Humble Prayer Warrior
Into existence please let a BOAZ come so when Myles Hass does his rounds to see me last I have a make over of my breasts done my butt done I'm very attractive even more then who he sees instead of me all these years. That way the dream come true for the people and there happiness come through. Let the light come out my name is GRACE and I need help from who stole my attraction
and I need help with who GOD chose for me. Please send in the GIANTS that can help me with my self esteem and my throat gets a surgery make over someone maybe even makes a go fund me to help me with the fact the world
is only about sex and I'm supposed to break that but it's impossible when who GOD ALMIGHTY chose isn't attracted to me I'm very tiny skinny not nourished right no home for him to come to I have absolutely nothing to offer him. I have no one that is wealthy near me I don't have any friends they all just steal constantly from me and my kids even. Everyone from my past has been a thief or they put me down put me in a church that constantly doesn't believe even though they know it's true they don't feed me or hell they look at me and then walk away. The Pastors have tried in prayer and are failing massively one Pastor and his wife tried by sticking on me in a room then they out me in the concrete. The other Pastor uses a horn I'm not sure who is he calling. All I asked for was a sandwich
lately and Pepsi because I'm weak and hungry trying to find a place for my car and me. I believe the church has cared for me the Pastor that tried thought I wouldn't end
up in the concrete beaten or freezing to death. Let the light come out that Myles Hass needs prayers to not see me as his round of GOD ALMIGHTY possibly instead he has a heart
for me and I get a make over to where hs won't know anyways because he only seen from behind even in the physical and at that that I was fat with great body figure that's what he goes after. He has always got what he wants so he won't he won't happy with me the way I look anymore Im not 20'1s whatever let Myles Hass not hear this prayer and anyone else that shouldn't let the people cover it in secret so GOD ALMIGHTY can finally and when I show up it won't matter that he treated so ugly everyone has in my life. Let the BOAZ come that can give me a BOAT
by where he lives in LA so he can come home doesn't have to come home all the time just enough to save the word for dreams come true and happiness and everything else that comes from. GOD Almighty let the doors open wide I get my new Catwoman costume. Let the BOAZ come that can help when I get pregnant I'm not alone the BOAZ doesn't have to be a man just someone who can help me with starting tic tocs movies that get produced and then I can help the homeless because I have such. A heart
due to I went through it for GOD ALMIGHTY since my house
burnt down I had a home with thousands of dollars of sexy material cute everything you could dream of I ministered all my life please let that be returned as well miracles it was Pier one imports my favorite store a beautiful bed I just paid off for over 2000 dollars even let everything is restored even better let the doors open that the sun
doesn't come up it just rains because no one believes in GOD ALMIGHTY or even that I'm Jew Hebrew and my kids have attacked I for death even constantly to die to steal GODS will everything. Let a BOAZ come that can give me a home with keys so Lizzy can go there to my oldest daughter that we can go to Disneyland adventures together with the twins and she and I can be happy let it
rain for GOD ALMIGHTY please and then let all people start praying right that need to and the others let them have a new beginning that need it as well. Turn every curse into a blessing Neh 13:2 whenever Myles Hass arrives in the Physical Enrique will be there because all I do is cry when I hear from him and Enrique is my best friend to and he can calm me down early where Myles will just get upset with me not understand me not want to be there with me unless Enrique is there because he clams him down in a way I haven't learned yet due to him to not ever texting calling or seeing me. Let Myles Hass find me on Facebook and Enrique easily and message with extreme FAVOR together since that's what Myles Hass has always done all this time. Let Enrique be covered with extreme protection Favor of protection from Christina Creller Kayleena Freeman Shaleen Freeman Rebecca Ferguson Anthony Ferguson Sharon Boyd Richard Boyd all the weirdos of Myles Hass that follow him thinking he's so GREAT in bed in the spirit whatever. He runs to get away from GOD ALMIGHTY and me. The longer he is gone from me the more I don't love him. My love for him is gone and GODS Almighty love for him is gone. Myles Hass doesn't have my GRACE to be with other women anymore because doesn't see him as his dream come true anymore. Myles Hass and I have our freedom from weird wicked people chasing us. Since Enrique loves me as a person because he loves GOD ALMIGHTY please let him come for me as my best friend to since I need someone who is more like me around me I'm not used to the streets I'm not a normal homeless person. I get help to bounce back fast Myles Hass when he comes it's says in Big letters the husband here that has no attraction
