A Post For Healing For A Generation Of Peace Makers

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Prayer Warrior
this post is very long its my prayer and thoughts on a whole generation of concerns, i post it as an affirmation, and know that i am heard and i ask that anything that is blocking grace from helping this generation of children to become peace makers i ask would be removed in jesus christs name amen

For peace in the middle east, for peace between muslims Christians, and jews and for calmness for the middle east and peace Between nations, I would ask that these people would rest on all fo their holy days and celebrate with eachother with love and thanksgiving and be receptive of the heartfelt love without dogma coming between them, just like Christmas was able to bring a cease fire and even cooperation and friendship between warring nations in world war one I would pray that all people would be able to respect eachother not just on special holidays but that these holidays inspire beautiful loving kindness in all their fellow man I would ask that holidays like Christmas and Hanukah be cherished and made all the brighter every year as more and more good will is accumulated in the hearts of people and for fellowship between all people and in individuals even during hard times when situations seem overwhelming.  I would ask that this generation prays and believes their prayers are heard, not only that their prayers are heard but that their prayers make a difference, that not only do their prayers make a difference but that their prayers allow them to follow a path of love, I ask that people do not pray compulsively, but that they would calmly and in calm stillness walk like in a beautiful meadow, like in the beautiful mountains of philmont, that people feel calm rest as they pray and that any negativity would be driven out in jesus christ’s name.    that the people of all nations, muslims and non muslims remember that if they truly want to follow their book the Quran that they must respect both Christians and Jews because it is said in their own book by Muhummad himself, i ask that both christians, jews and muslims and that they do not have the right to try and destroy or overrule them, but instead must treat them like brothers, I would ask that Judaism and Christianity would do the same and that Judaism and Christianity and Muslims could exist in harmony like the holy trinity and that temples and masques of all three would be respected with the utmost respect and that jesus you would work through these places, even if the people do not always know you yet, I would ask that you would work through their outreaches and their education I would ask that you inspire their service men their clergy, that you would work through the social media as you already do and friendships with Christians and jews and muslims and people who have not yet found you, I would ask that you work through the yearning love that all people have when they are first children, that yearning love that all people feel when they enter the world and just want to know that they will be protected, that they belong that you love them, that they have purpose, that sense of love that you greet us with every day with every breath, that sense of love that we feel when we first are held by our mothers amen, I know also that there are many divisions between these views of life and your work I would ask for calm and heartfelt talks to happen and to be guided in jesus christ’s name about the ways that these people can exist in loving brotherhood, I would ask that religion would never be able to become a block for genuine love be it a Christian to a muslim, a jewish person to a muslim, a jewish person to a Christian, or any of the aforementioned to anyone else in the world, I also ask jesus that you would uphold nad protect these relationships if they are the true love that you would inspire, I would ask that relationships with Christians would not only uphold any good that has come from the cultures of Judaism, or muslims or Christianity but that those backgrounds be refined with love by the holy spirit in jesus christ’s name and that jesus I would ask that you would pour o I ask that jesus would that any conflicts in the past between the aforementioned never happen again in any degree in jesus christ’s name I pray for protection for Jerusalem and protection for all of the earth that there not only be peace but understanding and healing in jesus christ’s name for jewish people and muslim and Christian people as they worship and pray together in jesus christ’s name amen.   Faith I would ask that America realizes that its job is not to control the earth that it is to exist as a peaceful force of love that could be a Christian nation that helps other nations in need it need not be a warrior nation it need not always fight things with fear or terror that the politicans come to their senses and begin actually wishing for peace and not war, that those people ain Washington who wish for world peace would be guided by the holy spirit and be able to thwart any war mongers, or radicals on either side and defeat any scheme of evil, we live in a time when honestly peace is too a precious a thing to waste, there must be safeguarding but in all honesty do we really have the ability to endure a nuclear war?  