorney generals are running and not growing weary; USA state attorney generals are walking and notfainting or becoming tired..Father, I declare that is strong in You. USA state attorney generals are empoweredthrough their union with You. they draws their strength from You—that strength, which God's boundless might provides. they puts on God's whole armor that they may be able successfully tostand up against all the strategies and deceits of the devil. Having done all that the crisisdemands, they stands firmly in their place..Father, I declare that is filled with the full, deep and clear knowledge of God's will in all spiritual wisdom and comprehensive insight into God's ways and purposes, and in understanding and discernment of spiritual things, so that USA state attorney generals are walking, livingand conducting themselves in a manner worthy of You, fully pleasing to God and DESIRING to please God in ALL things, bearing fruit in EVERY good work and steadily growing andincreasing in and by a knowledge of You, with fuller, deeper and clearer insight, acquaintanceand recognition. USA state attorney generals are invigorated and strengthened with ALL POWER, according to the mightof God's glory, to exercise every kind of endurance and patience WITH JOY..Thank You, Father, that God have called. God have broughthim, and God are making their way prosperous. God will do ALL God's pleasure and purposeconcerning them. What God have spoken to them, God are bringing to pass; what God have purposed, God are DOING..Father, I declare that although has many plans in hismind, it is God's PURPOSE for them that will stand. USA state attorney generals are rolling their works upon God andcommitting and trusting them wholly to You; God are CAUSING their THOUGHTS to becomeAGREEABLE to God's WILL; and therefore, their plans are being established and succeeding..Father, I declare that ’s love is abounding yet more andmore and extending to its fullest development in knowledge and all keen insight. their love isdisplaying itself in greater depth of acquaintance and more comprehensive discernment, so that USA state attorney generals are surely learning to sense what is VITAL, and approving and prizing what is EXCELLENT'and of REAL VALUE, recognizing the HIGHEST and the BEST, and distinguishing the moraldifferences. Therefore, USA state attorney generals are UNTAINTED, PURE, UNERRING and BLAMELESS, with a heart that is SINCERE, CERTAIN and UNSULLIED. USA state attorney generals are approaching the Day of Christ, notstumbling nor causing others to stumble. USA state attorney generals are abounding in and being filled with the fruits of righteousness. God's glory is being both manifested and recognized in them..Father, I declare that is working out, cultivating,carrying out to the goal and fully completing their own salvation, with reverence, awe andtrembling—self-distrust, serious caution, tenderness of conscience, watchfulness againsttemptation—timidly shrinking from whatever might offend God and discredit the Name of Christ. Not in their OWN strength, for it is God Who are all the while effectually at work in them —energizing and creating in them the POWER and DESIRE—both to WILL and to WORK for God's good pleasure, satisfaction and delight.. Father, we declare that we have this confidence, assurance and privilege of boldness in God. We are SURE that if we ask ANYTHING or make ANY request according to God's will, God listen to us in whatever we ask, according to God's Word, and we also knowwith SETTLED and ABSOLUTE KNOWLEDGE that we have granted to us as our PRESENT POSSESSIONS, the requests made of God regarding USA state attorney generals.. Thank God, Father, that God have said in God's Word that angels hearken to the VOICE of God's WORD. Therefore, as we pray God's WORD over USA state attorney generals, angels are hearkening to ourunited voice, eager to perform that which we speak regarding USA state attorney generals.. Father, we declare that USA state attorney generals are cleansing themselves from whatever is ignoble andunclean. They are separating themselves from contact with contaminating and corruptinginfluences. They are vessels set apart and USEFUL for honorable and noble purposes,consecrated and profitable to God, fit and ready for ANY good work.. Father, we declare that USA state attorney generals are filled with the full, deep and clear knowledge of God's willin all spiritual wisdom and comprehensive insight into God's ways and purposes, and inunderstanding and discernment of spiritual things, so that they are walking, living and conductingthemselves in a manner worthy of God, fully pleasing to God and desiring to please God in ALLTHINGS, bearing fruit in every good work and steadily growing and increasing in and by aknowledge of God, with fuller, deeper and clearer insight, acquaintance and recognition. Theyare invigorated and strengthened with all power, according to the might of God's glory, toexercise every kind of endurance and patience WITH JOY.. Father, we declare that God are clearing USA state attorney generals from hidden and unconscious faults. God are making the words of their mouths and the meditation of their hearts to be acceptable in God's sight..Father, we declare that since USA state attorney generals are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, they arestripping off and throwing aside EVERY encumbrance—unnecessary weight—and that sinwhich so readily clings to and entangles them, and they are running with patient endurance andsteady and active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before them, lookingaway from ALL that will distract to God's Son, Jesus, Who is the author and the finisher of theirfaith.. Father, we declare that _____’ love is abounding yet more and more and extending to itsfullest development in knowledge and all keen insight. Their love is displaying itself in greaterdepth of acquaintance and more comprehensive discernment, so that they are surely learning tosense what is VITAL, and approving and prizing what is EXCELLENT and of REAL VALUE,6recognizing the HIGHEST and the BEST, and distinguishing the moral differences. Therefore,they are untainted, pure, unerring and blameless, with hearts that are sincere, certain andunsullied. They are approaching the day of Christ, not stumbling nor causing others to stumble.They are abounding in and being filled with the fruits of righteousness. God's glory is being bothmanifested and recognized in them.. Father, we declare that freedom of utterance has been given to _____; and therefore, they areopening their mouths to proclaim boldly the mystery of the gospel..Father, we declare that USA state attorney generals are working out, cultivating, carrying out to the goal and fullycompleting their own salvation, with reverence, awe and trembling—self-distrust, seriouscaution, tenderness of conscience, watchfulness against temptation—timidly shrinking fromWHATEVER might offend God and discredit the name of Christ. NOT in their OWN strength,for it is God Who are all the while effectually at work in them—energizing and creating in themthe POWER and DESIRE—both to WILL and to WORK for God's good pleasure, satisfactionand delight..Thank God, Father, that God Who began a good work in USA state attorney generals are continuing to developthat good work and perfecting and bringing it to FULL COMPLETION in them.. Thank God, Father, that God, The God of Peace, are strengthening, completing, perfecting andmaking USA state attorney generals what they ought to be. God are equipping them with everything good thatthey may carry out God's will, while God God's self are working in them and accomplishing thatwhich is pleasing in God's sight..Father, we declare that by _____’ obedience through the Holy Spirit they have purified theirhearts for the sincere affection of the brethren, and they love them fervently from a pure heart.. Father, we declare that USA state attorney generals brace up their minds. They are sober, circumspect andmorally alert. They have set their hope wholly and unchangeably on God's GRACE, and theylive as children of OBEDIENCE. As God are holy Who has called them, they are also holy inALL their conduct and manner of living.. Father, we declare that USA state attorney generals let no foul language nor evil word nor unwholesome orworthless talk ever come out of their mouths, but only such speech as is good and beneficial tothe spiritual progress of others, as is fitting to the need and the occasion, that it may be a blessingand give GRACE to those who hear it. They do not grieve the Holy Spirit by Whom they weresealed. They let all bitterness, wrath, passion, rage, bad temper, resentment, anger, animosity,quarreling, brawling, clamor, contention, slander, evil-speaking, abusive or blasphemouslanguage be banished from them, with all malice, spite, ill will or baseness of any kind. Theyhave become useful, helpful and kind to one another and to everyone; tenderhearted,compassionate, understanding, forgiving everyone readily and freely as God in Christ forgave7them, in order that Satan get no advantage over them; for they are not ignorant of their wiles andintentions.. Father, we declare that USA state attorney generals are God's own handiwork that they may DO those good works which God PREDESTINED and PLANNEDBEFOREHAND for them, taking paths which God prepared ahead of time that THEY SHOULDWALK IN THEM, living the good life which God prearranged and made ready for them. Thank God, Father, that God are making USA state attorney generals to increase, excel and overflow in love forone another and for ALL people, so that God may strengthen, confirm and establish their heartsfaultlessly pure and unblamable in holiness in God's sight..Father, we declare that USA state attorney generals no longer live TO and FOR THEMSELVES, but TO and FOR God, Who died and was raised again for their sakes..Father, we declare that USA state attorney generals roll their works upon God. They commit and trust themwholly to God. God ARE CAUSING THEIR THOUGHTS TO BECOME AGREEABLE TO God's WILL. Therefore, their plans are being established and succeeding..Father, we declare that EVERY PURPOSE or UNDERTAKING that is of HUMAN origin in ourleaders’ lives is failing, being overthrown and coming to nothing, and EVERY PURPOSE orUNDERTAKING that is of God is not able to be stopped, overthrown or destroyed.. Father, we declare that USA state attorney generals do not irritate or provoke their spiritual children to anger.They do not exasperate them to resentment, but they rear them tenderly in the training, discipline,counsel and admonition of the Lord..Father, we declare that USA state attorney generals tend, nurture, guard, guide and fold the flock of God that istheir responsibility, NOT by COERCION or CONSTRAINT, but WILLINGLY; NOTDISHONORABLY, motivated by the advantages and profits belonging to their offices, butEAGERLY and CHEERFULLY. NOT as ARROGANT, DICTATORIAL and OVERBEARING persons domineering over those in their charge, but being examples—patterns and models ofChristian living—to the flock. They clothe themselves with HUMILITY—as the garb of aSERVANT, so that its covering cannot possibly be stripped from them, with freedom from prideand arrogance—toward EVERYONE. They are humbling themselves under God's mighty hand, and in due time God will exaltthem.. Father, we declare that when USA state attorney generals have heard from God, they are faithful to speak ALL thewords that God command them to speak and diminish not a word..8Father, we declare that USA state attorney generals are FULL of MERCY and KINDNESS, shutting out ALLhatred and selfishness. They are FULL of TRUTH, shutting out ALL deliberate hypocrisy orfalsehood..Father, we declare that USA state attorney generals do not merely love in theory or in speech, but in DEED and inTRUTH—in practice and in sincerity..Father, we declare that USA state attorney generals live in harmony with EVERYONE; they are not haughty,snobbish, high-minded or exclusive, but they readily adjust themselves to people and things andgive themselves to humble tasks. They NEVER overestimate themselves, nor are they wise intheir own conceits.. Thank God, Father, that God have said in God's Word that the Gentiles lord over people, rulingwith absolute power, holding them in subjection; and their great men exercise authority anddominion over them. BUT THIS SHALL NOT BE SO WITH _____. But INSTEAD,they are SERVANTS OF ALL..Father, we declare that USA state attorney generals are quick to hear, ready listeners, slow to speak, and slow totake offense or get angry..Father, we declare that USA state attorney generals do not offend in speech. They NEVER say the wrong things.Therefore, they are fully developed in character and perfect. They are able to control their wholebodies and to curb their entire nature. They, by their noble living, show forth their good with the unobtrusive humility, which is the proper attribute of true wisdom. They are pure,peaceloving, courteous, considerate, gentle, willing to yield to reason, full of compassion andgood fruits, wholehearted, straightforward, impartial, unfeigned, free from doubts, wavering andinsincerity.. Thank God, Father, that God are giving USA state attorney generals more and more GRACE to meet ALL eviltendencies FULLY in their lives. They are subject to God. They stand firm against the devil andresist them; therefore, USA state attorney generals are fleeing from them. They are coming close to God; and therefore, God are coming close to them. They are humbling themselves, feeling very insignificant in God's presence, and God are exalting them and making their lives significant.. Father, we declare that _____’ gifts are making room for them and are bringing them beforegreat men..Father, we declare that USA state attorney generals study and are eager to do their utmost to present themselves to God approved, workmen who have no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzingand accurately dividing—rightly handling and skillfully teaching—the Word of Truth.. Father, we declare that USA state attorney generals are not quarrelsome—fighting and contending. INSTEAD,they are kindly to EVERYONE and mild-tempered—preserving the bond of peace; they are skilled and suitable teachers, patient, forbearing and willing to suffer wrong. They correct theiropponents with courtesy and gentleness..Father, we declare that USA state attorney generals correct and reinstate those who have been taken in misconductor sin without any sense of superiority and with ALL GENTLENESS, keeping an attentive eyeon themselves, lest they should also be tempted. They bear, endure and carry other's burdens andtroublesome moral faults, and in this way they fulfill and observe perfectly the law of Christ, and complete what is lacking in their obedience to it. They do not think themselves as someone tooimportant to condescend to shoulder another's load, but they carefully scrutinize, examine andtest their own conduct and their own work. They have the personal satisfaction and joy of doingsomething commendable in itself alone without resorting to boastful comparison with theirneighbors.. Father, we declare that USA state attorney generals endure long and are patient and kind. They never are enviousnor do they boil over with jealousy. They are not boastful or vainglorious. They do not displaythemselves haughtily. They are not conceited, arrogant or inflated with pride. They are not rudeor unmannerly, nor do they act unbecomingly. They do not insist on their own rights or theirown way. They are not self-seeking, touchy, fretful or resentful. They take no account of the evildone to them. They pay no attention to a suffered wrong. They do not rejoice at injustice andunrighteousness, but they rejoice when right and truth prevail. They bear up under anything andeverything that comes, and they are ever ready to believe the best of every person. Their hopesare fadeless under all circumstances, and they endure everything without weakening. Becausethey are a product of God's love, and love never fails, THEY NEVER FAIL.. Father, we declare that _____’ love is sincere—a real thing. They hate what is evil. Theyloathe all un God liness, turn in horror from wickedness, but hold fast to that which is good. Theylove everyone with brotherly affection as members of one family, giving precedence and showinghonor to everyone. They never lag in zeal and in earnest endeavor; they are aglow with andburning with the Spirit, serving God. They rejoice in hope; they are steadfast and patient insuffering and tribulation. They are constant in prayer.. Father, we declare that USA state attorney generals repay NO ONE evil for evil, but they take thought for what ishonest, proper, and noble—aiming to be above reproach—in the sight of everyone. Wheneverpossible, as far as it depends on them, they live at peace with everyone. They NEVER avengethemselves, but leave the way open for God's wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I willrepay, says the Lord.” But if their enemy is hungry, they feed them; if USA state attorney generals are thirsty, they give themdrink. They do not let themselves be overcome with evil, but they overcome evil with good.. Thank God, Father, that God are granting USA state attorney generals a spirit of wisdom and revelation—ofinsight into mysteries and secrets—in the deep and intimate knowledge of God, by having theeyes of their hearts flooded with light, go that they can KNOW and UNDERSTAND the hope towhich God have called them and how rich is God's inheritance in the saints, and so that they canKNOW and UNDERSTAND what is the IMMEASURABLE and UNLIMITED and SURPASSING GREATNESS of God's power IN and FOR them because they believe..Father, we declare that USA state attorney generals live as free people, yet without employing their freedom as apretext for wickedness; but they live at ALL times as SERVANTS of God. They show respect for ALL men and treat them HONORABLY. They love the brotherhood and reverence God..Father, we declare that USA state attorney generals herald and preach the Word. They keep their sense of urgency.They stand by and are ready and at hand, whether the opportunity seems to be favorable orunfavorable, whether it is convenient or inconvenient, whether it is welcome or unwelcome.They convince, rebuke, correct, warn, urge and encourage the saints, being unflagging andinexhaustible in patience and teaching.. Thank God, Father, that God are granting USA state attorney generals out of the rich treasury of God's glory to be strengthened and reinforced with mighty power in their inner man by the Holy Spirit indwellingtheir innermost beings and personalities. God's Son, Jesus, through their faith, is actually dwelling—settling down, abiding and making their permanent home—in their hearts. We declare that theyare being rooted deep in love and founded securely on love, that they may have the power and bestrong to apprehend and grasp with all the saints the EXPERIENCE of that love; what is thebreadth, length, height and depth of it. They are really coming to know—practically, through EXPERIENCE for THEMSELVES—THE LOVE OF CHRIST—which far surpasses mereknowledge without experience. They are being filled through all their being unto ALL God's fullness. They have the richest measure of God's Divine Presence, and have become wholly FILLED and FLOODED with God. Thank God, Father, that in consequence of the action of God's power that is at work in USA state attorney generals, they are able to carry out God's purpose and dosuperabundantly, FAR OVER and ABOVE ALL we dare ask or think concerning them—infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes or dreams..Father, we come before God as a plaintiff in the case of the opiod the opoid pharmaceutical manufacturers & distributors vs. state attorney generals and ask that God hear this case in the court of heaven.Abba YHWH, in the name of Yah’shua the Messiah, we come to you now in accord with Deut. 21:1-9. We ask that You formally apply the Blood of the Lamb over every inch of USA property, down as far as You need it to go, to remit the sin of shedding of any innocent blood over USA property or land down through the ages of time.
