Dear Lord, thank you so much for coming through for us when ever we call on your name. As my daughter continue with her exams, please guide her and direct here studies to the rightful content that will make her pass her exams. Help her get good grades my Lord for i wish to send her to a very...
whats th eopitn of praying ofthe Lor dneve rhelps? whats the fucking point of m ylife?? I hated EVERY fuckign minute i wish i was dead iwht all my heart i hated it i wish i was dead i hated it so much i wish i was dead
Lord please grant us a little baby to love and raise in Your image. We have a little miracle embryo growing. Please let this little grow strong and healthy so we raise it to love and care for others. We have so much love to give to it. Let this be your wish. Let this one be your miracle child.
Thank you Lord God Almighty for everything. God give me a better paying job according to your wish for me. Lord how you are going to do it I don't know but all I know is that you will surely give me a better paying job through anyone. May my helpers be restless until they give me a better paying...
I have a praise for a previous prayer. My son's teacher does appear to be more empathetic. I feel like he is doing better academically in kindergarten as well. Thank you for praying for me. I wish I could give you all a hug.
I asked God for a secret miracle and wish to happen before my dad passes away (He has a terminal illness). I have no praise report as it hasn’t happened yet so it would be nice if people might still pray. It feels more impossible each day so I feel foolish for praying it, but I would cry with...
Please pray for me. Dear God, Thank you for granting me the wish of getting a positive blood test result in my IVF transfer 10 days ago. However, another challenge has come. Please bless me with a healthy baby. My blood test results today are not good. HCG level is super low and I’m hoping for a...
The Lord did not fulfill my wish and now I’m devastated. Please pray for me. I am having a hard time trusting in Christ. I’m having sinful and blasphemous thoughts. Please pray for me. Amen
My prayer request is that I wish God would just perform a miracle in my life right now and send someone to help with my tuition fee. I'm studying Mental health and psychiatric nursing and I'm at the edge of dropping out because my parents are experiencing financial difficulties. I really pray...
Lord I do thank you for another day .I do believe you will deliver us from the pit we are in.Lordgive us your dreams.My only wish is that we never have to sruggle to such a dire point and all our needs be met.Bless us according to your perfecy will and forgive me for being the person you dont...
Please pray for me. I need God to answer my prayer. I am in a very miserable condition emotionally. May God almighty answer my prayers as soon as possible. I know it is only God and through prayers by which my wish can come true. For nothing is impossible for God. My enemies are after me and...
I pray in memory of my grandma who was a big influence in my life. I wish I had more time with you and I know that you are somewhere better know. I hope you see how grateful I am for you and how much I miss you. There is nothing more than I wish but to see you happy and at peace. There will be...
I deeply, thank you God, for your love and protection , thanks for letting my sister to be admitted in the university of her wish , it was by your love and protection, there is no one like you, l continue giving you my mum make her strong and courageous , and let her believe that we shall...
Debts and my father's illness make me loose focus. Panic attacks, not at peace at all. I wish for cancellation of my debts and Dad's full recovery. I have faith it can be done...May God see me through in the name of Jesus. Please pray with me 🙏🙏🙏
Thank you, God, for giving me a new job as per my wish and for a new beginning. I thank God for the new opportunities, abundance, success, and Christ's life.
Debts are really stressing me father is not well. Makes me weak... I wish for his speed recovery and my debts clearance so that I be at peace... Please pray with me 🙏🙏🙏