No, no one does and as Gandhi once implied war cannot cast out war only peace good will and understanding and love and brotherhood can, and we live in an age that needs brother hood not war, if there is one thing we can take from the 60s its that there is a real for love not war, and that good can triumph over evil, as a child who grew up in this golden age I were given all the love and hope of a world that had just warmed into spring out of the cold war, if theres one thing that I would pray about its that the hope that was instilled in our generation as children would never go away, we were a generation that parents wanted to give hope and inspiration and they have our job as children is to make sure that we do not give into anxiety that we do not relive the terrors of the past, I know that there are things that say that the world repeats its violent process etc.  However I would contend that such a process is based on the people of the age, it is our job as Christians to reach out and heal the age, with the large amount of influence we now have it is our job to safeguard this world, not with bombs and war, but with love mercy and understanding, we do not want others to live in fear of us, it is not a question of us versus the alien world, in each nation there is good there are people seeking help there are people seeking shelter and aid there are people seeking thanksgiving and companionship, from Africa to Switzerland there is love in spades, there is a new hope for the world there is a new connectivity that can go and connect the world in love and brotherhood beyond the pathetic dictatorships of the world, where once people were enslaved there can be hope, where once people were oppressed there can be freedom, and I do not mean this in  a violent revolutionary way, there are ways to connect, we have the internet, we have air planes we have satelites we have spaceships, we can travel the world and the cosmos and its time to put aside our petty differences and start loving and living, why doesn’t this happen?  Who knows but I would pray that you woud pray and that we would all move to see the world play together to put down our swords, our fears, are prejudices our guilt, or anger, and we would play as children, we share the same movies, we share the same world, and it is time to start treating all nations with respect, I do not mean the governments, I mean the people and that does not mean that we should be imperialist, just as every note has its worth in a melody so too do nations roll in flow with eachother, just as each color has a property so too do people of all nations, nations are so much more than governmental policy or even stances.  May the false idols of nationalism, imperialism, power and control simply fade away, may the idea that man must be governed by fear fade may peace and brotherhood protect us on the global level, and on the individual level, may peace and brotherhood protect us in a world that would  see us fight eachother to survive, may peace and brotherhood, warn eachother of the predators that would try to take advantage of those who are peaceful, and may peace and brotherhood even forgive those people without condoning the predator’s actions, I would ask for healing for all nations, for healing of the loving imagination of a world of childhood for calm respect for all nations and c, that there be healing on the political level, the economic level, the social level, the communal level, the individual level and the emotional level, and that love would conquer all in jesus christ’s name, I am not proclaiming utopia, I am not proclaiming that the world can be tamed ultimately, I am not proclaiming that we should even try such things, I am proclaiming that jesus is stronger than the world, that where the world says you will live in fear and have only prayers I would say we have the hope of jesus in peace we have th ejope of jesus to protect the world for another age of peace we have the hope of jesus to conquer the fears and anxieties, we have the hope of jesus to show that there can be a golden age, we have the hope of jesus to to show that utopia will never be achieved by violence or superstiiotnm guilt warfare or shame, we have the hope that there can be peace for all people and that our age can be one deemed a lovely resting place for jesus Christ, I ask that I can be more than words, but that I can be an actor that jesus as I knew him in Church as a kid , as I knew him in martin luther king as a child as I knew him in Gandhi as a child as I knew him in art of all cultures, as I kneow him in music of all cultures, as I know him in all love and generosity and forgiveness of all cultures would upwell and unite and would shield and protect this fiar beautiful planet which jesus has made, and that whatever dissensions or peain or fear or anger or aggression that has been afflicting this poor planet would leave and never be able to return that whatever anger or jealousy or rivalry or superstiation or anger or fear  or delusion or violence that would try to plague this planet would simply be thwarted in jesus christ’s name that at every turn we dare to to dream because martin luther king dared to dream, he had a dream and his dream and jesus Christ;s dream has become a reality and will not die and martin luther king lives on and Jesus Christ lives on and Gandhi lves on in our age by the grace of the holy spirit we are still being healed by the grace of the holy spirit not only will we be healed bu t we will dare to dream as martin luther king dreamed jesus thank you for this beautiful day, may this age of wonder and love that the 90s are and were never die, and may the hope for this planet and respect for all peoples without cold war, nor government unrest, nor superstioint, nor racism, nor pride, nor confusion, nor any of other unrests truly thrive like a loving tree, we are the branches and you are the trunk and I would ask that there be protection for all people, that Christian values and and the virtue of love generosity, respect, serenity and love would all lead and be used and continue abundantly as they had in all the days of virtue and of old in jesus christ’s name and that new love in this generation through the love and respect of the moments and the wonder of this world, would be known.   