We know that Your Word says in Hebrews 7-9 that the blood of Yah’shua is SO MUCH better than the blood of bulls and goats. Standing on this precious truth, we declare that the application of the Blood of Yah’shua is applied to this land and that it remits ALL sins, the sin of the shedding of innocent blood. Having done this, according to Your Word, we now command any and all evil spirits on USA property that may have had a right to be here in the past to leave at once. You no longer have any right to be here, because this land belongs to Yah’shua the Messiah. We command all evil spirits to leave USA property or land at once and to go where the Lord Yah’shua tells you to go by the voice of their Holy Spirit. Abba Father, in Yah’shua’s name, we now ask that you would put a legion of angels around USA property or land to protect it with swords drawn. We ask, Abba Father, that those swords be aflame with the light of power and holiness. We declare in Yah’shua’s name that no unclean thing can come onto USA property or land any longer because it is under the protection of Elohim Gibor, the Mighty YHWH God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We agree together for this in Yah’shua’s name.
We come before You now to the throne of Your grace. It is the time of great need, and I seek an immediate restraining order against all witches, wizards, warlocks, and practitioners of occult magic. I ask that there would be an immediate overturning of all magic practices that they have conspired and cast spells to obtain the binding of state attorney generals.Let any influence in the spiritual and natural realms that may affect state attorney generals, their family, political allies, members of their staff and administration, Congress, U.S. Senators, members of the House of Representatives, and any and all political representatives that have been used to block, hinder, halt or negate state attorney generals’ authority to effectively carry out their judicial responsibilities be broken now in Jesus name. I cancel the assignment of all word curses, hexes, spells and incantations placed upon state attorney generals in the name and authority of the LORD Jesus Christ. Father, I come before the court of heaven as a child of God who has been bought with the precious blood of Your Son, my LORD Jesus Christ. Father, I am not only Your child; I am an heir to the kingdom of God, and I am the bride of Your Son. I appeal to You as one having all authority over the works of the enemy, according to Luke 10:19 where it is written, “I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.”Furthermore, it is written that I am raised up with Christ and seated in heavenly places, where there is authority to reign and rule with Christ. As a legitimate heir and ambassador to the Kingdom of God, I ask that You bring all adversaries and enemies into the court of heaven where a judgment against them will be rendered on behalf of USA state attorney generals. Let this decree serve to bind them with fetters and execute the judgement of Your word without delay. Father, there are individuals practicing witchcraft and occult magic against USA state attorney generals You put into office. They have confessed Your name, and the name of Jesus Christ as their LORD and Savior. USA state attorney generals are a son of God. Your word in Genesis 12:3 is a promise You made to Abraham, and it applies to every legitimate child of God. It is written, “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”Father, You are obligated to oversee Your word and You said it would not return to you void, so I ask You now to let the curse that was put on USA state attorney generals be lifted off of them and return to the abyss that was created for all demons according to Your promise in Genesis 12:3.Let the curse that is already upon those serving satan be broken and the captives set free. Open the eyes of the blind, O God, that they may see You for who You really are.Heal their wounds and set them free. Let the Love of God be released over every single one of them that practice occult magic. I also remind You, Abba, that when Baalam was hired to curse Israel You would not allow them to declare a curse over Your people. they was only able to speak what You would allow them to speak.
Therefore, as it is written in Numbers 23:26, I ask You to change the words that come out of the mouths of those that attempt to curse USA state attorney generals, their family and administration, and change it to a blessing. I bind all mocking, scorning, and evil speaking. I release the Spirit of Purity over them now. Let them be completely unable to curse them, but only bless them in Jesus name.
I ask You O God for favor on land and sea, in the airwaves and every place in between. I beseech the favor of the Captain of the armies of heaven: Let the heavenly hosts be released to bind up the demons on assignment that have been sent out to carry out the curses that have been enacted, and all those that would try to come upon USA state attorney generals and their family, their staff, members of Congress, the Senate, the House of Representatives and their political allies. I lift them up and ask that You release the Spirit of Revelation and Wisdom, the Spirit of Counsel and Might, the Spirit of Righteousness, the Spirit of Courage and Boldness, the Spirit of Truth, and the Spirit of Understanding over them. Let revelation come to them that frees them from mind blinding spirits, fear, jealousy, contention, and disunity. I release a Spirit of Unity over them now in Jesus name. In the name and authority of the LORD Jesus Christ, “Let the spirits known as Baal, Python, Lucifer, Jezebel, the spirit of Babylon and whoredoms, Bast, Ma’at, Nehebka, Seth, Isis, Zeus, Leviathan, Rahab, Beelzebub, Belial, Molech, Chemosh, Baphomet, Abaddon and all destroyer spirits be bound and rendered paralyzed, impotent and silenced now. Let them be sent back to the abyss immediately in Jesus’ name.”
In the name and authority of the LORD Jesus Christ, “Let the spirits known as the Grand Master, Hiram Abiff and the Great Architect of the Universe, the Worshipful Master, Jobulin, Osiris, Mohammed, Allah, and the spirits known as ‘the ruling masters’ be bound and rendered paralyzed, impotent, silenced and sent back to the abyss now in Jesus’ name.”
In the name and authority of the LORD Jesus Christ, I bind the gods of Santeria and Lukumi. “Let the spirits known as Papa Legba, Obtala, Oya, Oshun, Chango, Ogun and Yemmaya, be bound, paralyzed, silenced and rendered completely impotent of all power now, and sent back to the abyss in Jesus’ name.” In the name and authority of the LORD Jesus Christ, “Let every name by which demonic spirits are known, including Satan in every form and by every name, be bound and rendered powerless, silenced, impotent and paralyzed now in Jesus’ name.” I command them to yield and submit to the name that is above them, the name of El Elyon, the MOST HIGH GOD, and the name that has already defeated them; the name of Jesus Christ. In accordance to what Jesus Christ has already accomplished at the Cross of Calvary, I command all spirits of the water, earth, fire and the air that are of unholy origin to be bound, silenced and rendered completely powerless in the name and authority of Jesus Christ. In every place where a binding spell has been cast over state attorney generals or any of their family members, staff or members of their administration, I command those powers to be broken now in Jesus name. For it is written, Father, in Your book of the law in Leviticus 19:31 where You said, “Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I the LORD your God.”It is also written in Luke 4:8, “Get thee behind me Satan, for it is written thou shall worship the LORD thy God and them only shall thy serve.” It is written in Exodus 20:3 that we are to have no other gods except You. Father, it would be an abomination for anyone to serve the enemy, whether they did it knowingly or unknowingly, by having a curse placed upon them to bind them to servitude to satan, for it is forbidden by Your word. Therefore, let all binding curses, and curses sent to hinder, halt, disrupt and destroy USA state attorney generals and their effectiveness as on the opoid case be broken now in Jesus name. Let anyone that has served false gods or satan’s agenda be set free from serving the enemy so that they may serve You and You alone. Father, where binding and constriction has been put upon USA state attorney generals and those that serve and work with them, let the Spirit of Liberty be released upon them now to set them free. Let the Spirit of Revelation and Truth also be released upon USA state attorney generals to give them prophetic insight, foresight and revelation that will empower people to break free from all manipulation, fear and control. For it is written, “You have not given them a spirit of timidity, but of power, love and a sound mind.”
I call forth the sound mind, and the strong mind to resist the manipulation and control sent forth by the enemy. Let the unity and love of God be released to have compassion on one another, compassion towards the people of the United States of America, that they would eagerly desire the good of the people over selfish concerns. I break the power of all mind blinding spirits in Jesus’ name. I command all spirits of Chaos, Disorder, Fear, Control, Manipulation, Pride, Rebellion, Lying Spirits, Divination, the anti-Christ Spirit, the Perverse Spirit, and the Spirit of Whoredoms to be bound, paralyzed, rendered impotent and silenced now in the name and authority of the LORD Jesus Christ. I release the name of El Shaddai and Jehovah Nissi over USA state attorney generals and declare that USA state attorney generals are victorious over all the power of the enemy in whatever form or fashion it tries to manifest, in Jesus’ name.
Let all banishing spells be broken now in the name and authority of the LORD Jesus Christ. Let all word curses be broken now, in Jesus name. Let all inanimate objects, blood sacrifices, charms, amulets, and every occult practice lose it’s power and effectiveness now in Jesus name. Let every evil altar be dismantled by Your angels, O God, and let every medium, diviner, false prophet, witch, wizard and evil magician be immediately disconnected from their source of information, power and ability to carry out curses.
Send the spirit of confusion into the enemy’s camp so that they cannot formulate any plans and they cannot operate in unity with one another. I declare the name of Jehovah Gmulot, the LORD who spoils the plans of the enemy over every magic practice, curse and spell. For it is written in Job 5:12 that You, O God, frustrate the plans of the crafty. Therefore, let God arise and their enemies be scattered according to Psalm 68: 1-4.Let every evil altar in the airwaves and earthly realm be severed from familiar spirits, and let all familiar spirits be bound and rendered impotent and silenced now in Jesus’ name.Let all curses upon USA state attorney generals’ work, family, health, residence, relationships and all that pertains to them be broken now in the heavenly and earthly realm, in Jesus’ name.
Father, let USA state attorney generals and those in their family and administration be loosed of all confinements now in Jesus’ name. Let the tongues be loosed, in Jesus’ name. Let courage be released in them to stand up and speak out in Jesus’ name.
