pray for my young Brother Agrippa Banda he is in prison and will be in court on 14th july 2022 and 29th final judgement pray for him for Gods freedom.from zambia
Good evening children of God My name is precious siampazanga none as Mrs mweetwa now from zambia.i have been married for close to one year now and I don't have any children my prayer request is that people of God help me to ask God to bless me with beautiful children and to make my life free...
My cousin's is name Graffs Sinyangwe he is admitted in hospital since Saturday 11 June.
Since he divorced his first wife, life hàs been not going well for him.
He is a degree holder from the University of Zambia but after the divorce life for him has been bad and now he is sick and admitted in...
Good morning,I'm Nicholas CHANGAYA from Zambia, having a problem of low sperm count and my wife Jacqueline she also have a problem of fibroids, eating evil food in the dream and dreaming alot of evil.we are 6 years in marriage but with no child,sometimes she feels as if there people moving...
Please help me interns if clearing my future . Alot of bad thing comes my way unknowingly. And also pray 🙏 persue my dreams am at the University please pray for me to stop my bad abbits . Am Samuel kapelele from Zambia . Am 18 years old .
I am kindly asking how can I receive anointing oils and water , please assist me on how to contact the main church and receive the anointing, my country is Zambia, Lusaka. God bless all of you amen.
Women of God pray for me I have diabaties and BP, spirit of limitations, spirit of set back and spiritual break through I believe God can heal me from distance.Iam chinyama Mukuma from Zambia,aged 45 years, Emmanuel
Good morning Prophet, I am Mr. Silomba Lukundo from Zambia in Nakonde. Prophet please my prayer request is that GOD removes stagnation in my life, children's education stagnation and ill-health especially on my daughter Patience, my marital health challenge to be squashed. I will be grateful...
My workmate has just fallen ill at work,it happened here at work place around 01:20am at konkola copper mine in Zambia.He is an electrician and was complaining of severe stomach pain and diarrhea.So as at now we have taken him to the hospital,now he can't work, talk etc.
My prayer request for...