Please pray the foster agency we are going through will be blessed with the heart of God, that they will want to help us and assist us in adopting two girls around the age of 5 from the foster care system. We want to be a blessing to children in need. We had to let a previous foster child of the age of 16 go because he was threating to destroy our house. Please pray there will be no hard feelings or grudges towards us regard that issue and any other that we are not aware of. Please pray for protection and guideness. There is one lady in permanancy that works there that had a connection with the 16year old foster child. Please pray there will be no grudges or ill will towards us as it was not our fault and also because we may have to work with her in the future when we go to adopt. I pray that she may be kind and helpful when we need her assistance. May the director see our hearts to adopt and truly help us out. We are to have a meeting with him soon, and possibly another manager. Please pray for our success!!! When our last name comes up may they think of good things and the good things yet to come, may they believe in us and do everything in their power to give us a successfull adoption story!!!! I pray for powerful blessings to be poured on everyone in this process of adopting our children!!! Thank you and God bless, aUDREY