In the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I give God all glory praise and honor for I serve a mighty God and I trust him with all my heart and I will not be moved or shaken in Jesus name! I heard from my husband's attorney today that unless I can come up with $20,000 there's no deal and he will take me to court and trial this to get me to sell this house! I have offered him $10,000 that my mother would lend me and I would pay her back a hundred a month no one here has money my husband knows that I work for the Lord full-time and I'm a street Minister and I have a church in my backyard and that was the purpose of buying this house 3 years ago! Can't afford to refinance and I'm able to assume the loan with my daughter as long as there's a divorce decree but that's not good enough for him and I offered him $10,000! I have long forgiven ### but I believe that the wickedness of his heart and he has not repented and we have been praying for his repentance crying tears for him to repent but Satan has entered his heart when he left me back in December of 2023 he has not paid a dime on this house and I've been paying all the bills with the help of family and my daughter who lives with me this house was bought so that I could leave it to my children and also for the glory of God and it is a House of prayer house of worship and many powerful things have been happening here and more after he left because he was a hindrance because of the spirit he carried on him drugs and lying perpetual liar nothing was the truth from the day I met him 6 years ago! I have long repented for marrying him and I have prayed for ###'s Deliverance and for him to repent but he has not repented please pray that God would intervene supernaturally and that either something would happen prior to court or I would have such favor that the judge would not make me sell the house and that the judge would hear the whole case I do not have an attorney the only one I have is Jesus! And if God wants me to have an attorney that he would provide me one at very low cost or no cost my husband has a free attorney that's why he's dragging this out and he's on disability and he yet he works and he can do all kinds of things but still he gets disability it's unbelievable in the mighty name of Jesus have mercy oh God