
  1. dcrandjr

    Please pray that the investigation for fraud ...

    Please pray that the investigation for fraud and cheating can continue to go well and that President Trump is confirmed winner of the election. Thank you. God bless.
  2. dcrandjr

    Please pray that this investigation uncovers all ...

    Please pray that this investigation uncovers all of the cheating in the election and President Trump is confirmed the winner. Thank you. God bless.
  3. dcrandjr

    Please pray for the investigation for fraud ...

    Please pray for the investigation for fraud and cheating in the election and that President Trump can be declared the winner. If not for the cheating the election would have been over on Tuesday because President Trump was the winner without a doubt. Thank you. God bless.
  4. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please let my son behave, my ...

    Jesus please let my son behave, my husband feel better and find a job.. Please let the media stop saying Biden is the winner for the Presidency. Let all the scandals come to light with proof. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
  5. dcrandjr

    Please keep praying for President Trump to ...

    Please keep praying for President Trump to be declared the winner because he did win. Thank you. God bless.
  6. dcrandjr

    Please pray for safety, strength and wisdom ...

    Please pray for safety, strength and wisdom for all of the people working to uncover the fraudulence and cheating in the election, so that everything can be made right. Then President Trump will be declared the winner because he did win the election. Thank you. God bless.
  7. dcrandjr

    Please pray that all of this fraud ...

    Please pray that all of this fraud is uncovered and that President Trump is declared the winner. If President Trump loses we will all suffer because the Dems will destroy our great country. Thank you. God bless.
  8. Steven Bobb

    That this curse is lifted off me.My ...

    That this curse is lifted off me.My whole life I've watched others try for something and get it, while when I try some bad break or obstacle pops up to defeat me. I want to go from being a loser to being a winner,although going by my past record the odds don't seem too promising.
  9. Steven Bobb

    Out in the world they call this ...

    Out in the world they call this "luck", but I 've had a pattern where 4 or 5 people could "breeze through" something ,then I try it, I run into "problems",and get thwarted. Or vice versa, where I try for a goal, I get defeated by an "obstacle', then soon after, I hear of , or from, some...

    Emmanuel. Please man of God and the ...

    Emmanuel. Please man of God and the Emmanuel TV team please pray for me am playing the American lottery let my name comes out as a winner for green card. I beleived and trust in God all will be fine. Emmanuel
  11. Groniere

    I'm Abhimanya Brahma from India and 47 ...

    I'm Abhimanya Brahma from India and 47 years old. I'm Christian. And our assembly election going to be held in 2021. And I am going to present as a candidature in the assembly election,so I want you to pray for me Sir to get to be winner . Please sir pray for me and tell me the result because...
  12. Typipto

    I want to be winner and rank ...

    I want to be winner and rank one holder on fantasy cricket in dream 11. Pray for my success to solve my financial problem.
  13. Anonymous

    Good evening please pray for my husband ...

    Good evening please pray for my husband that is unemployed and needs a job desperately. I am the bread winner but cannot make it to support 5 x members in my family. We cannot pay our debts and cannot survive financially. I drive my car to work and it stops suddenly I have no money to fix car ...
  14. Llinsemelor

    Good evening please pray for my ...

    Good evening please pray for my husband that is unemployed and needs a job desperately. I am the bread winner but cannot make it to support 5 x members in my family. We cannot pay our debts and cannot survive financially. I drive my car to work and it stops suddenly I have no money to fix...
  15. Llinsemelor

    Good evening please pray for my ...

    Good evening please pray for my husband that is unemployed and needs a job desperately. I am the bread winner but cannot make it to support 5 x members in my family. We cannot pay our debts and cannot survive financially. I drive my car to work and it stops suddenly I have no money to fix...
  16. Llinsemelor

    Good evening please pray for my ...

    Good evening please pray for my husband that is unemployed and needs a job desperately. I am the bread winner but cannot make it to support 5 x members in my family. We cannot pay our debts and cannot survive financially. I drive my car to work and it stops suddenly I have no money to fix...
  17. Mary vartabedian

    Dear lord I am so glad that ...

    Dear lord I am so glad that u have not left my side since me and my husband are living apart ,it has been hard but with at my side and haveing faith my husband will come back to his family ,lord u had said ask and u will recive ,lord I am asking bring my husband back home ,,lord I want that...
  18. Skolinia

    Please prayer warriors pray for Mark right ...

    Please prayer warriors pray for Mark right now. The devil is trying to work overtime in a situation. The devil needs to flee. The devil is not a winner
  19. Steven Bobb

    It doesn't take long after I wake ...

    It doesn't take long after I wake up for one or two petty little negative things to happen to me, like to "remind me" just how my life is going .I've been on the losing end of things my whole life, getting hampered from winning ,and nothing has helped. For this jinx to be lifted and I go from...
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