
  1. Telesikos

    Please lord my father Alexis Ashton has ...

    Please lord my father Alexis Ashton has been going to the court with false accusations all the time against me and my brothers please keep him away from us and stop him from doing this wickedness to us in Jesus name please help us please pray for 7s so this abuse can come to an end
  2. Anonymous

    Heavenly father I thank u this morning. ...

    Heavenly father I thank u this morning. Pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all unrighteousess. Pls clean my mind of all evil and all wickedness. Pls deliver me from all evil and all attacks of the enemy and all demons. That the enemy and all demons and all sin will have no foothold...
  3. Anonymous

    heavenly father pls forgive me of all ...

    heavenly father pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all unrighteousness. pls change my heart and my mind and pls cleanse me of all evil and all wickedness and all witchcraft. pls fill me with righteousness and peace and love. pls deliver me from all evil and all wickedness and all...
  4. Diagonganomai

    All evil from Michael Aldridge is off ...

    All evil from Michael Aldridge is off 📴 of me my kids and anyone protected me absolutely no way can he judge me let. His wickedness be as rotteness then clear up the air for myself my kids family that's a good thing innocents animals forever ♾️🧬🌞 DNA period permanently now forever
  5. csaaphill

    Father in heaven Please hurry up and ...

    Father in heaven Please hurry up and bring your kingdom and I thank you for doing things it takes to do in the spiritual world that will soon appear in the material world as well. I thank you Jesus that Gangstalking and all of its cohoorts will soon be cut off and come to and end. I thank you...
  6. Irinpal

    Kayleena Viss Freeman the witch Or her ...

    Kayleena Viss Freeman the witch Or her weird followers forever let her wickedness be as rotteness doesn't have any of my air prayers to have a husband home who she wants to use it or my kids or anyone I know or they know forever let them all perish in there evil desires forever let us all be...
  7. csaaphill

    Lord father in heaven keep me safe ...

    Lord father in heaven keep me safe throughout all this mess that's hit me. Bless my steps to stay safe and remove them from my site and ear. Remove wickedness out of my life But I ask to teach me how to forgive them and to not render evil for evil, but they still either repent of their evil, or...
  8. Anonymous

    Heavenly father pls deliver me from all ...

    Heavenly father pls deliver me from all witchcraft and all evil and all wickedness in my and in my jobplace and my life. Pls destroy and break and put to death all evil and all witchcraft and all demonic activities. Pls sanctify and cleanse and soften my heart. Amen.
  9. Torage

    Protection from Evil Forces & Healing for the Whole World.

    St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the Divine power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the...
  10. Anonymous

    Heavenly father pls forgive me of all ...

    Heavenly father pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all unrighteousess. Pls uproot and destroy all witchcraft voodoo black magic evil eye all evil all demons all abnormalities and all wickedness that could be inside me. I renounce all this and I accept u in my life. And as my Lord...
  11. Odaxx

    Please pray that Satan and his evil ...

    Please pray that Satan and his evil will not rob me of my finances any longer. May I be set free from any demonic forces and wickedness meant to inflict fear and doubt. That any weapons formed against me shall not prosper. Please show me the way through dear Lord.
  12. Anonymous

    Heavenly father I thank u this morning. ...

    Heavenly father I thank u this morning. Pls deliver me from all evil and pls deliver me from all wickedness and from all attacks hands and tactics of the enemy and all demons. Pls help me that I will not idolize anyone or anything anymore. Heavenly father pls I was looking to buy K. Essandjos...
  13. Anonymous

    Heavenly father I thank u this morning. ...

    Heavenly father I thank u this morning. I committ myself in your care. Pls deliver me from all evil and all wickedness. Pls clean me heart and pls sanctify and soften my heart and my mind. Pls help me not to idolize anyone or anything anymore. Pls fill me with right motives. Pls save from the...
  14. Anonymous

    Heavenly father I thank u this morning. ...

    Heavenly father I thank u this morning. Pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all unrighteousess. Pls deliver me from all evil all wickedness and all attacks of the enemy and from all tactics traps of the enemy. Pls remove all obstructions. Pls shield my mind and my heart. Pls fill my...
  15. Parenysmos

    Father, you said we should ask and ...

    Father, you said we should ask and it shall be given. Lord please, I want Jezebel Etipou Amgbare to confess of killing my parents and brother openly. I want her to confess and die of her witchcraft and wickedness where ever she is before the end of the year. Lord please,expose her and her...
  16. Nmichellen

    Salvation and deliverance

    Please pray for Paul so he can give his life to Christ and stop drinking and being immoral. I pray that the money I gave him for my house rent will not be used for any evil activities or to fund any wickedness or to fund alcoholism or immorality of any kind in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. I...
  17. Anonymous

    Heavenly father pls destroy and crush all ...

    Heavenly father pls destroy and crush all yokes bondages curses generational curses strongholds. Pls cast out and bind and destroy and crush all demons that r tormenting me and all those demons and all demonic/evil/satanic forces that r binding tormenting me socially educationally mentally...
  18. Anonymous

    Heavenly pls help me that I will ...

    Heavenly pls help me that I will be delivered from and overcome all evil all temptations. I need Deliverance from idolatry and lust and adultery and fornication and satanic music and sinful desires. Pls help me to repent of all sins and all evil ways and all wickedness. That my heart will be...
  19. Anonymous

    heavenly father i thank u this morning. ...

    heavenly father i thank u this morning. pls forgive me n my wife of all r sins and pls atone us of all sins. pls help me to stop sinning and pls help to put u first in my life. pls help me to fight and resist against all unrighteousness all evil all wickedness and all temtations and all sin and...
  20. Anonymous

    heavenly father i thank u this morning. ...

    heavenly father i thank u this morning. pls forgive me of all sins and pls atone me of all sins. pls help me to stop sinning and pls help to put u first in my life. pls help me to fight and resist against all unrighteousness all evil all wickedness and all temtations and all sin and help me to...
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