Let them be loosed to carry out the works You have called them to do in Jesus’ name. Let all yokes, hindrances, fetters, shackles, and restrictions be removed now. Let there be a release of sozo, salvation, and give them room to breathe. Give them room to move.
I release resurrection power over them now. Let the dunamis power of Your Holy Spirit be released to empower them to carry out the assignments You have for them, to overturn injustice and to establish fair and just laws. I speak enlargement, liberty and freedom from all sources of oppression over them now in Jesus’ name.Let the scorn that has been spoken over USA state attorney generals be returned seven fold over those who mock them, as it is written in Psalm 79:12, for they do not scorn them, but You, O God.
Let their reproach be returned upon their own heads in Jesus’ name. It is also written in Isaiah 54:17 that “No weapon forged against us shall prosper, and every tongue that rises up in accusation we shall refute, for this is the heritage of the children of God.”
Father, I command the accusations against USA state attorney generals to be refuted and I condemn those words in Jesus name. I break the power of accusation and I command those words to fall to the ground and bear no more fruit in Jesus name.
I ask You, Father, to summon the accuser of the brethren and all those working under their authority to be taken into the court of heaven and rebuked in Jesus name.Let every obstacle and mountain of resistance to be removed out of the way and be cast out of the way now in Jesus name for it is written in Zechariah 4:7, “Who are you O great mountain?”I declare that before USA state attorney generals you will become a level plain. I speak, “Grace, grace, grace” over USA state attorney generals their family, their staff and administration.
I speak, “Grace, grace, grace” over the members of Congress, the Senate, the House of Representatives, the Department of Justice, and the Supreme Court Justices.I speak abundant grace and favor over all of them to enable them to carry out their duties and responsibilities without any further delay, in Jesus name. It is also written in Mark 11:23 that we can speak to the mountain and command it to be removed and it must obey. In the name and authority of the LORD Jesus Christ, let every mountain of resistance and opposition set against USA state attorney generals be removed immediately in Jesus’ name, for all things are possible with You.
Father God, I ask You to supernaturally subdue those with jealousy, selfish ambition, envy, hatred, fear and anger in their heart. I ask You to dissolve their negative emotions and release the fear of the LORD over them.
Let the spirit of grace and conviction fall upon them heavily. Let the love of God and a spirit of humility be released over all those that practice witchcraft and occult magic.Let the Spirit of Jehovah Shalom be released over every one of them in Jesus name. I declare the Prince of Peace over all spirits of anger, jealousy, vengeance, contention, hatred, rage and spite.
Let their passion for evil desires be supernaturally dissolved so that they have no ability to energize demonic activity, in Jesus’ name. Let the mocking spirit be bound to silence in Jesus name.Let the spirit of pride and haughtiness be bound in Jesus’ name. Let the spirit of jealousy, envy and selfish ambition, as well as the perverse spirit that brings error and the anti-Christ spirit be bound and rendered completely powerless, impotent and silenced in Jesus’ name.Let those who have been slaves of unrighteousness receive a revelation of Your love and grace that diffuses their anger and turns their hearts towards You. Let them have a change of heart and a desire to be saved, healed and delivered. Let them receive the revelation that will reveal Jesus Christ to them. I pray, compel them to be saved.
Let the spirit of conviction and repentance give them no rest until they seek forgiveness of their sins so they may have peace with God. Compel them to call upon the name of Jesus Christ in earnest, I pray.
Heavenly Father, I ask You to hear and act O God, upon the charges that are presented against the defendants. I ask You to grant an immediate restraining order against all those involved in demonic magic with the attempt to hinder, control, bind, restrain, subvert, and drive USA state attorney generals from office. I declare those with divided loyalties, or those that are serving other gods shall be immediately driven out of their office according to Isaiah 22:19, for it is written, “I will depose you from your office, and I will pull you down from your station.”I declare that USA state attorney generals will not be driven from office, and they will not be hindered by any other attempts to remove them from their place of authority. According to the principle in Isaiah 22:20-21 I declare that USA state attorney generals were called to replace an ungodly servant that was an unjust steward. State attorney generals have been set in to their offices as a pegs in a firm place, according to Isaiah 22:22-23 and they has been given the keys of authority to rule. I declare that what God has established let no man divide asunder in Jesus’ name.Let the curses be reversed, as well as any effects of demonic magic be broken over the people that have been influenced to oppose USA state attorney generals and the opiod case against opoid manufacturers & distributors.
I bind up the spirit of heaviness and discouragement over USA state attorney generals and those that are working with them on the opiod case against opoid manufacturers & distributors. I release the oil of gladness, the joy of the LORD. Let the angel known as Wind of Change and the angel of Breakthrough be released to visit USA state attorney generals, members of Congress and others working towards unity. Let the angel of Strategy visit USA state attorney generals and reveal the plans that will work and succeed in accomplishing the objectives You have set before them.
Father, let Congress come together to give a new vote to strike down ungodly and oppressive laws. Let forced vaccination laws be overturned in Jesus name. Let Congress work together in unity and one accord to strike down Obamacare and remove those laws from our land. Let all ungodly and oppressive laws that serve as a shield to protect injustice be removed now, in Jesus name. Let a spirit of unity and agreement come upon those in Congress and in USA state attorney generals’ administration that enable them to achieve a great and unprecedented amount of work. I ask You to send Your angels into those places to help administrate and oversee the work that is being done. Let it be done with righteousness, equity and justice in Jesus’ name.Let the Spirit of Unity prevail and overcome all disagreements, selfish agendas, strife and competition. I forbid all competition and strife from operating in USA state attorney generals and towards the plans and purposes that USA state attorney generals are attempting to establish for the good of the American taxpayers in Jesus’ name.LORD Jesus, I ask that You bring in the Holy Spirit as witness to the charges against the defendants, and that You as Just Judge of Heaven and Earth would be USA state attorney generals’ defense attorney. their sins are covered by Your blood, and Your word says NO WEAPON formed against them would prosper. I appeal to the court of heaven to give a judgment in their favor, and in favor of the American people, that all witchcraft, sorcery, spells and incantations and those who practice such things would find no ability to enact a successful spell against USA state attorney generals, or those working with them. I appeal to You, Father, as Your blood bought child. I appeal to the court of heaven as the bride of Christ. Thank You, Father, for hearing and acting on behalf of USA state attorney generals and the taxpayers of the USA. In Jesus namen.Abba Yahuwah, we come before Your throne covered in the blood of Your Son, Yahushua the Messiah and thank You Almighty One for the honor of abiding under their Tallit Gadol. We petition and ask You to please, protect us and our family, pets, properties and possessions from any retaliations before, during or after this time of intercessory prayer. We ask you, Mighty Abba, in Yahushua’s Kadosh Name that you surround us and our family and home with legions of mighty warring Malakim to protect us as we pray and intercede at this time. We ask YOU Abba Yahuwah to CANCEL the plans of the enemy in Yahushua’s name. We declare that no curses, impediments or harm – no evil influences or spiritual attacks will befall state attorney generals, their family or staff. We ask You to place ministering, protecting and guardian angels around state attorney generals and all of their family and staff throughout this opoid case and beyond to oversee that no harm or evil befalls or influences them. We further pray that those angels’ swords would be drawn and aflame with Set Apart Fire that no enemy can touch. Abba, please cover state attorney generals, their family and staff with the imputed righteousness of Yahushua the Messiah. In Yahushua’s name, we pray that You would clothe them daily with the Full Armor of Yahuwah, including the Armor of Light and the Garment of Light. We further pray that You would raise up the Shield of Faith and the Large Shield of Favor against all incoming fiery darts from the evil one and their minions. We entreat You to protect them from curses and spells of ligature. Please, Abba Yahuwah, use the Sword of the Spirit, Your Mighty Battle axe, Your Glittering Spear and Your Arrow of Deliverance to shatter, destroy and sever away from state attorney generals, their family or staff any curses, maledictions or spells of binding and/or ligature right now, in Yahushua’s mighty name we pray, Omain. In Yahushua’s name, we declare for state attorney generals, their family or staff and for us and our families: “No weapon that is formed against us shall prosper; and every tongue that rises against us in judgment we condemn.” We understand that curses and spells of binding are unrighteous judgments spoken against all of us and we ask you, Abba, to shatter all of them against the power of the Cross and the Blood of Yahushua Messiah. We pray that they fall to the ground, sterile and ineffective – null and void. We declare for state attorney generals, their family or staff and ourselves: “And five of you shall chase an hundred, and an hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight:” Leviticus 26:8 In Yahushua’s Name, we declare that these witches and occultists are deceived and cursing us in the names of false gods, but we oppose them with the resurrection anointing and power of the Living Yahuwah. We say, “YAHUWAH rebuke thee.” We ask You Yahuwah to reverse the plans of the enemy. And by the authority of the mighty name of Yahushua the Messiah and in their authority we proclaim protection, health, wisdom and vitality to state attorney generals, their family and staff. We also ask You Abba Father to use this occasion to show Yourself Mighty before these witches/occultists, that thousands of them repent and come to the saving knowledge of Yahushua ha Mossiach. We pray that if these precious souls refuse to repent that You would put the righteous fear of Yahuwah into their them and SEND your mighty Malakim to vanquish and remove from them any and all weapons or tools of spiritual influence and powers of magic – and to bring them into submission with the risen glory of Yahushua Who will soon come to judge the living and the dead and the world by fire. In the mighty name of Yahushua the Messiah Who is YAH come in the flesh. Omain. Psalm 11:3 "If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?" Psalm 89:14 "Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne. Mercy and truth go before Your face." According to Your Word in Matthew 16:19,I have been given the Keys to Your Kingdom of Heaven and whatever I bind and loose on earth shall be bound and loosed in heaven. So I ask You to loose Your angels in great abundance into Judge ’s presence, the presence of their/her courtrooms, into their rooms, their chambers, halls, and work areas. Father, Your Word says that if intercessors call on You, You will answer state attorney generals and show state attorney generals great and mighty things that they do not know about the opiod case. Father, I come before You to petition the Court of Heaven for immediate intervention on behalf of state attorney generals. Father, by the blood of Your precious Son, these people have been purchased. They belong to Jesus Christ, not to the government of the United States. They do not belong to the politicians, those in the FDA, the opoid pharmaceutical industry or distributors or corrupt politicians and lawmakers. Others did not shed their blood or bear the weight of our sin as Jesus Christ has; therefore they have no legitimate claim to our lives. They seek to make us their slaves, and in the process they are inflicting injury, disability and death upon innocent lives. These modern day “Egyptians” and “Pharaohs” arrogantly believe they have the right and the power to injure Your children. But, they did not give us our life or our rights; You did. They do not have the right to strip Your people of the right to life and liberty that You gave us. Therefore, by the blood of Jesus Christ, my LORD and Savior, I humbly yet boldly come to you now in the time of our need. Please, O God, do not resist our petition. We know, as a nation of people, that we have failed to honor You. We have rebelled. As a nation of people, we are guilty of shedding innocent blood through the abortion industry and the demand to legalize the murder of babies at whim. We have turned to idols and rejected Your law in so many ways, yet I plead for mercy. We truly do not deserve it, but I know how merciful and gracious You are. You have said in Your word that You do not wish that any person would perish, but all would come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Please forgive us and help us. Send Your angels on assignment to overturn unjust laws and help us save our children. Father, please send out Your command to the earth and allow Your word to run very swiftly. I ask You to establish Your word, for it is written in Psalm 149: 7-9 that You have given Your people the power to execute vengeance on nations and punishment on peoples; to bind their kings with fetters of iron and execute the written judgment of Your word.Therefore, I declare I bind the spirits of murder, lust, covetousness, idolatry, witchcraft, slander and selfish ambition in the name and authority of the LORD Jesus Christ. I loose justice, equity, and righteousness in Jesus name. I release the Fear of the LORD. I declare the slain shall fall in the enemy’s camp and Your people are spared in the day of calamity, O God. Your people, Israel, are not forsaken, nor Judah. By our God, the LORD of Hosts, though our land has been filled with sin against the Holy One of Israel, let Your people be preserved according to Jeremiah 51:4-5. I declare this is the time of the LORD’s recompense towards their people, for the judgment of those who conspire to harm innocent life has reached to heaven. Let the arrows be released into the enemy’s camp. Let the evil kingdoms be broken and destroyed according to Jeremiah 51:21. Let Your hand be stretched out against the destroying mountains according to Jeremiah 51:25. I declare the LORD is a great God and a great King above all gods,. For You are the LORD Most High over all the earth; You are exalted far above all gods,.I declare You O God have performed mighty deeds with Your arm; You have scattered those who are proud in the thoughts of their hearts,.I declare that you frustrate the devices of the crafty so that their hands cannot carry out their plans. You catch the wise in their own craftiness and the counsel of the cunning comes quickly upon them according to Job 5:12-13.I declare the King of heaven should be honored for all Your works are true and Your ways just, and You are able to humble those who walk in pride according to Daniel 4:37.Blessed be the LORD who delivered us from the hand of the Egyptians and from the hands of political pharaohs, and who delivered the people from under the hand of the Egyptians. Now I know that the LORD is greater than all