1> pray for a lady who sells flowers near by my house, she lost her mother, pray for her mother's soul, pray for her health and her husband health. 2> pray for a 8 months old cat name mercy, she was hit by a car, she has broken jaw, pray for her complete healing. 3> pray for Mr Bernie's two year old granddaughter, she suffered her third heart attack, tomorrow she is going to have a surgery for an artificial heart, pray for her complete healing and successful surgery. 4> pray that GOD will save the world from corona virus and heal all those who are infected by corona virus. Pray for all those people in the world who are sick and are in pain. 5> pray for all homeless people and animals. 6> pray for my country India and also for the world's peace. 7> pray for my family, relatives, neighbors and friends health. GOD bless you