Neha jain
Prayer Warrior
Heavenly father I come to you before in Jesus name.. Lord you know my husband putting blames on me because of me he got hurt and he is divorcing me.. He is not seeing what he and his family did to me.. I regret for what I did lord but he is not understanding how much he and his family hurted me.. He is blaming on me and my family… and he is telling because of me and my family mistakes he is giving divorce lord… Lord still I have forgiven him and his family.. but he and his family are not ready to forgive me not ready to give me another chance… Lord why I am getting punishment like this lord.. I am sorry for all my sins and for all my mistakes I have done till now lord.. but please you give me one chance to stay with my husband and together will improve ourselves lord.. If it is your will please show me the sign through bring us back together lord… I can only request you my lord please don’t separate us.. If he is not a nice person for me make him the right person lord bring him to the right path with you everything is possible lord.. If I am doing wrong please correct me also lord.. but please stop this divorce lord please you stop my husband from giving me divorce lord.. If he is not interested to stay with me please you show him the interest about me lord please giving up is not an option as much as he is hurt even I am hurt my lord.. even I am dying from inside lord.. Ask him to forgive and to believe in me and my family lord.. Show him I am not a fake person lord I am a right girl for him show to him my lord please stop him from leaving me please lord please I pray in Jesus name amen