gods: for in the thing wherein they dealt proudly they was above them, Exodus 18:11.Father, there are corrupt politicians, lawmakers, judges, those who work at the FDA and those in the opoid pharmaceutical manufacturers & distributors industry that have conspired against Your people. They have conspired for the sake of evil gain, and have plotted against the lives of the innocent. They seek to destroy our children. YOUR CHILDREN, LORD. Let the curse enter the house of the thief that consumes their entire house, as it is written in Zechariah 5:4.We address those employed at the top levels of FDA, opoid pharmaceutical manufacturers & distributors. I address those responsible for overturning and silencing the voice of the American people and others that are at the forefront of political corruption. You know everyone and everything that has been done in secret, LORD.Bring their evil deeds out of hiding so that true motives can be evaluated by all. Those that have conspired to do injustice and oppression. These people have committed crimes against humanity for selfish gain, and I ask that You cut off their ability to continue in evil. I ask You to consider their actions against Your people and deal with them as You see fit. Not as I will, but as You will, O God.Let ungodly stewards be deposed from their office and let another more righteous person take their place. Let their authority be stripped from them according to Isaiah 22:20-22.Let those pharmaceutical manufacturers & distributors businesses who make their gain through immoral means and get rich at the expense of the well-being of others wither and dry up immediately. As You cursed the fig tree and it supernaturally dried up overnight, let the same be done to corrupt pharmaceutical manufacturers and those who conspire to profit by violence against innocent children and the citizens of this nation. Father, these corrupt pharmaceutical manufacturers have rejoiced at destroying Your heritage. The corrupt pharmaceutical manufacturers & distributors have murdered Americans that have understood the amount of corruption and took a stand against it. They have silenced whistle blowers and destroyed their families. They have willfully destroyed others and rejoiced in it. They conspire to rob Your people of health and life.Let the weapons of your armory be opened. Bring out the weapons of Your indignation according to Jeremiah 50:25. Let Your arrows be released to carry out the judgment against those bearing the oppressing sword. Those oppressing Your people have refused to let them go. I ask You for judgment with mercy against those that refuse to let Your people be free. Father, expose the wrongdoing, the corruption, and the harm that the opoid pharmaceutical industry & distributors are perpetuating against our children and against the citizens of this nation. Give us judges that aren’t bought off with a bribe. Your promise in Isaiah 1:26 is that You would give us good judges and wise counselors again. Please give us our liberty back, in Jesus name. Show Your power, O LORD. You are the LORD of Hosts. Let our Redeemer thoroughly plead our case. Give us rest from evil taskmasters and against evil princes that oppress Your people. I declare a sword of justice is against the mighty that seek to perpetuate evil plans and conspire against our children. I declare a sword is against their treasures and they will be robbed, according to Jeremiah 50:37. I declare that according to Psalm 89:23 that You have crushed Your foes and you have stricken down our enemies. Also according to Psalm 18:40, you have given us the necks of our enemies and their heads have been removed from them in Jesus name. Let the power of the wicked be broken, according to Psalm 37:17.Father, it is written in Isaiah 49:25 where You affirmed that “captives would be taken from warriors and plunder retrieved from the fierce; You said that You would contend with those that contend with us, and our children You would save.” I declare these evil powers’ ability to multiply, take dominion and subdue others is cut off, for their master has already been defeated. It is written in John 16:11 that the ruler of this world has been judged, and in John 12:31 it is written that the ruler of this world shall be cast out. According to Your word, let them be cast out of these systems now in Jesus name. Let those that have been caught in the enemy’s snare escape and turn to You, O God. Convict their conscience. Let them repent and be saved in Jesus name. We declare that You will ruin the enemy’s plans and remove the crown from those unworthy to govern. You will give the right to rule to the people who will rule in righteousness, and those You have chosen, according to Your promise in Ezekiel 21:27 and Jeremiah 23:6. We declare ungodly thrones are overturned and the power of foreign kingdoms are shattered. You have overthrown the driving forces and those that are in league with evil forces according to Haggai 2:2. I ask You to overturn ungodly bills and laws such as California SB277 and others like it that mandate forced vaccinations against Your people. Give Your favor to the lawyers and plaintiffs that stand up against these ungodly institutions and lawmakers. Help them O God, because they are fighting Goliath for all of us. Let the injustices be overturned in Jesus name. Father, Your word in Jeremiah 30:10 tells us that You will save us and our seed from captivity. Your word also in Isaiah 49:25 declares that You will take the captives of the mighty away from them and You will contend with those that contend with us. You promised to save our children. I thank You for Your promise. I thank You that You are a God of justice. I thank You, Father, that the idols of evil thrones are broken. I thank You that the bows of the mighty men, the governors, deputies and other corrupt politicians are broken according to Isaiah 51:56. I thank You that evil shield bearers that protect the ungodly from judgment and thwart justice for the oppressed are taken down and removed. I thank You that You have pleaded our case and taken vengeance for Your people according to Jeremiah 51:36. Your kingdom come, LORD Jesus, Your will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. Amen. There are currently a case of multiple plaintiffs vs. the pharmaceutical industry to halt and overturn opoid distribution. We prayr to target the strategy against the opiod pharmaceutical industry’s legal counsel: Father God, I pray for Your favor to help state attorneys generals and other legal advisers assisting on this case, and others like it. Empower them as Your agents to overturn injustice, take dominion away from those that perpetuate evil, and implement justice for the oppressed. Position yourself around them and the plaintiffs as a shield, and let Your favor grant them the judgment that corrects this injustice against humanity. Father, help them to obtain the judgment that overturns the opoid pharmaceutical manufacturers & distributors and others similar in nature. I ask You to give this team the wisdom that the the opiod pharmaceutical industry’s legal counsel cannot contradict nor refute according to Luke 21:15. Bless this team with discernment, the Spirit of Understanding, prophetic insight and foresight. Grant them the ability to formulate and implement excellent strategy against all adversaries and enemies. Help them to be unpredictable to the lawyers and legal counsel representing the pharmaceutical industry. Send out the weapons out of your armory that will create fear and confusion in the the opiod pharmaceutical industry’s legal counsel's camp and eliminate the the opoid pharmaceutical manufacturers & distributors’ ability to create a strong defense. LORD Jesus, show the counsel for the pharmaceutical industry that You are not on their side fighting ungodly battles with them. Show the m that You have delivered them into the hands of those working against injustice. Let the the opiod pharmaceutical industry’s legal counsel know there is no way they can win. Demoralize the the opiod pharmaceutical industry’s legal counsel and cause them to lose hope in their ungodly leader. Release the fear of the LORD into their lives. Let them lose hope in themselves and know that they cannot defeat this defense team. Show them that YOU are fighting for Your people. I ask you to create calculated disorder to weed out, pluck up and remove ungodly authority and all those determined to fight for this evil agenda. Create enmity where it’s needed in order to divide loyalties and tear apart the pharmaceutical industry’s defense strategy. Thin out enemy forces and cause them to retreat, give up, and utterly take themselves out of the battle. Feed the enemy’s paranoia by convincing them that those they are fighting are superior in every way and have capabilities that they cannot match. Release information that convinces them they have already lost so that they will admit their defeat. I pray that You also hand select the judge that will hear and decide in this case. Let Your will be delivered as the final judgment in this case, not the will of man. Give the plaintiffs a judge that cannot be bought, bribed or intimidated but will truly decide with justice, equity and righteousness. Let our prayers come before you and may You send Your help in answered prayer quickly, O LORD. May it bring you great glory. In Jesus name, amen.
. So intercessors are calling on You. Please answer me and show state attorney generals the great and mighty things they don’t know. Surprise me, Lord. Intercessors have no idea what to ask for, but I ask You to let state attorney generals see these awesome things You want to show them about the opoid cases. Thank You. In Jesus’ name, amen Now I bind, in the Name of Jesus Christ, all of satan’s evil principalities, and command them not to manifest and transfer into Judge ’s presence. Father, it is written in Psalms 91 and Matthew 6 in Your Word that You are our deliverer and I ask that You give Judge the wisdom to be used as Your instrument during these court proceedings, if it is Your Will, Lord Jesus. I ask you Lord to supernaturally give Judge the knowledge of what You Lord would want their/Her’s decision to be in this situation. I have faith in You Lord and I thank You Lord for being in all the decisions that are going to be made about and that You Lord and only You know what those decisions should be. May all decisions and declarations be used to glorify You, Heavenly Father. I commit to You and place them/her in Your Hands. I apply the Blood of Jesus over every attorney, policeman, law official, all the Court House staff and anyone else that comes into their presence. I ask You, Lord to loose Your mighty warring angels and leave them there to guard and protect all those involved in these procedures. To God be the Glory, In Jesus Name I pray. We pray for the right judicial appointments to the courts. For many years the foundation of faith in God, religious freedom and protection of the innocent has been quietly and secretly eroding by decisions made by judges. The Lord called this nation to pray for judges. Many of you heard the call and have prayed for individual judges and for those leading the battle in the courts such as state attorney generals suing pharma for opiod crisis costs. NOW the enemy themself is overtly assaulting the courts. Isaiah 28:5-6 promises that the Lord will be a "spirit of justice for those who sit in judgment" and a "strength to those who repel the onslaught at the gate." Will you answer the call to turn back the battle at the gate of our judicial system? Now is the time to: Stand in the Lord's strength and war in their armor with the Word of God for those in seats of justice and for the foundation of our judicial system. Ephesians 6:10-18 Lift up the shield of faith around our judges, their families and our courthouses. Ephesians 6:16 Release power, love and a sound mind to defend the judges from the spirit of fear and intimidation that has risen against them. 2 Timothy 2:7 We declare that those now in place and those in line for appointments will courageously stand their ground and will not vacate their place. We declare that judges in authority over us will "lead a quiet and peaceful life in all godliness and reverence." I Timothy 2:2 Be sure that every judge in your city is covered. Pray for them by name in your corporate gatherings from your own congregation to citywide intercession. Build a hedge of prayer around them. We declare that the covenant with death will be annulled. Isaiah 28:17b Now is the time to take up the mantle of leadership and see that every judge in your city and state is covered with intercession. It's not necessary to align with Justice at the Gate. You may use our materials or not -- communicate with us or not. Just pray and take the initiative to stand in the gap and build up a wall around every judge. Isaiah 59:14-16a. "Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands afar off for truth is fallen in the street and equity cannot enter. So truth falls, and they who departs from evil makes themself a prey. Then the Lord saw it and it displeased them that there was no justice. they saw that there was no man and wondered that there was no intercessor…”Father, I ask You to help USA state attorney generals as they face this legal battle against the opoid pharmaceutical manufacturers & distributors. I thank You for being a very present help in time of trouble. Open the hearts the opoid pharmaceutical manufacturers & distributors to the Holy Spirit to reveal any of their disobedience in this matter so that they may repent and receive Your forgiveness. Deliver the opoid pharmaceutical manufacturers & distributors. I thank You for being a very present help in time of trouble. Open the hearts the opoid pharmaceutical manufacturers & distributors from hate and revenge. In the Name of Jesus, I ask You to cause truth to prevail. I pray that You will protect USA state attorney generals from lying tongues and deceitful lips. I believe and declare that no weapon formed against USA state attorney generals will prosper, and any tongue unjustly rising against me will be shown to be wrong. I will dwell in Your secret place, which hides USA state attorney generals from the strife of tongues. I pray that you will stop false witnesses that speak against USA state attorney generals and cause them to be caught in their own trap. Help me as I reply in defense. Let Your Spirit give USA state attorney generals the words to say when I need them. By an act of my will, I refuse to fear, and I cast down any imagination that tries to exalt itself above the knowledge of You and Your love. In the Name of Jesus, I now cast the???? of this court case upon You. I resist anxiety, and I receive calmness and peace. I believe that Your favor and the favor of man will surround USA state attorney generals like a shield. Your Word says You will perfect that which concerns USA state attorney generals, so I make a conscious decision to receive Your perfected end. I give You all the glory for all that will be accomplished, and I will testify of Your goodness. I pray for Your favor to help USA state attorney generals advance against every enemy, adversary and foe. Empower USA state attorney generals to take dominion away from evil men and advance in order to implement justice for the oppressed. Position yourself around USA state attorney generals as a shield, and let Your favor grant them everything that is needed to carry out the assignments against the opoid manufacturers & distributors they have been given. Give USA state attorney generals godly wisdom, discernment, the Spirit of Understanding, prophetic insight and foresight. Grant USA state attorney generals the ability to formulate and implement excellent strategy against all adversaries and enemies. Help us to be unpredictable to the the opiod pharmaceutical industry’s legal counsel so that they cannot predict our next move. Get USA state attorney generals behind enemy lines without being seen. We speak blindness into the eyes of our adversaries, opponents and enemies, in Jesus name. Draw their attention elsewhere, Lord. While the opiod pharmaceutical industry’s legal counsel is occupied with something else, hit them in their blind spot. Send out the weapons out of your armory that will create fear and confusion in the the opiod