God created us as three part beings: spirit soul and body. Sex impacts all three aspects of who we are as individuals. While you may not quite understand it the devil can use these connections as a spiritual high way to pass demonic spirits from one person to another. When you consider that when you have sex with someone you are essentially having a soul tie established with them and all the people they have slept with, the spiritual damage you can experience can be extensive. There is obviously the risk of STDโs which can impact your for a lifetime. God is not trying to ruin your fun when He says donโt have sex outside of marriage He is protecting you.Dear Heavenly Father, I have always wondered this and want to take this advice for one day. is it okay to have sex before marriage, like what if you want to have it because for example you have to wait for your marriage or honey moon, is it a sin to have sex before it? what if itโs a mistake? and for example if you have a boyfriend and you basically hug and kiss do u have to wait for marriage? I am genuinely confused I would like to know! so if anyone knows how to respond to this please reply!