My name Manikandan and my wife name dhamayanthi from chennai india. 2018 we get married. 2018 October 12 we get twin girl baby. After every thing going good. But after childbirth she went to her parents home. And create so many problems. After that I get to know. She have ex-boyfriend. I very...
My name Manikandan and my wife name dhamayanthi. 2018 we get married. 2018 October 12 we get twin girl baby. After every thing going good. But after childbirth she went to her parents home. And create so many problems. After that I get to know. She have ex-boyfriend. I very much worried because...
Paster Ji...I seriously want lay hand prayer for me and my wife....My Name is Mohit Patrick and my wife name is Kimmi Patrick...paster Ji we are having major financial crisis . I am not able to give testimonies was not able to give 10% from my salary by God Grace for the first time I gave..we...
Please pray for me Minino Fernandes I am not feeling well please pray for my wife n children my wife name Lattice , my son name Valerious , my daughter name Valencia
Hi, Dear prayer team my name is kothapally Varun Kumar, my wife name is sandya. From our both sides we made mistakes and now she is not talking to me. Kindly pray for us that by the end of today we both have To be one. In JESUS CHRIST NAME .PRAY for us .
Hi, Dear prayer team my name is kothapally Varun Kumar, my wife name is sandya. From our both sides we made mistakes and now she is not talking to me. Kindly pray for us that by the end of today we both have To be one. In JESUS CHRIST NAME .PRAY for us .
Hello sir Good evening my name is kenson kathar I want to request a prayer from you that my wife name Martha Hansepi is in pregnant complete 9 months. But she is not in good health. So please pray for my wife for normal delivery.
I'm kannan my wife name velmayil we are New couples married on Feb 22 2021 we need baby please prayer for us to Jesus Christ. Please give me a baby with billionaire happiness ❤️🙏
Namstea sir please pray for me and my wife, my name is Debendra bhumij, and my wife name is Sarita bhumij,we want for son (beta),my wife is pregnant, Sir please pray for both, Thank you sir.
My wife has left me. She is goose. I am pastor If it is God's will, then my wife should come back to me and do God's work with me.Himanshu and wife name seema
Dear servant of God My wife name Alishba she is suffering in vetibra problem and stomach problem and cough allergy problem backing wound problem and cough allergy problem backing. I am suffering in pain back ing pain
For offspring My Name is Venkata Prasanna Kumar, My Wife Name Venkata Kusuma, It has been a year since we got married, We have no children ,Pray for us every day?🙏🙏🙏
Praise the lord My Name vimalkumar My wife Name is Ruthra we area praying for Baby. We 2 year contusions my marriage life till now no Baby kindly pray for my family. me and my family health