Thank you Lord for the new house im about to have. I claim it in Jesus name. I believe in you for your abundant love and miracles. You are the Lord of love and wonders. I claim this house in Jesus name and im forever thankful for your mercies. You pointed me to the new direction and im glad to...
God of wonders with out number to grant me divine financial settlement in my life. God of wonder without number to grant me my visa his year in Jesus name amen 🙏. God of wonders with out to grant me martial settlement both traditional and white weeding
Abba father by your mercy let there be double celebration in my family this year in Jesus name amen God of wonders without number do wonders in my family this year make name for yourself in my family this year Amen 🙏 Amen show up in our lives Amen
Healing healing healing in the life of Roseline and her children oh lord make name for yourself in the life of Roseline children God of wonders without number do wonders in their lives Amen 🙏 Amen
Greetings papa, i want to ask our almighty God in heaven through this platform to bless us financially inorder to complete our house projects. Our house is uncompleted and we staying inside already. We are trusting the God of wonders without number to help us to complete it this year. Amen. My...
My time has come!I am called MANKAH Stéphanie,a nurse. I am doing professional internship in a company,where by the main worker has gone on leave and it appears he will not come back,I am praying for the God of Wonders without Numbers to favour me and let me be kept in that company without...
Prayer request- it drop in my spirit to post this here and I know it already answered, please join me in praying concerning my greencard approval this coming week, it been more 6years of waiting and I know God is about to do wonders, please pray that God that hold the heart of kings should touch...
Father make a name for your self in my life and settle maritally this year 2023. 2. Father make a name for your self and change my story and family story. 3. Father make a name for your self and restore all that I have lost and restore my wasted years. 4. Father make a name for your self and...
I want the God of wonders without number to help our ministry the Giant light int'l gospel centre for flow of financial aboudance to complete our church building that is stalled in lintel level this year and also increase our church numerically in Jesus name. pst. Andrew O.
TESTIMONY OF A CHANGE OF LEVEL, Apostle God bless you for making yourself available for God to use in this our generation. I want to thank God for changing my level. I joined Wonders Without Number last year. This is my second testimony. My project manager wrote a letter of incompetency against...
Very very urgent lord please please touch under my eyes please please perform miracles and wonders for me touch my under eyes make the filler I got please please go completely smooth please please make doctor darren fix it have incredibly understanding compassionate know exactly how to fix it...
Very very very urgent lord I ask you please please please touch under my eyes please please perform miracles wonders touch my under eyes in every way please please please make the filler i got under eyes go completely totally smooth in every single way as I desire with absolutely no no raised...
Please pray for a miracle of healing for my dear, beloved grandma! We love her so much and pray with all our might that she will beat this! That she will fully recover! Please God, please decree that you will heal grandma and help her overcome this horrible illness! We know you can work wonders...
There is no One like Jesus who did wonders for people who need help and healing. Please pray for our church to be full of the presence of Jesus and lost souls will come to know Him. Pray that we will be full of the power of the Holy Spirit of God. Bless us o Lord we pray. Amen
I and my fiance is ready to settle down (marry) this year. I want the God of wonders without numbers to open the doors of financial help for to do the need.
Papa I have been praying on this alter about 3 years ago I stopped because I wouldbt receive answers but am back now trusting God for answers to my prayers for success in my pending bar exams which is starting 28th of June 2023.
God of wonders without number help me
Bless you