no favor no desires for his wife of the LORD it's just a round and it's last no love no list just empty. Let all our prayers hit
as in he loves GOD Almighty now first at least now and he can be the person he is supposed for GOD ALMIGHTY first then give him a heart
for me that he's not empty when he sees me so he believe at least I'm real I'm not fake and I was called to be his wife by GOD ALMIGHTY it's not my choice I honored GODS heart
. Let the new doors open for me since everybody stole and made me and GOD a joke for listening
and obeying GOD ALMIGHTY. Let the doors open wife that I can be happy even when Myles Hass isn't home
since he never wanted to come to me. Let me have Enrique there with me all the time we can cook together he can help me with the kids there going to be extremely hyper whatever GOD ALMIGHTY DNA
he put in him GOD wanted him to be extraordinary for his own children for the people etc. give Myles Hass strength to desire to text me not the other weirdos he always runs to. Give Enrique extreme strength more then Myles Hass even because that's who I run to not Myles Hass when I'm crying which is basically whenever he shows my heart
does even more. Let a BOAZ come that dislikes Myles Hass to help me easily financial with tattoos everything so I can have fun while I get my make over and then I have a place for him come to Enrique and my new friends will have fun healing the GOD ALMIGHTY in me and the make over will be able to remove all the witchcraft that blocked the world's dreams come true happiness and remove famine bringing back hope for people going without that can happen if people will help let it be a bunch of people with the go fund me account that don't even have to say there name that just say GOD ALMIGHTY has put on my hear to support either with money make over whatever needed for the world
. Let the people help in my go fund me account and them some maybe even find me on Twitter Instagram Snapchat Facebook and then I start my tic tocs with them in it. Then everything I have done all my life won't be for nothing and then Myles Hass cab be set free from the world
weirdos that just don't want GID Almighty to win and there just selfish Jezebels that prayed for him to be addicted. Let the body of Christ in healing in there wings that they help MYles Hass have strength to want to beat Dad not a giant horror with women who are just weird. The absolute truth comes out about Sharon Boyd and if she is responsible for what she's done or it's her under weird control of the weirdos that have to sleep with him on Holidays and such. Let people come into my life that can take to me a Halloween party in LA even just a fun party and I get a costume great friends who are just cool people who know who Iam and would love to have me in there lives because they know I'm GRACE for God Almighty for GOd and it's not a joke and I need new friends due to I'm completely alone every minute every day. Let the people who can help me get this right show up like. The speed of light that can financially help me and want to would love to help and have been trying to get to me easily. Let it
Rain I have my favor back attraction back my kids do to so I'm attractive and I feel attractive let it
Rain I get the friends that are best for me and Enrique if he's with me all the time when Myles is wherever he is in the future just in case because 11 years of them tortured to not want me don't go Joanna don't call don't text Joanna don't desire Joanna don't ever go towards her don't do anything for Joanna just don't breathe near her don't try to. Let my power come back to me immediately and let me look in my make over like Jennifer love Hewitt Holy Berry Jennifer Lopez there's a bunch I look like somewhat I have alot of there traits look sound etc and then give these women a heart
for me I'm there GRACE and then make it there protected extra when I finally have my own look. Then let Myles Hass not even know about the make over so he can be attracted to me when he finally he's sees me in the Physical. Let my lips get done because from my last my lip was ripped off and never I couldn't afford surgery they don't match at all. Let my chin be done because it's hanging down from extreme warfare and my skin sagging like 90 year old. Let the wrinkles be remove that have been done by extreme witchcraft of jealous women Iook 90 again let the hump on my back be removed if possible I look 90 again let the moles be removed there huge very unnatural it's done by evil as well let everything be either surgery removed with a GREAT team that can fix me and .make me feel so much better it can be a Mommy make over let the right people come who can help get bras and underwear that fit being homeless all my clothes are gone I'm not attractive In that way either.. let the people have a heart
for Myles Hass enough to help him love GOD ALMIGHTY first then let him have a heart
for me but first be kind to Enrique always because he's the reason anything will coming through. All this into existence in Jesus Name AMEN AMEN AMEN AMEN AMEN AMEN AMEN AMEN