When trials and tribulations comes to your life. When darkness and rejection reaches your life, and when there is no one to help, run to the arms of Jesus. He is waiting for you to comfort your troubled soul. To give you a new direction in life. To lead your path towards heaven. There is...
Jesus said like a thief in the night the Son of Man shall appear in majesty and great glory to take us all home to heaven. So, keep waiting, keep vigil and ready to see wonderful things happening to everyone who loves the Lord with all their heart, mind and soul.
I am waiting to touch and...
The most beautiful verses we found in the bible are those of praise, adoration to God almighty. The Psalmist knew as well as those who love the Lord with all their heart, mind and soul that adoration to Him is the proper response of a hungry soul who seeks eternity to come and help and solve...
If we do not attend church and do not obey His word, then our life will be so empty. It is Jesus who fill our hearts with joy and peace. I placed my life in His hands and everything changed for me and my children.
Let us all tell the wonderful story.
The Lord alone can change things.
You have prayed, you have fasted, you have been faithful to Jesus in obeying His voice. Pray without ceason. Gather yourselves together to sing Gods praises. All of these good things done in the name of the Lord are valuable to Him.
Let us all remember those wonderful things He has said...
I want to get someone who Jesus will send to my path. That person should be a loving and caring one. Who prays daily for lost souls, attends church and sings in the choir praises to the Lord, and when he comes back from church continues to praise the Lord in word, in thought and in deed.
We believe, we trust, we wait for Jesus. Salvation and healing cometh from Him alone. Holy God, we really praise,honor and glorify Thy name. You are worthy of all glory. Save us, help us and guide us all to our eternal home in heaven.
We walk the path Jesus has shown us on earth.
Lovely people from God , i want to say a big thank you to the Almighty God for his Grace and wonderful things he has done . And thank you to all my brother's and sister's here who supported me in prayers . God have answered my prayers so i have got my residence permit and i need to go for it...
I do not know the reason why God has chosen us to be His very own. But His mercy reaches to all of us who believe, trust and wait for Him. Day and night calling on His name. I know down deep inside my heart that God has a purpose in our life for being where we are.
Heaven and earth shall...
The pandemic made them lonely or someone else? Who did this to them? Maybe it is low self steem, lack of confidence, unworthy of attention, no one likes them or desires to be with them.
If we just have Jesus on our sid we would never ever be lonely or feel forsaken on earth. Jesus is...
Dear lord please help my father and family to be healthy and happy please help them heal thank you for healing him and keeping him safe. Thank you lord for all the wonderful things you have blessed us with thank you for the babies please don’t ever let them go in Jesus name I pray amen
Jesus want us all healthy and happy. He came to give us life and life everlasting. Trust, wait and see wonderful things shall come out from His hand.
I love You dear Jesus.
Beautiful things shall come from You.
I believe it with my whole heart.
What a beautiful experience to have in life, in the holy presence of Jesus wonderful things happens and if we believe, if we trust and take our eyes on Jesus beautiful things will come to pass.
Peter said to Jesus. Lord, if bid me Thou come to Thee on the water.
Jesus said. Come.
So, Peter...
beautiful experience
beautiful things
country: bolivia
holy presence
life troubled seas
smiling face
steady steps
sure path
wonderful day
What makes life worth living is to know Him personally, to touch and feel His holy presence in the middle of the night. I felt an angel touching me at three o clock in the morning. Wake up, see the wonderful things I am bringing to you.. He said.
I woke up and started to sing. Hallelujah...
Church attendance does not save anyone but we can find relief to our troubled soul. Depression will go away, worry will dissapear, healing shall come and Jesus name will be magnify above all things. True life is found in Gods house. A place where Gods word is preached and practiced. Find...
My significant other who I have been with since 2012 is in the hospital and it's not looking good. He's been in the hospital for around 48 days. He was having stomach problems starting December of last year, but avoided doctors and hospitals over fear of Covid. On the 20th of Feb. he had to be...
Wonderful things will happen to all of us when our time on earth is up and we are on our way to our glorious abode in heaven.
In an instant, in a twinkling of an eye, at the last trumphet. For the trumphet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptable. And we will be changed.
I had a very tough night last night
i could not sleep very much
and then i woke up with soo much anxiety too...
In Jesus's Name...
please ease my soo troubled mind and bring me a feeling of peace
and much inner calm
with a gentle contentment despite the trials that i...