My brother is 50 years old.
Lord, protect my brother from prison and wrong decisions in Jesus name.
Lord, deliver him from all false accusations in Jesus name, amen.
Lord, protect him from wrong people and wrong decisions.
Lord, give him insight, wisdom, understanding of his life and current...
country: croatia
current condition
evil druggs
false accusations
right purpose
righteous ways
warm person
wisdom understanding
wrongdecisionswrong people economic frauds
35 weeks pregnant. Please pray for me. I have many issues and I am conflicted. My husband has caused me and my kids trauma and is with another woman at this very moment , instead of him choosing the lords path he makes wrong decisions every time. May he repent and follow the lord. I am hurt that...
35 weeks pregnant. Please pray for me. I have many issues and I am conflicted. My husband has caused me and my kids trauma and is with another woman at this very moment , instead of him choosing the lords path he makes wrong decisions every time. May he repent and follow the lord. I am hurt that...
Lord protect my brother from wrong decisions and wrong people.
Lotd let him be wise and reasonable.
Loving and good to us - his family.
Lord heal him from arrogance and druggs, alcohol, substance abuse of any kind.
Keep him on the right track.
Righteous ways and righteous priorities.
Lord let...
alcohol substance abuse
country: croatia
right track righteous ways
righteous priorities
wrongdecisionswrong people lord
“If god wanted you to move on with another woman why would he bless us with another baby?” This is what I told my husband . He always makes the wrong decisions. Does not walk with the lord. Hurts his family and denies everything he does wrong. I’m 34 weeks pregnant. Heartbroken, single mother...
Lord, protect my family from wrong decisions, wrong people.
Especially my brother who sometimes acts in a foolish way. Just got from prison, falsely accused from some dangerous woman.
Lord, give us all wisdom and willpower to make wise good prosperous decisions in every area of our lives.
My brother is going from the island where he is staying temporarely to one big city at the seacoast for fun.
PLease pray that he will not take druggs or misuse alcohol.
Pray that he will not mix with wrong people.
No wrong decisions.
Lord, keep him from any evil and any harm, amen.
He is...
1) Protection from any evil for my brother
2) No wrong people or wrong decisions in his life
3) All charges against him dropped in a record time (he is falsely accused)
4) No going back to prison in Jesus name
1) To find easily and effortlesly the right spot for summer vacations for me (3 weeks). No frauds.
2) For my parents to completley recover from Covid symptoms.
3) For my brother to be protected from any evil and wrong decisions
4) For my brother - all charges to be dropped against him...
Lord, bless me and prosper me if i go at the seacoast better then i could possibly pray, think or imagine in Jesus name.
My 3 or more weeks of summer vacations at the seacoast.
Lord, protect me from wrong people, wrong decisions and especially from Covid, in Jesus name, amen.
Lord, keep and protect my brother Sinisha (Seeneesha pronounced) from wrong people, wrong ways, wrong thinking and wrong decisions.
I ask for him wisdom for good and right decisions.
Leading of the Holy spriit.
Protection of angels from evil people who want something from him and want to do...
country: croatia
heavy physical abuse
holy spirit protection
lying manipulative greedy woman
record time deadline
right decisionswrongdecisionswrong people
wrong thinking
wrong ways
Lord, dont let my brother to make wrong decisions.
Lord, correct all of his ways.
It seems to me that he doesnt want to listen to our advices.
He is hiding something i think.
Doesnt want to tell the whole truth, but only partialy.
Lord, keep my brother who is running through life and not thinking enough or thinking wrong from WRONG PEOPLE and WRONG DECISIONS.
Lord, give him WISDOM, SOBBER MIND, MIND OF CHRIST, no using of alcohol or druggs.
No socializing with wrong people.
Lord, keep my brother Sinisa (Seeneesha is pronounced) from wrong people and wrong decisions.
Especially from alcohol and any druggs in Jesus name.
Only wisdom and sound mind, amen.
Good prosperous decisions.
No waisting of money or rushing through life.
Sound sobber mind.
Debt cancellation.
Financial prosperity for me and my family.
In every way.
Miracle money from everywhere.
Protection over our money from frauds, predators or wrong decisions. Amen
Wisdom in spending, saving, investing, giving money, amen.
Blessing and prosperity.
Lord, protect the money of my mother, father, brother and my money.
OUr finances and real estates and possessions.
Nobody making bad decisions.
Nobody letting frauds in into our family.
Trial of my brother - my mother just paid 10 000 euro to the lawyer and she said she will not give him a...
bad decisions
country: croatia
family trial
friend female
good condition
legal process
mother father brother
real estates
terrible experiences
Lord, keep my brother from wrong paths and wrong decisions.
Lord, keep him from misuse of drug and alcohol.
Lord, keep him from wrong people and wrong company.
Lord, let him have relationships only with good moral normal people
He said to me yesterday that cocaine is not a drug!!!
Lord, keep...
country: croatia
good moral normal people
heavy physical abuse
manipulative lying woman
other evil ways
other people
wrong company
wrongdecisionswrong paths
wrong people
Incredible breast pain and breast cancer, swelling and inverted nipple. Tenderness and hardened tissue: too scared to get it checked out. I really need a place to live and I don’t know how to find it or commit to it or pay it or go and see them. I feel like I’m going to go to jail soon and I...
breast cancer
country: united kingdom
credit card
godly wisdom
incredible breast pain
inverted nipple tenderness
new creative
urinary tract
wrongdecisionswrong evil people
Please pray for me to never lose my job. Please pray for me to always have a pure and clean hearr. Please pray for me to be able to travel without any problems today. Please pray for me to be able to board the plane to mauritius without any problems and danger. Please pray for me to be safe...