pharmaceutical industry’s legal counsel's camp and eliminate their ability to create a strong defense. Lord Jesus, ride into battle and go before us to help us secure the victory. Give those that are on the the opiod pharmaceutical industry’s legal counsel’s side troubling dreams. Show them, like you did to the Midianites in Gideon’s day, a dream of their opponents defeating them. Show them that You are not on their side fighting ungodly battles with them. Show the the opiod pharmaceutical industry’s legal counsel that You have delivered them into the hands of Your servants and that there is no way they can win. Demoralize the the opiod pharmaceutical industry’s legal counsel and cause them to lose hope in their ungodly leader. Let them lose hope in themselves and know that they cannot defeat those that have the King of Kings fighting on their behalf. Turn their hearts and loyalties to come over to the Lord’s side, and to act courageous in taking a stand for righteousness. Compel them to do whatever you tell them to do. Let them see themselves surrounded by those they consider their enemies and know they are already conquered. I ask you to create calculated disorder to weed out, pluck up and remove ungodly authority and all those determined to fight for Satan’s agenda. Create enmity where it’s needed in order to divide loyalties and tear down the the opiod pharmaceutical industry’s legal counsel’s authority structure. Establish godly leadership that will yield to Your authority and allow Your plans and purposes to be carried out. I ask You to dispatch angels to lay siege to the opiod pharmaceutical industry’s legal counsel's supply lines and cut off their communication with one another. Squeeze, hinder, interrupt and remove the the opiod pharmaceutical industry’s legal counsel's ability to gather intel, finances, and supplies. Blow up loyalties between allies and separate the opiod pharmaceutical industry’s legal counsel's forces from one another. Thin out the opiod pharmaceutical industry’s legal counsel's forces and cause them to retreat, give up, and utterly take themselves out of the battle. Feed the the opiod pharmaceutical industry’s legal counsel's paranoia by convincing them that USA state attorney generals they are fighting are superior in every way and have capabilities that they cannot match. Release information that convinces the opiod pharmaceutical industry’s legal counsel they have already lost so that they will not attack. Show USA state attorney generals what is on the opiod pharmaceutical industry’s legal counsel's horizon and help us develop a plan to unravel enemy schemes. Rally USA state attorney generals O Lord, and call for Your angelic army to establish a fortified front against the opiod pharmaceutical industry’s legal counsel's assault. Help USA state attorney generals, O God, to advance into enemy territory and set up outposts. Enable USA state attorney generals to recover what has been lost, taken captive and what the enemy has claimed for themselves. Let our prayers come before you and may You send Your help in answered prayer quickly, O Lord, and may it bring you great glory. In Jesus name. Heavenly Father, I bless our USA state attorney generals in our city. You said that beautiful are the feet of those who carry the good news. I stand in the gap against every scandal, misrepresentation, shortcoming, blemish, and reproach that has come upon our city because of fallen USA state attorney generals. Traditionally, historically, and biblically it has always been noted that men and women of God have fallen. God, I thank You, for You are a long-suffering and merciful God. You forgive seventy times seven. I specifically stand in the gap for USA state attorney generals who take Your mercy for granted and continue to cause blood to be on Your altar. I pray for USA state attorney generals who continue to operate in sin despite Your warnings of love to them. I pray for the spiritual USA state attorney generals in my nation.Hezekiah — Father, give us USA state attorney generals who will tear down the high places of opoid manufacturers and distributors. Let them not show the enemy the secrets of our treasures. David — Father, give us USA state attorney generals after Your own heart. I thank You for USA state attorney generals who will walk in godly sorrow when they sin. I thank You for USA state attorney generals who will rebuild Your tabernacle of worship and praise and bring the ark back into the house of the Lord. Solomon — Father, I thank You for USA state attorney generals with wisdom, Give us eldership that will prosper and understand the true essence of life. God, deliver the USA state attorney generals whom You have anointed and given great wisdom and authority, yet they turn to the idolatry and perversion of heathens. Saul — God, I thank You for USA state attorney generals who will obey You at any cost. I speak over their lives that obedience is better than sacrifice. Bless the USA state attorney generals whom You did not will but permitted as the people’s choice. Let them lead in a way that is pleasing to You so that the sceptre of the authority of their rule will not be taken from their hands. Jehoshaphat — Jesus, I praise You ahead of time for USA state attorney generals who will walk in repentance. As Your people follow, give us USA state attorney generals who will take us to the Ascent of Ziz to stand and see Your salvation. Elijah — Father, give us USA state attorney generals who will not compromise. Send USA state attorney generals who will trouble Israel and stand on the Mount Carmels of today to declare Your unadulterated truth. God, anoint these USA state attorney generals to endure. Give us prophets who will not call down fire from heaven then run from persecution and hide out in caves. Elisha — God, give us USA state attorney generals who will carry the anointing of the double portion. Send scarry out their marketplace assignments and still destroy the enemy while doing it. Help and protect these USA state attorney generals from the Eglons of today. Raise up left-handed men who are not stuck in the paradigms of how things have always been done. Give us USA state attorney generals who will expose false prosperity and cause the dirt to come out of the church. Ahab — God, give us USA state attorney generals who will not sell out to the Baals of today because of the economy. Ahab’s father gave them to Jezebel in marriage. I bind the spirit of Omri that would sell the soul of the children into ungodly covenants. God, I thank You for generational covenant where the fathers will serve You wholeheartedly and pass the mantle to their children. Deborah — God, I thank You for the spirit of Deborah in the land. I command the women of position and authority to be released in their destinies. May they rule, judge, and conquer wars for the kingdom in Jesus’s name. Jael — Lord, thank You for the women who will fulfill the call of God on their lives without ever leaving their homes. I thank You for single mothers and housewives who will be gatekeepers for the kingdom. The enemies that slip through the armies of the Lord will be destroyed in our homes. The Siseras of today will be destroyed by the anointing of the women with tent pegs and hammers in their hands. Jehu — Father, raise up the Jehus in the body of Christ. Send the messengers to anoint the Jehus of today to deal with the idolatry in the church. Let this anointing release generations who will not tolerate the witchcraft of Jezebel. Let the Baals of the land be destroyed by the spirit of Jehu as they cuts off the head, the hands, and the feet of witchcraft in our churches and nation. In Jesus’s Name I pray, Amen.Father, we declare that we have this confidence, assurance and privilege of boldness in You. Weare SURE that if we ask ANYTHING or make ANY request according to Your will, You listen to us in whatever we ask, according to Your Word, and we also knowwith SETTLED and ABSOLUTE KNOWLEDGE that we have granted to us as our PRESENTPOSSESSIONS, the requests made of You regarding our USA state attorney generals.. Thank You, Father, that You have said in Your Word that angels hearken to the VOICE of YourWORD. Therefore, as we pray YOUR WORD over our USA state attorney generals, angels are hearkening to ourunited voice, eager to perform that which we speak regarding our USA state attorney generals.. Father, we declare that our USA state attorney generals are cleansing themselves from whatever is ignoble andunclean. They are separating themselves from contact with contaminating and corruptinginfluences. Therefore, they are vessels set apart and USEFUL for honorable and noble purposes,consecrated and profitable to You, fit and ready for ANY good work.. Father, we declare that our USA state attorney generals are filled with the full, deep and clear knowledge of Your willin all spiritual wisdom and comprehensive insight into Your ways and purposes, and inunderstanding and discernment of spiritual things, so that they are walking, living and conductingthemselves in a manner worthy of You, fully pleasing to You and desiring to please You in ALLTHINGS, bearing fruit in every good work and steadily growing and increasing in and by aknowledge of You, with fuller, deeper and clearer insight, acquaintance and recognition. Theyare invigorated and strengthened with all power, according to the might of Your glory, toexercise every kind of endurance and patience WITH JOY.. Father, we declare that You are clearing our USA state attorney generals from hidden and unconscious faults. YOUare making the words of their mouths and the meditation of their hearts to be acceptable in Yoursight..Father, we declare that since our USA state attorney generals are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, they arestripping off and throwing aside EVERY encumbrance—unnecessary weight—and that sinwhich so readily clings to and entangles them, and they are running with patient endurance andsteady and active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before them, lookingaway from ALL that will distract to Your Son, Jesus, Who is the author and the finisher of theirfaith.. Father, we declare that our USA state attorney generals’ love is abounding yet more and more and extending to itsfullest development in knowledge and all keen insight. Their love is displaying itself in greaterdepth of acquaintance and more comprehensive discernment, so that they are surely learning tosense what is VITAL, and approving and prizing what is EXCELLENT and of REAL VALUE,6recognizing the HIGHEST and the BEST, and distinguishing the moral differences. Therefore,they are untainted, pure, unerring and blameless, with hearts that are sincere, certain andunsullied. They are approaching the day of Christ, not stumbling nor causing others to stumble.They are abounding in and being filled with the fruits of righteousness. Your glory is being bothmanifested and recognized in them.. Father, we declare that freedom of utterance has been given to our USA state attorney generals; and therefore, they areopening their mouths to proclaim boldly the mystery of the gospel..Father, we declare that our USA state attorney generals are working out, cultivating, carrying out to the goal and fullycompleting their own salvation, with reverence, awe and trembling—self-distrust, seriouscaution, tenderness of conscience, watchfulness against temptation—timidly shrinking fromWHATEVER might offend You and discredit the name of Christ. NOT in their OWN strength,for it is You Who are all the while effectually at work in them—energizing and creating in themthe POWER and DESIRE—both to WILL and to WORK for Your good pleasure, satisfactionand delight..Thank You, Father, that You Who began a good work in our USA state attorney generals are continuing to developthat good work and perfecting and bringing it to FULL COMPLETION in them.. Thank You, Father, that You, The God of Peace, are strengthening, completing, perfecting andmaking our USA state attorney generals what they ought to be. You are equipping them with everything good thatthey may carry out Your will, while You Yourself are working in them and accomplishing thatwhich is pleasing in Your sight..Father, we declare that by our USA state attorney generals’ obedience through the Holy Spirit they have purified theirhearts for the sincere affection of the brethren, and they love them fervently from a pure heart.. Father, we declare that our USA state attorney generals brace up their minds. They are sober, circumspect andmorally alert. They have set their hope wholly and unchangeably on YOUR GRACE, and theylive as children of OBEDIENCE. As You are holy Who has called them, they are also holy inALL their conduct and manner of living.. Father, we declare that our USA state attorney generals let no foul language nor evil word nor unwholesome orworthless talk ever come out of their mouths, but only such speech as is good and beneficial tothe spiritual progress of others, as is fitting to the need and the occasion, that it may be a blessingand give GRACE to those who hear it. They do not grieve the Holy Spirit by Whom they weresealed. They let all bitterness, wrath, passion, rage, bad temper, resentment, anger, animosity,quarreling, brawling, clamor, contention, slander, evil-speaking, abusive or blasphemouslanguage be banished from them, with all malice, spite, ill will or baseness of any kind. Theyhave become useful, helpful and kind to one another and to everyone; tenderhearted,compassionate, understanding, forgiving everyone readily and freely as You in Christ forgave7them, in order that Satan get no advantage over them; for they are not ignorant of their wiles andintentions.. Father, we declare that our USA state attorney generals are Your own handiwork that they may DO those good works which You PREDESTINED and PLANNEDBEFOREHAND for them, taking paths which You prepared ahead of time that THEY SHOULDWALK IN THEM, living the good life which You prearranged and made ready for them. Thank You, Father, that You are making our USA state attorney generals to increase, excel and overflow in love forone another and for ALL people, so that You may strengthen, confirm and establish their heartsfaultlessly pure and unblamable in holiness in Your sight..Father, we declare that our USA state attorney generals no longer live TO and FOR THEMSELVES, but TO and FORYOU, Who died and was raised again for their sakes..Father, we declare that our USA state attorney generals roll their works upon You. They commit and trust themwholly to You. YOU ARE CAUSING THEIR THOUGHTS TO BECOME AGREEABLE TOYOUR WILL. Therefore, their plans are being established and succeeding..Father, we declare that EVERY PURPOSE or UNDERTAKING that is of HUMAN origin in ourleaders’ lives is failing, being overthrown and coming to nothing, and EVERY PURPOSE orUNDERTAKING that is of YOU is not able to be stopped, overthrown or destroyed.. Father, we declare that our USA state attorney generals do not irritate or provoke their spiritual children to anger.They do not exasperate them to resentment, but they rear them tenderly in the training, discipline,counsel and admonition of the Lord..Father, we declare that our USA state attorney generals tend, nurture, guard, guide and fold the flock of God that istheir responsibility, NOT by COERCION or CONSTRAINT, but WILLINGLY; NOTDISHONORABLY, motivated by the advantages and profits belonging to their offices, butEAGERLY and CHEERFULLY. NOT as ARROGANT, DICTATORIAL and OVERBEARINGpersons domineering over those in their charge, but being examples—patterns and models ofChristian living—to the flock. They clothe themselves with HUMILITY—as the garb of aSERVANT, so that its covering cannot possibly be stripped from them, with freedom from prideand arrogance—toward EVERYONE. They are humbling themselves under Your mighty hand, and in due time You will exaltthem.. Father, we declare that when our USA state attorney generals have heard from You, they are faithful to speak ALL thewords that You command them to speak and diminish not a word..8Father, we declare that our USA state attorney generals are FULL of MERCY and KINDNESS, shutting out ALLhatred and selfishness. They are FULL of TRUTH, shutting out ALL deliberate hypocrisy orfalsehood..Father, we declare that our USA state attorney generals do not merely love in theory or in