Hello, please pray fir all witchcraft spells to be taken off of Janice and Jim and my mom Victoria and Steve and his family abs also Ken and his family tonight thank you
Hello, please pray for God to stop all of the witchcraft spells that Roxann put on us and take all the spells away from us our car and our home tonight thank you
Hello, please pray for all witchcraft spells and black magic and voodoo to be removed and grieving over my Dad that passed away to be healed from a broken heart
Hello, please pray fir curse words spoken over me abs my family involving the word old to removed immediately and all witchcraft spells and voodoo to go immediately too
Hello, please pray fir all witchcraft spells and voodoo to be removed from our home and jobs immediately and for it to backfire if m husband keeps trying to make jealous of other girls
Hello, please pray for Diane to be delivered from all witchcraft abs voodoo and witchcraft spells and black magic and incantations and psychics and salvation abs healing fir her today thank you
Hello, thank for me I am nervous around my husband cause he broke my trust also please pray for me to stop choking on my food and all witchcraft spells to be broken off immune
Hello, please pray fir healing abs salvation and deliverance fir Simmons school abs Holgate school and for all witchcraft spells to be removed from these schools and central high school too
Hello, please pray fir all of Roxanns witchcraft spells to be removed immediately and not to return also pray fir God to send angels to protect my family from witchcraft thank you