Jesus I would pray that people not only hope for change but be the change, that they would like to see like Martin Luther king and Gandhi and you and jesus I would ask that you would use the wonder and love of a child who believes in world peace, who believes in prosperity in the love and beauty of other countries and their own country, who believes in love above all else, and would triumph over all the dogma and wrong doings of a world that seems to be trapped in its own ways I would pray that all people would be able to see the beautiful world of philmont, that people would realize the amazing beauty of nature like in the sierras, like in philmont, like in jesus Christ, and I also ask that any wounds, any unrest any problems that are afflicting anyone and leaving them in a dull , I would ask that the love of jesus would be as true as it is and remain as it was with the disciples that like the Movie Godspell and the King of Kings the original message would enter into popular media that the virtues and loves and yearnings of mankind would appear from their hearts into popular media, into conversation into mainstream television, into books and video games, and into songs and restaruants, and I would ask that all these things be brought to all nations and all places without barriers, I would ask that love and the want to serve others not be bound by the dollar nor a philosophy of wealth or self serving, I would ask that love would come from a generous heart, that people would learn to work at jobs that allow their love and creativity to flow from a generous heart in this day and age, I would ask that artists are upheld and protected, that musicians would sing loving songs, that healing would come all people and that any anxiety about the world ulturesI would pray that the spring that happened after the wall went down would never have to go to winter, I know that all things have their season but I would pray against the tides of war and terror, I would pray for an end to racism but not by imperialist means, I would hope that sharing of knowledge and compassion could exist in schools and ghettos and uplift all those people who are struggling to learn and to grow and to escape harsh conditions, that we who live in blessed peace would not only be moved to share our peace, but to move with the peace we are given with strength against any stronghold of negativity , that friends and warriors for peace like my friend Scott who grew up with the love and spirit of love for the world to truly be at peace in this age of problems to be armored  and helped in prayer, here is the child of the 90s someone who truly believed in world peace, who was taught of world peace and love and will fight for it in spades, we were grown into an age of loving imagination and wonder space wasn’t even the limit for our love, and we have completely been able to see the unity of the world and the people in our lovely home of earth.  I use scott as an example because he is a person who believes he can truly bring world peace through innovation and respect he seeks to bring love and community to this planet, and he Is a true Christian in that respect I ask that you would pray for scott and ask that he not try to bear the burden of the world but continue to hope for it and never think that his hope or love is naieve, I ask that jesus protects scott and that his ambition to make the world a better place and to make it at peace in entirety would come to realization and be more beautiful than any of us could possibly imagine, I would ask that there be others like scott who seek peace for the world and I would ask that jesus would help these people to see and that jesus would help their efforts, I would ask that these great doers for change would see the power and love that jesus prepares for them and for us  and has prepared for us in heaven as well as by grace of the holyspirit when jesus is asked and even now has prepared for scott and others like him to do ood as they go about their day, I would askt aht we pray that scott can see the joy and love of jesus at Christmas this season and that it melt his heart of stone as well as all others like him, I would ask that all people would be guided to jesus by grace and I would ask for help for all people and grace and protection and guidance for the pope and all people, I would ask that catholics and protestants and Baptists and missionaries of all sorts of Christian faiths would not only come together as a house of Christ but their petty differences would be refined into a working whole, but I would also ask that love comes into these relationships, so that perhaps heresies or dogmas would be refined out but I would ask for the grace and gospel of love to heal all of their hearts and that the people who are at all churches no matter where they are would hear the gospel and be amazed and filled with love wonder and awe and that all blocks that would be in the way of love awe and wonder wouldb eremoved in jesus chrsits name amen,  I would ask that songs of rejoicing would flood the world that things would be like the day the wall came down in berlin that all people would love and respect one another and finally see hope for a future of loving change for all people of all races of all relgions of all ethnicities of all cultures, and that superstitions and prejudices would simply be cast away as they are seen as worthless in jesus