Heavenly pls forgive I. Pls s the wind could come to a close and it be warm. pls be with the birds and dad and mom and brother and sister and brother. Pls show me how I should live in this day. Pls be with the ppl at my dad’s job. Pls be with their families. Pls help they. Pls be with the ppl at...
The wind moving is in Gods will. I’m lucky no one nothing steals my heart desires love life my lifestyle is in Gods will forever peaceful no more shaking no circles no dizziness in my life family with the blood of Jesus Gods will Heb4:12 bind this verse Forever
Camp next to us burning driftwood blowing directly into our house -- My wife, our housekeeper, her young daughter and I are being overwhelmed by smoke. Please ask the wind changes direction right away and we cordially ask them to wait until the wind is going out to see before lighting such a...
Prayer request to feel loved. I feel tossed by the wind. I need a loving man in my life. I don't know where to begin looking for him. Prayer God give me hope and give me back happiness, contentment and peace. Prayer any feelings of rejection leave me. Prayer for self confidence to hear and see...
At this time in my life I feel like I'm in a wilderness, happy but not fulfilled, content but not satisfied. At 55 retired with one career behind, I still don't know what I want to do career wise. I know I want to serve and please God and serve others, but career wise not a clue. I have many...
Dear Father, thank you for the example of Jesus, who calmed the wind and the waves and inferred we should have the same faith to do the same if needed. The rains are pressing through our windows and 14 towels are soaking it up. I ask my friends and fellow believers to stand with me as we say...
prayers for all that is in the storm issues of all kinds also us who have all kinds of roof leaking issues but as i keep telling my self and others we are better off then people with no homes so thank you God for all you do for us the wind is ruff but i know God will keep us all safe so God...
pray with me for this family all gone wrong direction in life also praying for all this wind we and all else is getting prayers for the homeless as i say when i deal with roof leaking and my mom does also i feel blessed i got roof over my head to leak . prayers for us all
Lord l may not see the rain l may not see wind but my valley shall be full of water My overseas door is opening this December God who keeps the best for the last do it for me
I believe and trust in God for deliverance In my son life from smoking and drinking, his money don't stay in his hands whenever he get paid, its like gone with the wind.please pray for him. I pray for financial stability in my life, also i pray to my jesus to bless me with my own house. Pray...