God bless you. Thank you for praying for a young one in the midst of a toxic environment. Pleas Lord God help this child. Protect from manipulation and all the wrong that is against him. Please help deliver him out of the emotional abuse to safety and encourage and strengthen by the mercy of...
Thank you for praying for a young one in need of a safe healthy environment, encouragement, and to be delivered from emotional abusive situation
Thank you in Jesus name
God bless
Thank you for prayers the Lord will thwart and stop the plans and attacks of the enemy on this family. For physical healing, help for the young one and elders in need and other unspoken requests.
In the name of Jesus
Prayers please for the young one thst he will continue to realize God’s presence and protection. In Jesus name that the Lord would bind satan from this young life and he might continue to grow in grace and the wisdom of Jesus and be delivered from the emotional abuse to safety and nurture and...
Prayers please for the young one and the ones that emotionally hurt him would stop and he would be brought to safety for good. In Jesus name.
Jesus Jesus Jesus
thank you for lifting up my loved one in the hospital. Please pray for continued healing and strength. And that the delirium will leave and stop antagonizing him. In Jesus name
Prayers for a young one isolated and please pray he will be brought back into a healthy environment and protection
Praises to our God on High. He has revealed all to us and is our friend that has gone to prepare a place for us. How loving and beautiful.
Thank you for continuing to work and heal our loved one as we see small steps of improvement. Oh Lord deliver us from the evil one. And souls to be saved...
Thanks to ou God for His precious Word our Lamp and Light. Thank you and praises for hearing our prayers Lord Jesus Holy and Wonderful Counselor.
Please pray with me for a relative very vulnerable because of illness , elderly being taken advantage of by acquaintances in another state.
Please pray with me for a young one in need. Our most sovereign God knows all about this child and can help the young one. There will be a coronation of our King of Kings and Lord of Lords and every knee will bow and every tongue will confess He is Lord of all. Our God reigns. We love you...
A young one in need
Thank you
Thanks and praise to our Lord whom has not abdicated His throne. He is everlasting, forgiving, the Great Physician, and Love overflowing. His name above all names, Jesus Christ Savior of the whole world. Holy, Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace, Mighty God.
Oh Lord God in heaven wisdom is needed and it is one of your wonderful promises that you will give it. Thank you Lord for you many blessings. The young one needs deliverance Father. Thank you for your help and listening. There is nothing better and more gracious and holy than you Lord. Thank you...
A young one in need. Please continue to pray. Lord God in heaven to intervene. God bless you to join me in the petition to our Lod and Savior Jesus Christ.
Plz pray for the young one. Sounding very sad and missing home. The Lord can deliver him from the isolation and reach down and encourage.
I know He hears us and can help. Jesus thank you.
Prayers🙏for an elderly loved one whom may be needing surgery due to an accident njury prsyers for elders being taken advantage of. God know who. Prayers for the young one. Oh Lord most loving friend You are with them. Prayers they will be aware of your presence, guidance and eternal love. Jesus...