Heavenly father pls protect me this night. Pls forgive me cleanse me from my sins and inquities. Pls cleanse me with your precious blood. Pls protect me and my home from demons witches witchcraft spells witchcraft attacks rats mouses from all spiritual attacks. Pls protect my brain and my 💜 this...
heavenly father pls protect me from principalities from demonic attacks from satanic attacks from witchcraft attacks from spiritual attacks. Pls help me for my prayer life can improve & my relationship with you can improve & my intimacy with you can improve. In JESUS name. AMEN.
I need total deliverance prayers especially deliverance from idolatry mind control soul ties rejection spiritual attacks demonic attacks satanic attacks witchcraft attacks witchcraft spells failure . In JESUS name. AMEN.
country: unknown
idolatry mind control soul
name amen
satanic attacks
spiritual attacks demonic attacks
total deliverance
witchcraftattackswitchcraft spells failure
heavenly father I thank you for this morning. Pls continue protect me from sin from evil from kingdoms & rulers in darkness demonic attacks satanic attacks witchcraft spells witchcraft attacks insanity craziness mental retardation spiritual attacks wickedness failure impure thoughts works of tha...
heavenly father pls come & take control over my life. Pls forgive me of my sins & iniquities. Pls give me major transformation in my life. Pls break all soul ties in my life. Pls protect me from demonic attacks satanic attacks witchcraft attacks witchcraft spells occultic spells hexes vexes...
country: unknown
demonic attacks satanic attacks
evil eye pls
fruit pls
heavenly father pls
major transformation
resources pls
sins iniquities
test pls
Heavenly father pls continue protect me from demonic attacks demonic dreams satanic dreams satanic attacks witchcraft attacks witchcraft spells hexes vexes voodoo envy evil eye curses spiritual attacks when resting. Pls have me receive visions from just you. In JESUS name. AMEN.
heavenly father pls protect me this night. Pls protect me from demonic attacks satanic attacks witchcraft attacks witchcraft spells evil eye demonic forces demonic strongholds curses spiritual attacks. Pls give me peaceful rest this night. In JESUS name. AMEN.
heavenly father pls protect me spiritually mentally & physically from all spiritual attacks all witchcraft attacks all demonic attacks all satanic attacks while I rest. In JESUS name. AMEN.
heavenly father I need protection from all spiritual attacks from all demonic attacks all satanic attacks from witchcraft attacks. Pls help me & give me tha strength to fight & win against all evil spiritual attacks demonic attacks & satanic attacks Pls cover me with ur precious blood. Pls...
Dear Beloved, Please pray that God will deliver me from witchcraft attacks and Satanic oppression. Also pray for me for deliverance from household enemies and Satanic cage of the devil. Also pray that God will deliver from ancestral and generational curses. Thanks, Philip Obi.
Hi need my mother & siblings to be fred from wicthcraft attacks ,which are quite intense as we speak as we speak, I am a revelator by the mercy of God & i have a diserning spirit by which God back dates me to events & things that happened & by who This makes me know some of the attackers,like...
MY LORD pls rescue me protect me from all demonic attacks all satanic attacks all witchcraft attacks all forms of evil attacks including all attacks of the enemy all forms of witchcraft. Pls protect me this night.
Deliverance of marriage and health for my first born son Shaddai Melman Kapembwa Healing of my head evil things move through out my body and they leave black marks in the body especially the head in the brain Dreaming of all dead relatives both dead parents and late 4 elder brothers who died and...
black marks
children's marriages
country: zambia
dead parents
dead relatives
deliverance of marriage
elder brothers
evil things
first born son shaddai melman kapembwa
head evil things
late 4 elder brothers
other relatives
relatives confusion
son shaddai melman kapembwa healing
Deliverance from all monitoring spirits from all spiritual attacks all witchcraft attacks all witchcraft spells all demonic attacks all satanic attacks. & deliverance From manipulation & retaliation.
Pray that God heals my stomach immediately. Pray that I continue my fast with no more witchcraft attacks to my health, physically, mentally, and emotionally
MY LORD please deliver me I want to be protected & free from evil from sin from evil thoughts from wicked thoughts from witchcraft attacks from idolatry from list from adultery from sexual immorality & from the attacks of the enemy.
I have been fighting demonic attacks satanic attacks enemy attacks witchcraft attacks evil thoughts playing mind games with people spirit of antichrist & gluttonous spirit spirit of anger spirit of rage wanting to fight everyone in my life rebellious spirit being stubborn demonic strongholds...
Praise God! Am from Kenya. Am blessed by your prayers please agree with me as l pray to be set free from witchcraft attacks and Satanism activities by family members and neighbors. Today l need breakthrough as we go to ballot on where to get position on our plot. I need God's best in Jesus name
country: kenya
family members
god's best
need breakthrough
satanism activities