Lord Jesus Christ thanks for everything that you have given to me bless me and my family with good health and wealth and forgive me for my mistakes and praying this in the name of lord jesus christ amen !
Lord Jesus Christ thanks for everything that you have given to me forgive me for my mistakes and lord please grant me 20000 rupees immediately to pay for my gold debts and save the item and bless me and my family with good health and wealth and praying this in the name of lord jesus christ amen !
Lord Jesus Christ thanks for everything that you given to me and i and my mom had successfully got vaccinated and please bless me and my family with good health and wealth and lord please give me some amount to save my gold and forgive me for my mistakes and i had realised the facts and praying...
Lord Jesus Christ thanks for everything that you have given to me bless me and my family with good health and wealth and vaccination today should be done properly for me and my mom praying in the name of lord jesus christ amen !
Lord Jesus Christ thanks for everything that you have given to me bless me and my family with good health and wealth and guide me in a right to achieve my goals and praying in the name of lord jesus christ amen !
Lord Jesus Christ thanks for everything that you have given to me continue to bless me and my family with good health and wealth and give me strength to come out of difficulties and achieve my goals and praying in the name of lord jesus christ amen !
Dear dad,i thank you for your kindness and love towards me and my family.lord i need wealth,increase my standard,potential and every good area of my life IN JESUS NAME.AMEN.
Lord Jesus Christ thanks for eveything that you have given to me bless me and my family with good health and wealth and lord please give me an opportunity to go to abroad country on work and reside their for upto 3 years and return back to India safely and please lord forgive me for my sins and...
I decree and declare and phrophecy my finances my financial income savings now right now in jesus name multiplys multiplys in millions millions millions rigjt now without any delay more more every day the wealth of the nations comes to me rigjt now without any delay thd weakth of the gentiles...
Lord Jesus Christ thanks for everything and bless me and my family with good health and wealth and lord forgive me for my mistakes and sins and please grant me some necessary amount to save the gold item of mom as she has done so much for me but i am helpless currently but one day very soon i...
Lord Jesus Christ thank you for everything that you have given to me bless me and my family with good health and wealth and forgive me for my mistakes and please set my life with pure mind and soul and give me strength to clear my debts and start my earrings praying in the name of lord jesus amen !
Lord Jesus thanks for everything and thank you for giving me money at right time and lord please forgive me for my mistakes and my sins and bless me and my family with good health and wealth and takecare of me and my family my lord praying in the name of lord jesus amen !
Lord Jesus thanks for all the things you have given to me bless me and my family with good health and wealth and dad health and brother pratyush health should be recovered soon and the bond between me and my brother pratyush should become back to as that as in past good and strong and praying in...
Please pray for the heavy rains and floods of our country and our state. we are praying for the health and wealth of the people , and for the natural calamities and wars of the whole world ...Thank you .
Lord Jesus i thank you for everything u have given to me and bless me and my family with good health and wealth and forgive me for my mistakes i pray in the name of lord jesus amen !