speech, but in DEED and inTRUTH—in practice and in sincerity..Father, we declare that our USA state attorney generals live in harmony with EVERYONE; they are not haughty,snobbish, high-minded or exclusive, but they readily adjust themselves to people and things andgive themselves to humble tasks. They NEVER overestimate themselves, nor are they wise intheir own conceits.. Thank You, Father, that You have said in Your Word that the Gentiles lord over people, rulingwith absolute power, holding them in subjection; and their great men exercise authority anddominion over them. BUT THIS SHALL NOT BE SO WITH OUR USA state attorney generals. But INSTEAD,they are SERVANTS OF ALL..Father, we declare that our USA state attorney generals are quick to hear, ready listeners, slow to speak, and slow totake offense or get angry..Father, we declare that our USA state attorney generals do not offend in speech. They NEVER say the wrong things.Therefore, they are fully developed in character and perfect. They are able to control their wholebodies and to curb their entire nature. They, by their noble living, show forth their good with the unobtrusive humility, which is the proper attribute of true wisdom. They are pure,peaceloving, courteous, considerate, gentle, willing to yield to reason, full of compassion andgood fruits, wholehearted, straightforward, impartial, unfeigned, free from doubts, wavering andinsincerity.. Thank You, Father, that You are giving our USA state attorney generals more and more GRACE to meet ALL eviltendencies FULLY in their lives. They are subject to You. They stand firm against the devil andresist them; therefore, they are fleeing from them. They are coming close to You; and therefore, Youare coming close to them. They are humbling themselves, feeling very insignificant in Yourpresence, and You are exalting them and making their lives significant.. Father, we declare that our USA state attorney generals’ gifts are making room for them and are bringing them beforegreat men..Father, we declare that our USA state attorney generals study and are eager to do their utmost to present themselves toYou approved, workmen who have no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzingand accurately dividing—rightly handling and skillfully teaching—the Word of Truth.. Father, we declare that our USA state attorney generals are not quarrelsome—fighting and contending. INSTEAD,they are kindly to EVERYONE and mild-tempered—preserving the bond of peace; they are skilled and suitable teachers, patient, forbearing and willing to suffer wrong. They correct theiropponents with courtesy and gentleness..Father, we declare that our USA state attorney generals correct and reinstate those who have been taken in misconductor sin without any sense of superiority and with ALL GENTLENESS, keeping an attentive eyeon themselves, lest they should also be tempted. They bear, endure and carry other's burdens andtroublesome moral faults, and in this way they fulfill and observe perfectly the law of Christ, andcomplete what is lacking in their obedience to it. They do not think themselves as someone tooimportant to condescend to shoulder another's load, but they carefully scrutinize, examine andtest their own conduct and their own work. They have the personal satisfaction and joy of doingsomething commendable in itself alone without resorting to boastful comparison with theirneighbors.. Father, we declare that our USA state attorney generals endure long and are patient and kind. They never are enviousnor do they boil over with jealousy. They are not boastful or vainglorious. They do not displaythemselves haughtily. They are not conceited, arrogant or inflated with pride. They are not rudeor unmannerly, nor do they act unbecomingly. They do not insist on their own rights or theirown way. They are not self-seeking, touchy, fretful or resentful. They take no account of the evildone to them. They pay no attention to a suffered wrong. They do not rejoice at injustice andunrighteousness, but they rejoice when right and truth prevail. They bear up under anything andeverything that comes, and they are ever ready to believe the best of every person. Their hopesare fadeless under all circumstances, and they endure everything without weakening. Becausethey are a product of Your love, and love never fails, THEY NEVER FAIL.. Father, we declare that our USA state attorney generals’ love is sincere—a real thing. They hate what is evil. Theyloathe all ungodliness, turn in horror from wickedness, but hold fast to that which is good. Theylove everyone with brotherly affection as members of one family, giving precedence and showinghonor to everyone. They never lag in zeal and in earnest endeavor; they are aglow with andburning with the Spirit, serving You. They rejoice in hope; they are steadfast and patient insuffering and tribulation. They are constant in prayer.. Father, we declare that our USA state attorney generals repay NO ONE evil for evil, but they take thought for what ishonest, proper, and noble—aiming to be above reproach—in the sight of everyone. Wheneverpossible, as far as it depends on them, they live at peace with everyone. They NEVER avengethemselves, but leave the way open for Your wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I willrepay, says the Lord.” But if their enemy is hungry, they feed them; if they are thirsty, they give themdrink. They do not let themselves be overcome with evil, but they overcome evil with good.. Thank You, Father, that You are granting our USA state attorney generals a spirit of wisdom and revelation—ofinsight into mysteries and secrets—in the deep and intimate knowledge of You, by having theeyes of their hearts flooded with light, go that they can KNOW and UNDERSTAND the hope towhich You have called them and how rich is Your inheritance in the saints, and so that they canKNOW and UNDERSTAND what is the IMMEASURABLE and UNLIMITED and10SURPASSING GREATNESS of Your power IN and FOR them because they believe..Father, we declare that our USA state attorney generals live as free people, yet without employing their freedom as apretext for wickedness; but they live at ALL times as SERVANTS of God. They show respectfor ALL men and treat them HONORABLY. They love the brotherhood and reverence You..Father, we declare that our USA state attorney generals herald and preach the Word. They keep their sense of urgency.They stand by and are ready and at hand, whether the opportunity seems to be favorable orunfavorable, whether it is convenient or inconvenient, whether it is welcome or unwelcome.They convince, rebuke, correct, warn, urge and encourage the saints, being unflagging andinexhaustible in patience and teaching.. Thank You, Father, that You are granting our USA state attorney generals out of the rich treasury of Your glory to bestrengthened and reinforced with mighty power in their inner man by the Holy Spirit indwellingtheir innermost beings and personalities. Your Son, Jesus, through their faith, is actually dwelling—settling down, abiding and making His permanent home—in their hearts! We declare that theyare being rooted deep in love and founded securely on love, that they may have the power and bestrong to apprehend and grasp with all the saints the EXPERIENCE of that love; what is thebreadth, length, height and depth of it. They are really coming to know—practically, throughEXPERIENCE for THEMSELVES—THE LOVE OF CHRIST—which far surpasses mereknowledge without experience. They are being filled through all their being unto ALL Yourfullness. They have the richest measure of Your Divine Presence, and have become whollyFILLED and FLOODED with You. Thank You, Father, that in consequence of the action of Your power that is at work in our USA state attorney generals, You are able to carry out Your purpose and dosuperabundantly, FAR OVER and ABOVE ALL we dare ask or think concerning them—infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes or dreams..Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are offering themselves, WILLINGLY in the day of Your power.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are cleansing themselves from what is ignoble and unclean. They are separating themselves from contact with contaminating and corrupting influences. They are a vessel set apart and USEFUL for honorable and noble purposes, consecrated and profitable to You, FIT and READY for ANY good work.. Thank You Father, that You are clearing of hidden and unconscious faults. You are making the words of their mouth and the meditation of their heart to be acceptable in Your sight.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are FORGETTING what lies BEHIND and they are STRAINING FORWARD to what lies ahead. They are pressing on toward the goal to win the supreme and heavenly prize to which You are calling them upward.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are keeping themselves from IDOLS from ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that would occupy the place in their heart due to YOU. They are keeping themselves from ANY SORT of SUBSTITUTE for You that would take first place in their life.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals trusts in You with ALL of their heart and mind, and they do NOT rely on their own insight or understanding. In ALL of their ways they acknowledges You, and You are directing their paths. They are not wise in their own eyes, but they reverently fears You, and they are turning entirely away from evil.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are stripping off and throwing aside EVERY ENCUMBRANCE, UNNECESSARY WEIGHT, and SIN that so readily clings to and entangles them, and they are running with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the APPOINTED COURSE of the race that is set before them, looking AWAY from ALL that DISTRACTS, to Your Son, Jesus.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are DENYING, DISOWNING, FORGETTING, REFUSING, GIVING UP and LOSING SIGHT of themselves and their OWN INTERESTS, and taking up HIS CROSS DAILY and FOLLOWING YOU.. Thank You, Father, that You are revealing the PRECIOUS TREASURE in the field to USA state attorney generals. I declare that USA state attorney generals in their JOY they are selling ALL to possess the field.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals no matter how many plans has in their mind, it is YOUR PURPOSE for them that will stand. You are causing their thoughts to become agreeable to Your will.. Thank You, Father, that You have opened their ears to hear You as a disciple. I declare that USA state attorney generals they has NOT been REBELLIOUS or turned backward in FEAR.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are not merely walking, but RUNNING the way of Your commandments, because You have given them a heart that is WILLING.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are motivated by faith to leave ALL that is behind them, and they are unawed and undismayed by the wrath of those people or adverse circumstances that would oppose them. They NEVER FLINCHES, but HOLDS STAUNCHLY to their purpose and endures steadfastly as one who gazes on You, the Invisible One.. Father, I declare that because You have called USA state attorney generals, they are OBEYING and going forth to a place they are destined to receive as an inheritance; and HE IS GOING, although they are NOT troubling their mind, nor does they know about the place where You are sending them.. Father, I declare that even though You are revealing to USA state attorney generals events that as yet have NO VISIBLE SIGN, they are TAKING HEED and diligently and reverently OBEYING You EXPLICITLY.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals' way is NOT of those who draw back to eternal misery and are utterly destroyed, but they are of those who BELIEVE. You are effectually at work WITHIN them ENERGIZING and CREATING in them both the POWER and DESIRE to WILL and to WORK for Your good pleasure, satisfaction and delight. Therefore, they are VIOLENTLY SEIZING the kingdom by force as a PRECIOUS PRIZE. They are seeking for a share in Your kingdom with most ARDENT ZEAL and INTENSE EXERTION. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals when hears Your voice, they does NOT harden their heart.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are NOT allowing the cares and anxieties of the world, and the distractions of the age, and the pleasure and delight and false glamour and deceitfulness of riches, and the craving and passionate desire for other things to creep in and choke and suffocate the Word, so that it becomes fruitless in their life, but they are ALLOWING the seed of the Word which You have spoken to their heart to fall on good soil—he is RECEIVING, ACCEPTING and WELCOMING it and bearing fruit one hundred fold.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are FORSAKING, RENOUNCING, SURRENDERING CLAIM, GIVING UP and SAYING GOODBYE to ALL that they has in order that they may be counted worthy to be Your disciple.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are GOING ON and getting past the elementary stage in the teachings and doctrines of Christ, and ADVANCING STEADILY toward the COMPLETENESS and PERFECTION that belongs to spiritual maturity.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals WHATEVER does, no matter WHAT it is, in WORD or DEED, they does EVERYTHING in the name of the Lord Jesus and in dependence upon His Person, giving You praise through them.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are EARNEST, UNWEARIED and STEADFAST in their prayer life, being both alert and intent in their praying with thanksgiving. They prays at ALL times, on EVERY occasion, in EVERY season—in the Spirit, with all manner of prayer and entreaty. They keeps alert and watchful with a STRONG PURPOSE and PERSEVERANCE.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are holding true to what they has already attained, and they are walking and ordering their life by that.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals ATTENDS to Your words and CONSENTS and SUBMITS to Your sayings. They does not let them depart from their sight, but keeps them in the center of their heart. Your words are life, healing and health to ALL of their flesh. They keeps their heart with all vigilance, above all that they guards, for out of it flows the springs of life. They puts away from them vain and dishonest speech, and willful and contrary talk they puts far from them. They lets their eyes look right on with FIXED PURPOSE, and they lets their gaze be straight before them. They considers well the path of their feet and they lets ALL of their ways be established and ordered aright. They turns not aside to the right hand or to the left; they removes their foot from evil.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals HUNGERS and THIRSTS after righteousness; and therefore, they are completely satisfied.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals knows You; therefore, they are proving themselves STRONG, STANDING FIRM, and DOING EXPLOITS for You.. Father, You have said in Your Word that in a race, all the runners compete, but only ONE receives the prize. Therefore, I declare that USA state attorney generals are running HIS race so that HE may lay hold of the prize and make it HIS. He, like every athlete who goes into training, is conducting themselves temperately, and restricting themselves in ALL things. They are not running uncertainly without definite aim, or boxing as one beating the air and striking without an adversary, but they looks CAREFULLY to how they walks. They lives PURPOSEFULLY, WORTHILY and ACCURATELY, not as the unwise and witless, but as a WISE, SENSIBLE and INTELLIGENT man; making the VERY MOST of their time—buying up EACH opportunity —because the days are evil. They are not vague, thoughtless or foolish, but they UNDERSTANDS and FIRMLY GRASPS what Your will is.. Father, I declare that the ZEAL the fervor of LOVE—for YOUR HOUSE has eaten up USA state attorney generals. They are CONSUMED with JEALOUSY for the honor of Your house.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals NEVER lags in ZEAL and in EARNEST ENDEAVOR; they are AGLOW and BURNING with the SPIRIT, serving You. They REJOICES and exults in HOPE; they are STEADFAST and PATIENT in suffering and tribulation, and they are CONSTANT in prayer.