Please my lord Jesus Christ give me the strength to always obey your word no matter who tries to make me do anything I know is against the will of God. In the name of our lord Jesus Christ... Amen.
Let us pray that Heavenly Father will give me a wise and understanding heart so that I can be a good steward of all that He has entrusted to me, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Let us pray that the Heavenly Father will help me to seek Him with all my heart, to pour out my whole soul before Him in...
We are a small church with members who are not fully committed to studying your word and coming to church. We have a handful of tithing members and others just don’t pay.Im asking the Lord to save souls and increase our membership with families of Christian men and women who love the Lord and...
Thank you brethren for your prayers and for praying with us. I feel my faith weaken these days and it's hard to desire to read the word,please pray for the zeal to come and fir my spirit man to be strong. If I fall into temptations may I triumph over all satanic traps and arrows. Pray for mum...
Let us pray that Heavenly Father will give me a wise and understanding heart so that I can be a good steward of all that He has entrusted to me, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Let us pray that the Heavenly Father will help me to seek Him with all my heart, to pour out my whole soul before Him in...
Lord, we pray in faith, believing in Your Word and Your promises to us. We ask according to Your Word. you say you will establish me to the end- keep me steadfast, give me strength, guarantee my vindication, that is, be my warrant against all accusations or indictment. Father you contend with...
lord pls save all associates, managers, team leads and corporate and all those who are at walmart. pls save their families if they are in need of being saved. pls for all walmart to remain open for years to arrive. pls save all those that employed at banks. pls save them and their families. pls...
From the bottom of my heart I wish everyone the blessings, help, healing and mercy from the Lord our God. He is faithful and true to His word. Just take up your cross and follow Him all the way to glory. Please pray for revival in all our churches, to send missionaries, evangelists, teachers and...
Let us pray that Heavenly Father will give me a wise and understanding heart so that I can be a good steward of all that He has entrusted to me, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Let us pray that the Heavenly Father will help me to seek Him with all my heart, to pour out my whole soul before Him in...
I’m having a hard time with my wife. She accuses me of not being a Christian, I know I’m saved but then I want to curse her yet at the same time I want to forgive her. Could it be that we are unequally yoked, that she may not be saved? I just want to be saved and actually love and forgive her...
In Jesus’s name please pray it is God’s will to heal my husband physically, emotionally & spiritually. Lord you know the medical issues he has & the extreme anger & depression. Just when he seems to be calming down, he blows up. Starts talking about wanting to be dead. It’s awful &...
Thank you for the visit of the pastor and evangelist yesterday and last night. Thank you that all of us received the Word of God from one another, Eph 5:21. Thank you especially for the regional pastor who speaks into many lives. May he especially speak into the life of my wife and may the seed...
We have been unsure if moving to a house is what God wants us to do because it will have a greater monthly financial impact. However, I have been praying to God for clarity on whether or not to move. We seek God's approval because we don't want to do anything that He disapproves of. Please pray...
Let us pray that Heavenly Father will give me a wise and understanding heart so that I can be a good steward of all that He has entrusted to me, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Let us pray that the Heavenly Father will help me to seek Him with all my heart, to pour out my whole soul before Him in...
Let Us Pray: God, I ask You in Jesus’ name, let me always remember and never forget that You are my Source. Let me always come to You, asking You in faith, for what I stand in need of, and trusting You to supply all my needs. I know that faith, prayer, obedience to Your Word, and work equal...
Dear Father please cover my family with your love, help us to love one another. Help us to respect each other and know the values you have taught us. Let us have a great understanding of your word so we may live our life as you would have us to do. Heal all who are sick or have any illness in...
Everyone makes mistakes, my son has never even had a traffic ticket, but has been arrested and has been in jail for over 80 days with no word as to when he’ll have a court date. It’s killing us both—we have continued to be strong in our faith and pray continuously but I need your help. Please...
Let us pray that Heavenly Father will give me a wise and understanding heart so that I can be a good steward of all that He has entrusted to me, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Let us pray that the Heavenly Father will help me to seek Him with all my heart, to pour out my whole soul before Him in...
Anna Father I am standing on your word. You are my Deliverer, my Helper, my Rock my Provider. Father I need you to provide the full amount needed to pay my rent in full and on time this weekend. Father my paycheck never seems to be enough but you always make a way. Please soften the heart of my...