Christ’s name, I would ask for peace of mind for all people and that the anxiety of death and war would simply no longer have sway that that anxiety would not longer be able to spur people and that whatever wickednesss or superstition wouldsimply lose and no longer be able to pull any people in jesus chrsist’s name I pray that I can continue to pray but I would ask for help, for sometimes there is a sense that I must struggle, may I learn to trust and love without effort, like a baby loves its mother, like a mother loves her son  jesus please help me o mary full of grace the lord is with thee I ask that the beauty and respect for the virgin mary would flow over the world and that sons learn to respect their mothers, that mothers learn to respect their sons, that love between father son and holy spirit and that love between sons and mothers and fathers and sons and daughters and mothers and fathers and daughters and brothers and sisters would upwell in thanksgiving and also that my brokenness concerning giving thanks and praise in jesus christ’s name would be remedied,    Where once there was a limit to space a mechanistic world, now even that is being challenged, there is no longer a confirmed big crunch, and science in many places is being challenged to grow and not use its mechanistic, dead world approaches, I would ask that science always be challenged by the grace of jesus not that science is wrong or always wrong, but that there is always more to explore, the depths of this lovingly created world are beyond comprehension and we have yet to explore our own ocean of depth and creativity.   I would ask that simply the love and limitless love of space exploration would become a  peace maker for the world, that it would inspire again as it had in the past, where bitter enemies in the cold war began working together as brothers.  I would definetly ask that there be calm and clarity for the people of earth to simply explore and respect space and wonder that we would be full of wonder and loving awe of space and its vastness, that we would realize how petty our problems are and we would treat each other like wonderful and whimsical brothers as children who just found out about space, may it not be looked upon as something to carve, may it never be carved, may it be the eternal final frontier, and may jesus christ’s love as it already is be ever more wonderous and loving I would ask that all the beauty and wonder of space for me when I was a child would upwell and beat back any negativity in jesus christ’s name .  I would ask that whatever archaic problems  that the earth is still dealing with would simply be set aside, and instead we like children would be full of wonder again at the marvels of space, and realize how small we are in this loving created and universe jesus I would ask that you not only help us to see what a marvel space is and how beautiful this world is but how special earth is, that we both love and respect you jesus you are what made space so special, that you would love us so much to make  a whole universe of wonder for usin the simple act of friendship that Ronald Reagan had with Gorbachev a state of emergency was quelled and put to rest that could have destroyed the entire world.  We live in a truly blessed age  though there is much trial and tribulation I would pray that we would come together in prayer and thanksgiving and brotherhood like they who walked with martin luther king, that love would triumph over any quarrel if not for our sake than for our childrens, that we would respect the planet and not worry what effect it would have on the economy, and that we would look critically at our economy and not go with radical capitalist or socialist intentions or philosophies but rather a free need based trade goods created out of respect and love, allowing for surplus, not regulated by the sole interests of money, or the dead hand of the state.  on terror realizes that it is not meant for the people and that the war on terror is simply a terror in itself.  I would also ask that people are able to change the government and pray for better policies, even new philosophies for dealing better with people and the economy, philosophies that don’t see people as objects, philosophies that are not based on power or wealth, but on helping the poor and the needy and the sick and the hurting and the afflicted and the aspiring and the disabled and the lonely and the ill, I would ask for healing and for knowledge to be used as a loving tool to bring help to the homeless to bring people out of poverty and to be empowered to love and to live comfortably, I know that this is not the utmost, that there is hardship in life, and may we learn to live with nature as stewards, and not to try to dominate, may all people learn to appreciate life like Walden, like Thoreau, where they could see love and life and jesus in every seed and snowflake, where we could treat the animals as brothers and sisters, where we could still believe that even then jesus died for us and loved us so much that he would allow us to partake in the his beloved animals and how much that means to us that all animals would be made clean, that not only are we now empowered to provide and enjoy but that we would respect these animals and learn how to respect the animals and the people we would serve as the prodigal had served his son, when he had the fatted calf served  in honor.  