MY LORD please rescue me protect me from evil from witchcraft from evil people from wickedness from sin. Please protect me from demonic mindset from satanic mindset from demonic strongholds from satanic strongholds.
Dear Lord, thank you for your goodness. I pray for good rest for us all and for you Lord to shine your light on the fraud and wickedness that was committed during our election. I pray for wisdom and protection for our President.
MY LORD please forgive me of all my sins & iniquities .Pls cleanse & purify me. Please MY LORD protect me from all evil all curses all witchcraft all wickedness all witchcraft spells all sorceries all occult & all occultic mindsets. Pls protect me & rescue me from the snare of the devil & his...
MY LORD please protect me this night. Please protect my whole residence. Please break & burn all ungodly soul ties & all evil & all demonic activity & all satanic activity & all wickedness & all demonic & all evil forces & all demonic forces & all demonic strongholds all satanic strongholds all...
MY LORD please protect me from evil from wickedness from witchcraft from witchcraft spells from idolatry from addictions from mind control from sin. Please help me to come closer to YOU & seek YOU more. Most of the time I wish I didn't have any problems.
MY LORD thank you for waking me this morning. Please protect me from evil from witchcraft from sin from witchcraft spells from wickedness. Please cleanse & purify mind with good positive thinking.
MY LORD please forgive me of all my sins & iniquities. Please help me if there's any area in my life that I still need to work on. Please cleanse & purify me. Please save me rescue me from evil from sin from wickedness from idolatry. Please come into my life. Want to turn completely from my sins...
Dear Lord, thank you for your goodness. I pray for good rest, for protection over our house, and to bring forth evidence of the wickedness and fraud of the election and wisdom for the President.
Dear Lord, thank you for your goodness. I pray for good rest, protection over my property, and to continue illuminating the fraud and wickedness that occurred in our election and favor for the President.
Dear Lord, thank you for your goodness. I pray for good rest, for protection over my property, and for continuing to show the fraud and wickedness that happened during the election and for you to convict heart's and mind's to come forward.
MY LORD please break & destroy & burn all witchcraft all witchcraft spirits in my life in my home please deliver me protect me from evil from wickedness from sin Please help me to succeed in my college math course & english courses & help me to finish my first term of college strong.
I feel like I'm the most horrible worst terrible person in the world. I was plotting harm & evil against my own family in my heart because of anger. Now I want to turn completely to JESUS for repentance & for HIM to give me a new heart & new mind & for HIM to transform me. Please MY LORD break &...
country: unknown
harm evil
horrible worst terrible person
new heart new mind
occult practices
occultic practices
Please MY LORD I need YOUR grace & forgiveness. I committed murder towards my family in my heart. I used to have a lot of bitterness & anger towards my family I used to be a very bad evil wicked boy when I was younger. Now I want to leave my old life & leave my past behind & completely forget...
bad evil wicked boy
bitterness anger
country: unknown
grace forgiveness
lot of bitterness anger
new creation
old life
Dear Lord, thank you for your goodness. I pray for good rest, for protection over my property, and to uncover the wickedness committed during the election and wisdom for the President's lawyers.
LORD please deliver me save me from sin from from iniquity temptation from impurity from evil from wickedness from listening to secular evil demonic satanic worldly music. Please MY LORD please help me so I won't have to struggle with sin or temptation no longer. Let me to live in obedience. Let...
country: unknown
iniquity temptation
past present future sins
past present future sins iniquities
secular evil demonic satanic worldly music
Dear Lord, thank you for your goodness. I pray for good rest, for protection over this house, and for revealing the wickedness that has occurred in the election and for wisdom for the President's team.
Dear Lord, thank you for your goodness. I pray for good rest, to help expose the fraud and wickedness in the election here, and me to grow closer to you.
LORD please deliver me save me protect me from spirit of antichrist. Deliver me save me protect me from evil from witchcraft from wickedness from sin from lust from masturbation from adultery from porography from wrong mindset. I want to made clean & purified & perfect.