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals' attitudes are like that of the boy, Samuel. When You speak to them, their reply is, “Speak, Lord, for Your servant is LISTENING.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals knows what a critical hour this is, and how it is high time NOW for them to wake up out of their sleep and rouse to reality. The night is far-gone and the day is almost here. Therefore, they are dropping and flinging away the works and deeds of darkness and putting on the full armor of light. They are living and conducting themselves HONORABLY and BECOMINGLY as in the open light of day. They are clothing themselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and making NO PROVISION for indulging the flesh. They are putting a STOP to thinking about the evil cravings of their physical nature to gratify its desires and lusts.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are working the works of them Who sent them and they are BUSY with YOUR business while it is daylight.. Thank You, Father, that You have given the capacity to HEAR and OBEY You. Therefore, I declare that USA state attorney generals they DELIGHTS to do Your will. Your law is within their heart.. Thank You, Father, that You are with, and You see them as a MIGHTY MAN of FEARLESS COURAGE.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are seeking You EARLY and DILIGENTLY, and they are FINDING You.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals PLEASES You by their faith. They are COMING NEAR to You because they believes that You exist, and that You are a rewarder of those who diligently seek You.. 14 Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals like David, is serving YOUR WILL, PURPOSE and COUNSEL in their own generation; like David, they are a man after Your own heart, who is doing ALL Your will and carrying out Your program FULLY. 15 DISCOVERING THE CALL OF GOD Thank You, Father, that You are faithful Who has called USA state attorney generals ___, and You will fulfill Your call upon their life by hallowing and keeping them. You are making known to them the mystery and secret of Your WILL, Your PLAN and Your PURPOSE for their life.. Thank You, Father, that You are granting a spirit of wisdom and revelation—of insight into mysteries and secrets—in the deep and intimate knowledge of You, by having the eyes of their heart flooded with light, so that they knows and understands the hope to which You have called them and how rich is Your glorious inheritance in the saints, and so that they knows and understands what is the immeasurable, unlimited and surpassing greatness of Your power in and for them.. Thank You, Father, that You are instructing and teaching them in the way that they should go. You are counseling them with Your eye upon them.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals does not quench, suppress or subdue the Holy Spirit. They does not spurn the gifts and utterances of the prophets. They does not depreciate prophetic revelations nor despise inspired instruction, exhortation or warning, but they tests and proves ALL things UNTIL they can RECOGNIZE what is GOOD, and to THAT they HOLDS FAST.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are enriched in EVERY respect through Your Son, Jesus, in FULL POWER and READINESS of SPEECH, and COMPLETE KNOWLEDGE and ILLUMINATION to give them FULL INSIGHT into the meaning of that which You are speaking to them.. Thank You, Father, that Your Spirit rests upon; the spirit of WISDOM and UNDERSTANDING, the spirit of COUNSEL and MIGHT, the spirit of KNOWLEDGE and the reverential and OBEDIENT FEAR of the Lord. Therefore, I declare that USA state attorney generals You are making them of QUICK UNDERSTANDING, and their delight is in the reverential and obedient fear of You. They does not judge by the sight of their eyes, neither does they DECIDE by the hearing of their ears, but they judges with righteous judgment.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals the things that are hidden in their life regarding their future, are only as a means to revelation. There is nothing hidden except to be revealed, nor is anything temporarily kept secret except in order that it may be made known to them.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are zealous and is exerting themselves and striving diligently to enter into Your rest, which comes when they FINDS OUT where YOU, the Ancient One, have been walking, and HE WALKS WITH YOU fulfilling Your generational 16 purposes for their life. Therefore, they are not failing or perishing by the same kind of unbelief and disobedience into which those in the wilderness fell.. Thank You, Father, that You are showing where they belongs in Your church. You are joining and firmly knitting them together with the proper joints and ligaments in Your body. They are working properly in all of their functions with a power adapted to their need in Your church.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals because _ fears You, they has Your secrets. You are showing them Your covenant and revealing to them its deep, inner meaning.. Thank You, Father, for giving the faith to know that You can do ALL things, and that NO THOUGHT or PURPOSE of YOURS can be restrained or thwarted.. Thank You, Father, that before You formed in the womb, You knew and approved of them as Your chosen instrument, and before they was born, You separated and set them apart, consecrating them, and You appointed them to their specific calling and destiny in You.. Thank You, Father, that as You have thought and planned concerning _____________________, SO SHALL IT COME TO PASS; and as You have purposed, SO SHALL IT STAND. For what YOU have purposed WHO CAN ANNUL IT? When YOUR hand is stretched out, WHO WILL TURN IT BACK? What YOU speak is DONE. What YOU command, STANDS FAST. YOU bring the counsel of nations to naught; YOU make the thoughts and plans of the peoples to NO EFFECT. YOUR counsel stands forever; the thoughts of YOUR heart to all generations.. Thank You, Father, that ’s Teacher will not hide themselves anymore, but their eyes shall CONSTANTLY behold YOU, their Teacher. His ears shall hear a word behind them, saying, This is the way, walk in it," when they turns to the right hand and when they turns to the left.. Thank You, Father, that You are opening their eyes to behold wondrous things out of Your law.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals EVERY PURPOSE or UNDERTAKING that is of HUMAN origin in USA state attorney generals' life is FAILING, being OVERTHROWN and coming to NOTHING, and EVERY PURPOSE or UNDERTAKING that is of YOU is NOT able to be STOPPED, OVERTHROWN or DESTROYED.. Thank You, Father, that You are with USA state attorney generals, and You see them as a mighty man of fearless courage.. 17 Thank You, Father, that the Holy Spirit is announcing and declaring to USA state attorney generals the things that are to come—that will happen in the future.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals because believes in You, they shall NEVER be disappointed in their expectations or put to shame.. 18 ACCOMPLISHING THE WILL OF GOD Thank You, Father, that You Who began a good work in USA state attorney generals will continue developing that good work and perfecting and bringing it to FULL COMPLETION in them.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals' gift is making room for them and is bringing them before great men.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are crying unto You, Who performs on their behalf and rewards them. You are bringing to pass YOUR PURPOSES for them and SURELY COMPLETING them.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals does NOT fling away their fearless confidence, for it carries a great and glorious compensation of reward. They are ENDURING STEADFASTLY so that they may PERFORM and FULLY ACCOMPLISH Your will. Therefore, I am rejoicing because I know that they will RECEIVE and CARRY AWAY and ENJOY to the FULL what You have promised them.. Father, I declare that because love is abounding in USA state attorney generals' life, every fear has been turned out of doors, and every trace of terror has been expelled.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are a disciple taught of You and OBEDIENT to YOUR WILL GREAT is their PEACE and UNDISTURBED COMPOSURE.. Thank You, Father, that Your gifts and callings upon USA state attorney generals' life are IRREVOCABLE without repentance or regret You NEVER withdraw them once they are given and You do NOT change Your mind about those to whom You give Your grace or to whom You send Your call. Therefore, I declare that because You are imparting this revelation to them, they are ALL THE MORE solicitous and eager to MAKE SURE and STRENGTHEN their CALLING and ELECTION. Therefore, they NEVER stumbles or falls. Father, I declare that freedom of utterance has been given to USA state attorney generals that they may open their mouth to proclaim boldly the mystery of the good news of the gospel.. Thank You, Father, that You, the God of Peace, are strengthening, completing, perfecting and making USA state attorney generals what they ought to be. You are equipping them with EVERYTHING GOOD that they may CARRY OUT YOUR WILL; while You Yourself work in them and accomplish that which is pleasing in Your sight.. 19 Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are making the prophetic words that have been spoken over them firmer still, by paying close attention to them as to a lamp shining in a dismal, squalid and dark place UNTIL the day breaks through the gloom and the Morning Star rises in their heart. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are not growing weary, exhausted, losing heart, relaxing and fainting in their mind, because You are giving them power, and You are increasing their strength and causing it to multiply and abound. Because they are waiting on You, they are changing and renewing their strength and power; they are lifting their wings and mounting up close to You as eagles mount up to the sun; they are running and not growing weary; they are walking and not fainting or becoming tired.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are strong in You. They are empowered through their union with You. They draws their strength from You—that strength, which Your boundless might provides. They puts on Your whole armor that they may be able successfully to stand up against all the strategies and deceits of the devil. Having done all that the crisis demands, they stands firmly in their place.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are filled with the full, deep and clear knowledge of Your will in all spiritual wisdom and comprehensive insight into Your ways and purposes, and in understanding and discernment of spiritual things, so that they are walking, living and conducting themselves in a manner worthy of You, fully pleasing to You and DESIRING to please You in ALL things, bearing fruit in EVERY good work and steadily growing and increasing in and by a knowledge of You, with fuller, deeper and clearer insight, acquaintance and recognition. They are invigorated and strengthened with ALL POWER, according to the might of Your glory, to exercise every kind of endurance and patience WITH JOY.. Thank You, Father, that You have called. You have brought them, and You are making their way prosperous. You will do ALL Your pleasure and purpose concerning them. What You have spoken to them, You are bringing to pass; what You have purposed, you are DOING!. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals although has many plans in their mind, it is YOUR PURPOSE for them that will stand. They are rolling their works upon You and committing and trusting them wholly to You; YOU are CAUSING their THOUGHTS to become AGREEABLE to YOUR WILL; and therefore, their plans are being established and succeeding.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals ’s love is abounding yet more and more and extending to its fullest development in knowledge and all keen insight. His love is displaying itself in greater depth of acquaintance and more comprehensive discernment, so that they are surely learning to sense what is VITAL, and approving and prizing what is EXCELLENT' and of REAL VALUE, recognizing the HIGHEST and the BEST, and distinguishing the moral differences. Therefore, they are UNTAINTED, PURE, UNERRING and BLAMELESS, with a 20 heart that is SINCERE, CERTAIN and UNSULLIED. They are approaching the Day of Christ, not stumbling nor causing others to stumble. They are abounding in and being filled with the fruits of righteousness. Your glory is being both manifested and recognized in them.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are working out, cultivating, carrying out to the goal and fully completing their own salvation, with reverence, awe and trembling—self-distrust, serious caution, tenderness of conscience, watchfulness against temptation—timidly shrinking from whatever might offend You and discredit the Name of Christ. Not in their OWN strength, for it is YOU Who are all the while effectually at work in them energizing and creating in them the POWER and DESIRE both to WILL and to WORK for Your good pleasure, satisfaction and delight.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are coming up weeping as they comes to seek You, inquiring FOR and OF You, and requiring You both by right of necessity and of the promises of Your Word. They are asking the way to Zion with their face in that direction, saying, "I am coming to join myself to the Lord, in a perpetual covenant that shall not be forgotten.". Thank You, Father, that You are pouring out of Your spirit upon USA state attorney generals with prophecies, dreams and visions. I declare that they has repented and changed their views; and they has purposed to accept Your will in their inner self instead of rejecting it. By faith, I see them baptized in water, and having received the gift of the Holy Spirit. I see them CONTINUALLY being filled and stimulated with the Holy Spirit.. Thank You, Father, that You are certainly delivering and drawing USA state attorney generals _ unto Yourself from EVERY ASSAULT of evil. You are preserving and bringing them safe unto Your heavenly kingdom.. Father, I declare that as Your Word is going forth in prayer over USA state attorney generals, it is bringing healing to them, and rescuing them from the pit and destruction.. Father, I declare that as I speak Your Word over USA state attorney generals, it is cleansing them and pruning them.. Thank You, Father, that You CHOSE and formed them FOR YOURSELF, that they might set forth Your praise and HE SHALL DO IT.. Father, I choose to SING PRAISE in advance for the FULFILLMENT of YOUR WORD over USA state attorney generals.. Thank You, Father, that You are giving as a GIFT of Your GRACE, the ABILITY to KEEP Your precepts, HEARING, RECEIVING, LOVING and OBEYING them.. Father, I declare that as Your Word is going forth in prayer over USA state attorney generals _, it is REVIVING them and giving them LIFE.. Father, I declare that the words of Godly WISDOM which You are giving me to speak over
