Please pray for my friend’s mother. She’s having her final CT-scan today. Pray for a good outcome, that the cancer hasn’t spread. Please pray for her health and well-being, and for her family too. Thank you and God bless.
In a lot of pain swelling and on rein-juries with hand and need better treatment from family’s abuses who don’t care for my well-being but only by a distant friend is understanding
Let us all be thankful to God almighty for sending Jesus to earth to show us how to live, what to say, where to go and love God more than anything else in this world.
Thine be the glory,
Risen conquering Son.
Endless is the victory,
Thou over death has won.
It is really never able to forget...
I have constructed house for sale purpose. Now my neighbor is making probems by digging well very near to my compound. There is chances of collapse. Now he is stopped the dig but he is refusing to fill the well which risks to my compound. I am worried that he may make unnecessary problems for my...
Lord please release funds for me... I have to pay rent ... and protect me n my well wishers from this mafia . Lord please expose this wicked female and protect him from her ijmnip amen
Father God, send your healing hands to Baby Josephine Claire Edquilang Zamora. Let all sickness be vanished and restore her well being. In Jesus's name. Amen.
Pray for Julius for his well being. Pray that he will communicate with us on his whereabouts. Pray for his work in Yellowknife Canada. Pray for Margie also that she may seek you O Lord. Pray that Lily will have more clients for financial breakthrough. Pray for my daughter Laurice that she may...
Pls help me be strong and focus on my well-being. I have anxiety about moving forward in life. Family members are abusive and treat me like I am worthless. I am deserving of respect. I am not worthless.
Help me pray so that God can give me strength through my prophetc seasons, I have been tired and Jesus gave me scripture John 4:6 Jacob's well was there, and Jesus, tired as he was from the Journey, sat down by the well it was about noon. I remembered In the beginning was the word and the word...
Lord I thank you. I pray for the well being of my family. Keep us safe and healthy. I pray that my children will be safe during my daughter's up coming birthday celebration. My daughter get approved for her own place and save money for her financial being. My son get his life together and become...
Please pray for the normal functioning of my kidneys...and also pray for the well being of my whole body.....please please please.....pray for my blessed and successful...married life....please please please...pray for me in the name of our almighty father.....JESUS....AMEN...🙏🙏