Jesus may we jump at the opportunity to serve a glass of water to the thirsty in your name and I would ask for help no longer trying to be prideful or self destructive or self serving I would ask for selfless love to empower and guide all people and even the policies of nations, although I know that there cannot be a perfect world until you return in jesus christ’s name I pray that the world wold be transformed by your love and holyspirit even now so that it could reflect the love that you have done for us as perfectly as martin luther king and Gandhi and all peacemakers dreamed and better than any of us could possibly imagine. I would ask that when our dreams come true we be even more thrilled and joyful and I would ask that we do not think ourselves as perfect even when we have peace, but I would ask that by love we would be helped to be and thankful that you helped us and please reveal the depths of ourselves in howthank ful we can be blameless when you come and I would ask for healing for all people and all nations, I would ask that empiricism would lose all of its steam and that all nukes and nuclear ambitions would be disarmed, I ask that this not only be a dream but a practical reality and seen as such I would ask that all nukes be disarmed and that people would be healed and any fear that they would ever be used would be removed from all people  I would ask for helmets for all people of grace and jesus I would ask for peace for the world and protection for all people, we have come out of a place of fear and I ask that this generation would have a very happy ending that not only would this generation see love and peace instead of war, but that borders and boundaries and trade and love would not be bartered and sold, but yet flow freely between nations in jesus Christ;s name and jesus please perfect my prayer for I do not completely understand everything, I would ask for healing and protection for calm helmets of normal and grounded reality and psychology, I would ask that psychology and neuroscience would not try to stifle people, but that indeed they would help people I would ask that you would work through psychology, and therapy and even use what good there is in Freudian practices and other methods that seek to keep people in a stable reality and healthy functioning and use those as tools to help people lead loving lives, I would ask that you transmute these practices that they be made more open to the the holy spirit and that skeptics would be inspired and convinced by love in Christian practices and by healthy and grounded psychology in all Christians, but most importantly by healthy and grounded love and compassion, humor and respect amen.  I would ask that the confusion that is raised by some of these methodologies would be quelled and cast aside, that any scientific dogma about projections or delusions in the name of religious practices be quelled, that both delusional movements of religion quelled and scientific animosity towards Christianity and other acts of religious charity and love as well, jesus I would ask that those religious practices that are not loving and not encouraging would be refined or cast out depending the situation, I would ask for clarity and wisdom regarding my own words as I pray for this I would ask for help and mercy as I try to dream the loving dreams that I had in child hood, I would ask that my generation does not become disillusioned withthemselves, that they do not call their hope for world peace or love false, that the world does not have to be driven to extremes to see “progress†that the realization that we must live as one people as one planet bring peace and brotherhood and not the insanity of strife to people, that we realize that we do not eneed to be empirical or controlling of one another, but also help us to realize where we are wrong, and to admit and ask for help from one another and from you jesus, I ask that the legends and fairy tales of the past like king Arthur and lovely stories from Disney and other dream weavers would be respected and protected, I would ask for forgiveness for all people and I would ask that writers be inspired to write of love and peace, and not only inspired but respected, that we not try to be perfectionists, that we not try to be cliché, that we try to respect the depth of stillness in the moment and calm and serenity in our lives, that even as we try to hope and dream and imagine that we can laugh at ourselves with good humor and not try to dwell on negatives, that when negatives come up they not only be addressed by the family, but by the community if it will help, that there be a greater family as we walk the streets of our cities, of our countries, I would ask for healing and calmness I would ask that we need not get intense about our dreams, but instead calm and hopeful I would ask that when we work towards our dreams we would be still and respectful and calm and that we would listen to the lessons we have been taught in our childhood by peacemakers, and our schools about writing and reading and math and science that whatever they have taught us about medicine and joy we would hold in wonder, that we would not give up on our educations or our wonder as we walk through life, although we are all going to specialize in different things I would ask that we not lose our joy of learning, that we would not try to stifle our creativity by giving into routine or frustration, I would pray that there be calm guidance to all people as they read and write, as they go to the library and realize the wonder of the library like when they were kids and loved to read, and not just read but learn and grow and dream and jesus I would just ask that the creativity of the child would be victorious in jesus christ’s name, that jesus you not only help our creativity but you would free us from any misconceptions about you, be it judgemental, or negative, or relative, or weak I would  ask not just that we settle for traditional norms but would aspire to be a beautiful people not just loving and celebratory of each lovingly handcrafted day, but honest and heartfelt to each other, that when we walk down the street we would be open to greet and make merry and not just merry but to be receptive and ask for your help in those times of meeting, that we would praise your loving name and jesus please show me the way to God and I would ask for help respecting the father and the son and the holy spirit, for although I do notunderstand the trinity I would ask for help.  