First lord help all people on this site , please . Secondly, lord help with my health and my wife’s illnesses please Lord help my kids open doors of opportunity in there life’s , give them the mind set to do whatever makes them happy with your help lord . Pls lord help tony b n Casey to help my...
Please lord bless my day today . Restore my health and marriage, help my business be ok . Pls help with my face , my nose , ears people now make fun of me , pls lord help . Blessings to all my enemies. St Anthony help with lost love and work , pls help with m and h, b . Pls humble my nephew n...
Please lord let my wife be ok at doctors today . Lord restore are marriage and work . Pls don’t let me have to do surgery on my nose , pls let me be ok , lord help with my L , T problems . Thank you .
Please lord help with this girl Dina , she is giving us problems at work , lord pls help . Lord Also help with are superiors they need to help us Finaincially . Prayer warriors help pray with me .
I need the lord to do something or change the hearts of are superiors/ bosses at work , pls lord let them be nicer , they have bullied us for more than 15 yrs , lord it is your time now please help set the balance. Pls lord help us .
Please lord take all evil eyes and curses off my family & offices , at work . Pls let people not gossip about us . Lord in your name take on evil off my family , wife and kids . In Jesus name I pray .
May the lord pls help with work , pls lord let them help us not try n destroy us . Pls lord let them have a heart . Pls lord show us blessings this day .
Please prayer partners help prsy that work treats me and my wife fairly , has not happen in many years , now it’s come to a very bad situation, Pls lord let them treat us with some decency. Pls we have done all we can do , sacrificed are life’s for work . Pls help .
Please lord help parents with lawsuit, let domenic stop the evil and realize this is not right . Let only blessings come out of evil , let his family stop him from all evil . Lord help Enza , help Ant with work pls let it get easier pls . Lord Thank you for everything.
Please lord clean my life & my families life of all evil & fake people at home n at work, pls help that doctors will always do right thing for my family & take time to help us. Pls heal are bodies lord & May you forgive us are trespasses , please send down your Angels to protect us always . Heal...
I humbly ask for prayer we are going through a very hard time are no one has work I am struggling to put food on the table from for my kids I haven't been able to pay utility bills or even buy a electricity daily. My fam is suffering my husband can't work due to a spine problem. We still waiting...
For an end to all demonic attacks, evil doers & evil schemes, evil eye. Please lord fill my life with angels of God , blessings. Please help my wife with health and work, pls don’t make Mia bother her, keep e happy. May my parents be healthy & peace to come to them.
Please lord let today be a blessed day for my family and at work. Pls let my uncle & aunt change there hearts for the better , let them put down there weapons & anger , open the doors of peace with my mom. Pls lord help .pls bring peace with neighbours, just peace .