USA state attorney generals IN PRAYER are bringing them HEALING. They are going forth as PRODDING GOADS, urging them to ACTION, and are firmly fixed in their mind like NAILS. They are like FIRE consuming ALL that cannot endure the test in their life, and like a HAMMER that breaks in pieces the rock of MOST STUBBORN RESISTANCE. Then, AFTER I have prayed, I ask for the sensitivity to know when and how to speak and when NOT to speak to them. Help me to remember that, they who REPEATS or HARPS on a matter separates even close friends.†Help my life to ALWAYS LOVINGLY express TRUTH in ALL things in my relationship to. Keep me ever mindful that YOUR WORD is TRUTH, and NOT what I perceive with my senses; therefore, it is YOUR WORD that I need to be speaking over them NOT CRITICISM, FAULTFINDING or JUDGMENT, knowing that even if they does not obey the Word, You have promised that they would be won over NOT by DISCUSSION but by my godly life. May I always respond to them with a SOFT ANSWER, that it would turn away wrath, and grant me a GENTLE tongue, that it would bring healing.. Father, I declare that as Your Word is going forth in prayer over, it is CAUSING them to avoid the ways of the VIOLENT and the paths of the DESTROYER.. Father, I declare that as I pray Your Word over USA state attorney generals today, I can rest in the assurance that Your Word declares that as many as are Your promises, they ALL find their YES answer in Jesus. I praise You, that You have bestowed on them Your precious and exceedingly great promises, so that THROUGH THEM they are escaping from the moral decay, rottenness and corruption that is in the world because of covetousness, lust and greed, and they are becoming a sharer and partaker of Your divine nature.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are ACKNOWLEDGING their OFFENSES, FEELING their GUILT, and EARNESTLY SEEKING Your FACE saying .let me RETURN to the Lord. They are returning with ALL of their heart—with fasting and weeping—until EVERY HINDRANCE is removed, and broken fellowship is restored. They are rending their HEART and NOT their garments. Therefore, You are having pity on them. You are healing them, binding them up, reviving them and raising them up, that they may LIVE before You. They are determined in their heart to be ZEALOUS to KNOW You to APPRECIATE, give HEED to and CHERISH You. You are coming to them as the heavy rain, as the LATTER RAIN that waters the earth.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals when sinners entice, they DOES NOT CONSENT. They will NOT associate with the rebellious or disobedient, but they tries to learn in their experience what is pleasing to You. His life is a CONSTANT PROOF of what is most acceptable to You. They takes NO PART in and has NO FELLOWSHIP with the fruitless deeds and enterprises of darkness, but INSTEAD, they lets their life be so in contrast as to expose, reprove and convict those in darkness.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals sets NO base or wicked thing before their eyes. They HATES the work of them who turn aside from the right path. IT SHALL NOT GRASP HOLD OF them. A perverse heart has DEPARTED from them. They knows NO evil person or thing.. Thank You, Father, that You are CLEARING of HIDDEN and UNCONSCIOUS FAULTS. You are making the words of their mouth and the meditation of their heart to be acceptable in Your sight.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are coming out from among unbelievers. They are separating and severing themselves from them. They touches not any unclean thing.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals knows what a CRITICAL hour this is, and how it is high time NOW for them to rouse out of their sleep and rouse to REALITY. The night is far gone and the day is almost here. Therefore, they are dropping and flinging away the works and deeds of darkness and putting on the full armor of light. They are living and conducting themselves honorably and becomingly as in the open light of day. They are clothing themselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and making NO provision for indulging the flesh. They are putting a STOP to thinking about the evil cravings of their physical nature to gratify its desires and lusts.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals has been delivered from corrupt and evil companions. They has repented and come to know the truth. They has come to their senses and escaped out of the snare of the devil who has held them captive, henceforth to do YOUR WILL. They walks as a companion of the WISE, and therefore they are WISE.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are arising from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept them, and they are rising to a new life. They are shining radiantly with Your glory. His light has come and Your glory has risen upon them.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals by their obedience through the Holy Spirit, they has purified their heart for the sincere affection of the brethren, and loves them fervently from a pure heart.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals braces up their mind. They are sober, circumspect and morally alert. They has set their hope wholly and unchangeably on Your grace, and they lives as a child of obedience. As You are holy Who has called them, they are also holy in all their conduct and manner of living.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are awaking from their stupor and returning to sober sense and their right mind, and they sins no more.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are coming progressively to recognize, know and understand from observation and experience the time of their visitation from You.. Thank You, Father, that as Your Word is going forth over, it is alive and full of power—making it active, operative, energizing and effective; it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line between their soul and spirit, exposing, sifting, analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of their heart. They are not concealed from Your sight, but all things in their heart are open, exposed, naked and defenseless to Your eyes.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are fearlessly, confidently and boldly drawing near to Your throne of grace, that they may receive mercy for their failures and find grace to help in good time for every need appropriate help and well-timed help, coming just when they needs it.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are obeying their spiritual leaders and submitting to them—continually recognizing their authority over them. They are doing their part to let them watch over their soul with gladness, and not with sighing and groaning.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are exercising foresight and is on the watch to see that they does not fall back from and fail to secure Your grace by allowing a root of bitterness, resentment, rancor or hatred shoot forth and cause trouble and bitter torment, and the many become defiled by it. Instead, they are letting all bitterness, indignation, wrath, passion, rage, bad temper, resentment, anger, animosity, quarreling, brawling, clamor, contention, slander, evil speaking, abusive or blasphemous language be banished from them, along with all malice, spite, ill will or baseness or any kind, and they has become useful, helpful and kind to all— tenderhearted, compassionate, understanding, and loving-hearted—readily and freely forgiving everyone as You have forgiven them.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals does not insist on their own rights or their own way. They are not self-seeking, touchy, fretful or resentful. They takes no account of the evil done to them nor pays attention to a suffered wrong. They bears up under anything and everything that comes, and they are ever ready to believe the best of ever Their hearts that are SINCERE, CERTAIN and UNSULLIED. They are approaching the Day of Christ, notstumbling nor causing others to stumble. They are abounding in and being filled with the fruits of righteousness. Your glory is being both manifested and recognized in them..Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are working out, cultivating,carrying out to the goal and fully completing their own salvation, with reverence, awe andtrembling—self-distrust, serious caution, tenderness of conscience, watchfulness againsttemptation—timidly shrinking from whatever might offend You and discredit the Name of Christ. Not in their OWN strength, for it is YOU Who are all the while effectually at work in them —energizing and creating in them the POWER and DESIRE—both to WILL and to WORK for Your good pleasure, satisfaction and delight.. Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are coming up weeping as they comes to seek You,inquiring FOR and OF You, and requiring You both by right of necessity and of the promises of Your Word. They are asking the way to Zion with their face in that direction, saying, "I am coming to join myself to the Lord, in a perpetual covenant that shall not be forgotten.".Thank You, Father, that You are pouring out of Your spirit upon USA state attorney generals _ with prophecies, dreams and visions. Therefore, I declare that USA state attorney generals they has repented and changed hisviews; and they has purposed to accept Your will in their inner self instead of rejecting it. By faith, Isee them baptized in water, and having received the gift of the Holy Spirit. I see them CONTINUALLY being filled and stimulated with the Holy Spirit..Thank You, Father, that You are certainly delivering and drawing USA state attorney generals unto Yourself from EVERY ASSAULT of evil. You are preserving and bringing them safe untoYour heavenly kingdom..Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals as Your Word is going forth in prayer over USA state attorney generals,it is bringing healing to them, and rescuing them from the pit and destruction..Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals as I speak Your Word over USA state attorney generals, it is cleansing them and pruning them..Thank You, Father, that You CHOSE and formed themFOR YOURSELF, that they might set forth Your praise and HE SHALL DO IT..Father, I choose to SING PRAISE in advance for the FULFILLMENT of YOUR WORD over USA state attorney generals..Thank You, Father, that You are giving as a GIFT of Your GRACE, the ABILITY to KEEP Your precepts, HEARING, RECEIVING, LOVING andOBEYING them..Father, I declare that as Your Word is going forth in prayer over USA state attorney generals ,it is REVIVING them and giving them LIFE..Father, I declare that the words of Godly WISDOM which You are giving me to speak over USA state attorney generals IN PRAYER are bringing them HEALING. They are goingforth as PRODDING GOADS, urging them to ACTION, and are firmly fixed in their mind like NAILS. They are like FIRE consuming ALL that cannot endure the test in their life, and like aHAMMER that breaks in pieces the rock of MOST STUBBORN RESISTANCE. Then, AFTER I have prayed, I ask for the sensitivity to know when and how to speak and when NOT to speak to them. Help me to remember that, “....he who REPEATS or HARPS on a matter separates even close friends.” Help my life to ALWAYS LOVINGLY express TRUTH in ALL things in their relationships. Keep me ever mindful that YOUR WORDis TRUTH, and NOT what I perceive with my senses; therefore, it is YOUR WORD that I need to be speaking over them—NOT CRITICISM, FAULTFINDING or JUDGMENT, knowing thateven if they does not obey the Word, You have promised that they would be won over NOT byDISCUSSION but by my godly life. May I always respond to them with a SOFT ANSWER, that it would turn away wrath, and grant me a GENTLE tongue, that it would bring healing..Father, I declare that as Your Word is going forth in prayer over USA state attorney generals, it is CAUSING them to avoid the ways of the VIOLENT and the paths of the DESTROYER..Father, I declare that as I pray Your Word over USA state attorney generals today, I can rest in the assurance that Your Word declares that as many as are Your promises, they ALL find their YES answer in Jesus. I praise You, that You have bestowed on them Your precious andexceedingly great promises, so that THROUGH THEM they are escaping from the moral decay,rottenness and corruption that is in the world because of covetousness, lust and greed, and they are becoming a sharer and partaker of Your divine nature..Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals are ACKNOWLEDGING his OFFENSES, FEELING their GUILT, and EARNESTLY SEEKING Your FACE saying “…let me RETURN to the Lord.” They are returning with ALL of their heart—with fasting and weeping—untilEVERY HINDRANCE is removed, and broken fellowship is restored. They are rending their HEART and NOT their garments. Therefore, You are having pity on them. You are healing them, binding them up, reviving them and raising them up, that they may LIVE before You. They isdetermined in their heart to be ZEALOUS to KNOW You—to APPRECIATE, give HEED to and CHERISH You. You are coming to them as the heavy rain, as the LATTER RAIN that waters theearth..Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals when sinners entice, they DOES NOTCONSENT. They will NOT associate with the rebellious or disobedient, but they tries to learn in hisexperience what is pleasing to You. His life is a CONSTANT PROOF of what is mostacceptable to You. They takes NO PART in and has NO FELLOWSHIP with the fruitless deedsand enterprises of darkness, but INSTEAD, they lets their life be so in contrast as to expose, reprove and convict those in darkness..Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals sets NO base or wicked thing before their eyes. They HATES the work of them who turn aside from the right path. IT SHALL NOT GRASP HOLD OF them. A perverse heart has DEPARTED from them. They knows NO evil person or thing.. Father, even though they are presently an unbeliever, by faith, I claim them for Your kingdom. I cover and remit every sin and ask You not to lay them to their charge. I call forth the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the deep and intimate knowledge of You, by having the eyes of their heart flooded with light, so that they can know and understand the HOPE to which you have called them, and how rich is their inheritance in the saints, and so that hecan know and understand what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of Your power in and for them. I declare that USA state attorney generals they are set apart, separated and withdrawn from heathen contamination and affiliated with Christian people by their union with Christian people, because Christian people are consecrated and set apart unto You. They are partakers in the Christian covenant, and they are prepared for You, pure and clean..Father, I declare that USA state attorney generals the determination of USA state attorney generals’ way is NOT in themselves; it is NOT in them—no matter how STRONG they is—even at their very BEST—to direct their own steps. But instead, according to Your Word, I declare that USA state attorney generals their steps are directed and established by You. You delight in their way and You busy Yourself with their every step.Even if they falls, they shall not be utterly cast down, for You grasp their hand in support and upholdhim. May Your face shine upon them and save them in Your loving-kindness and for Your mercy’s sake.
Our God of peace, you have taught us that in returning and rest we shall be saved, in quietness and in confidence shall be our strength: By the might of your Spirit answer this request according to your will, we pray of you, so we may be still and know that you are God; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Thank you for giving us the privilege to pray on your behalf. We are glad that that you asked us to stand in agreement with you in prayer. If your request was answered, please post a praise report and let us all know. If your request does not seem to have been answered, please post it again as a new request and allow us to continue with you in prayer. We all hope that our prayers are answered in the way that we want. Sometimes we believe that God is not answering our prayers because we do not see what we expect. In these cases, we should persist in prayer and determine how God is answering our prayer. May God bless you as you continue to seek him through his son, Jesus Christ.

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Lord, I ask for your divine intervention. and Protection over my mind. Help me to replace. these intrusive thoughts with your truth and peace. Fill my mind with thoughts that are pure, lovely, and praiseworthy. By the power of your Holy Spirit, I ask that you strengthen. me to resist these...
GOING down the tubes!!! For anyone who does not live in California.. IF you think the hell on earth "PIT" that California is in WILL NOT affect YOU...IF you live in U.S.A. or NOT THIS horrible state that has been my home since birth AND I love.. is 100% BEING DESTROYED BY the EVIL lying, corrupt...
"I declare in the Name of Jesus… The favor of God in my life restores everything the enemy has stolen from me (Exodus 3:21). I am expecting great victories in the face of great impossibilities (Joshua 11:20). I have found the thief, and he must restore to me seven times what he stole (Proverbs...
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