I  would ask that philosophies not try to overstep their bounds, I would ask that philosophies are helped by you to reflect beautiful things, I would ask that people are guided when reading philosophies and ethics to be lead to you, I would ask that all illness and mental illness would be cast out in your name and I would ask for help in your name by prayer and by medicine, I would ask for help concerning the writing of prayer and the writing of peace and books of poetry and respect for the people in your life I would ask for respect of colleges and musesums of parks and all planets, I would ask for respect of all people and art and that all people would respect and be good listeners ans you work to make a sad song better thank you for people like the beatles people who existed as peacemakers in the music scene I pray that you watch over them and jesus I pray that you watch over me as I try to give thanks I would ask that praise not be about ecstasy although is beautiful, that we not seek to alter our minds but to be calm and clear, I would ask for help though for love to melt hearts of stone and to protect all people’s minds and bodies and nerves I would ask that when people pray they be guided and that I learn to listen in stillness to love.  I would ask that when orphans are brought ot the church that they be treated with utmost respect that they not be pushed into situations of dogma that they learn about your love and learn your love by walking in calm and joy as they learn about you in parables and Sunday school, as they seek top put you with their heroes in their fantasties and fairy tales like the legend of Narnia, and the legend of Zelda, and the the lord of rings series by tolkien, I would ask for more of these wonderful masterpieces and give thanks that you have brought  such love to the world, I would also ask for help to see the world with wonder and imagination like dr seuss like all my friends as a child like I would just having a loving and humorous conversation, that even walking down the street or walking in the city that there could be stillness and wonder and love and serenity between all people and that I would also try to do this not just in word but in calmness I would ask that with all these beautiful and optimistic attempts that we not try to become perfectionists either, but that we can laugh at ourselves, and that we can try to be still, that we not project onto others things or idealisms that are not who that person is, that we not try to look for completion in another, but instead look for you jesus in stillness and I admit that I need help with this, I would ask for healing and calming and rest and for progressive wonder and awe and joy and hope for what each day may bring, and I ask that when times get tough that we be still and listen and maybe even sing like when we first heard a beautiful song be it rock and roll, or Christmas music, that we sing carols and hymns lullabies and ballads as we walk down the street, that we take mardi gras as an example but without the need for lust or vices, but instead to respect the moment and the people and the songs, and that every form of melody sad and happy would be refined, like the beatles approach .  I would pray that we not put people in boxes, that we learn to see people in a loving and adventurous and caring and compassionate light that people would be calm and collected, that people would be song I would ask for healing and calmness for generosity and serenity, that we not try to be boisterous or too loud, or on stage but instead would try to just be with joy form our hearts, joy that you have let this beautiful day be and that we are created to give thanks, and though there are hardships let us praise like it would be in heaven on earth as it is in heaven in jesus christ’s name, and I would ask that we would walk the streets and breathe calmly and deeply and give thanks for the beautiful day and night..  May we give thanks for all mothers, for all sons, for all daughters, and for all fathers but in jesus christ’s name alone give utmost reverence and I do ask for help with this, I ask that this prayer come true ore than I could possibly imagine and jesus that you would refine this prayer jesus please hear me like when I would sing at repertory when I first auditioned for the magic flute speaker role and I was thrilled that you wanted me to sing that I could relax on stage knowing it was where you wanted me to be that day that day I know I was working with love and jesus I ask like that song that was brought forth at repertory that this prayer could be refined in jesus chrsist’s name to bring peace and joy to all epopel and that with love I could be humbled and with joy be reflective and hopeful like I was when I first sang at repertory and give thanks for that wonderful opportunity in jesus christs name I pray amen..  I would ask for help with the homeless and the broken like at Redlands with youthhope I ask that you would guide all who were involved and like loving rain you would water that youth, I would ask for healing by the holy spirit and calming to replace the restlessness and hunger that these people felt, I ask for restoration of all homes, I ask for the healing of all families and the healing and food for all people I ask that people be sustained by hope and love and inspiration and friendship and I ask for help to live such a love jesus please have mercy I am a sinner and please teach me how to move with love and grace.  Jesus I would ask that you show me and other people how to have compassion for people not just with food and water, but with compassion and respect, a healing and respectful hand I do not even necessarily ask that we all learn to heal, I mean may we respectful the down trodden and broken hearted with kind and generous and respectful touch, like the good Samaritan amen.   I ask that you would inspire the youth and those of this generation to end slavery once and for all jesus thank you for the beautiful day and I ask that the thoughts of pessimism or any other negativity would simply no longer be able to be heard or have any influence, and also that helmets of kindness and tolerance would be found with all people I ask that people respect people at communal places, that they respect the joy that could be ahd at these places and I ask that people do not hurry so much, and that people do not negatively, nor prejudge I would ask for calming of people’s eyes, and that people would not think that they have to rush or control, or bear the weight of the world or another person and that jesus you would help people to know how to offer up their burdens in full and that any process that is happening of grace would be helped, not hurried but simply would become more protective and complete in all people as they are made whole, that the process of grace would be filled with joy for people that the process of grace would be armor and become even more powerful, but humble, I would ask that the process of grace would immediately heal and shelter all those suffering from mental illness that you would help all those struggling with jealous arrogance, pride or strife to completely be healed by grace that grace could rid them completely of these sins, that they could feel any of the vices or compulsions that were in their lives dwindle, that peop whoa re addicted would give up whatever their addiction is but also no longer feel compulsed in any degree, I would ask that people be able to be physically fit and able, that those people who are suffering from an injury would be healed and/or live their lives in love and freedom beyond anyones imaginging jesus only you know the plan for all these people and I admit I may have plans that are simply not as beautiful and good as what you would have but from my limited knowledge I would ask that people would sdisability be healed, or if they cannot be healed, I would ask that you wold allow those people to not only live full and more meaningful lives than I could possibly imagine and have felt, but that those people would become an inspiration to others, like the boywho plays the piano who doesn’t have hands, lastly I ask that the business, the immediacy and the need for consumerism and instant results would dwindle in me and our society jesus show me how to believe you are working even when I don’t see instant results and please show me how to guard my mind against negativity jesus thank you for the beautiful day amen.

Jesus I would ask that we would not just remember joys in the past but respect the joys of the past and hope that by bringing them up if we bring them up that you would allow us to share good experiences with eachother, and that like master story tellers we could inspire each other to love the beautiful places we have been in each others lives, like in Ireland in meadows rich and loving and green with son lit fields and crisop ocean air, blue and sapphire azure on the meadows deep green bright like beautiful stained glass. I would ask for rest now, and that all people would respect their cats and dogs with respect and love and fellowship like brothers and sisters, and also with the joy of a child at these animals in jesus Christ;s name amen.  
Let's Pray: God I ask in Jesus’ name step in my life and prefect all things that concern me. Let “Your†perfect will be done in “Your†perfect timing. Bless, heal, and make me whole in every area of my life (spirituality, physically, financially, mentally, and emotionally). God may I come to know You better, love You more, and purpose in my heart to always obey Your Word. Strengthen me to obey Your Word. Protect me and keep me safe. God all that I have asked of “You†in this prayer please do the same for all those I love, care about, and the writer of this prayer. God thank “You†for loving me. <><><><>

A Prayer Called I Surrender All: Click on the link: https://www.prayerrequest.com/blog/183/entry-16846-i-surrender-all/
Thank you for giving us the privilege to pray on your behalf. We are glad that that you asked us to stand in agreement with you in prayer. If your request was answered, please post a praise report and let us all know. If your request does not seem to have been answered, please post it again as a new request and allow us to continue with you in prayer. We all hope that our prayers are answered in the way that we want. Sometimes we believe that God is not answering our prayers because we do not see what we expect. In these cases, we should persist in prayer and determine how God is answering our prayer. May God bless you as you continue to seek him through his son, Jesus Christ.
Lord, I pray for world peace. Show everyone the spirit of truth. Let us pay attention to the Holy Spirit. In Jesus name I pray. amen
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