My name is Kwesiga Guma Damon from Uganda +256782932129, I request that you pray for me because I'm hypertensive and the devil haunts my family. I need anointing water, how can I get it?
Hello, I would like to ask for prayer for our cat Leo. I have seen for a couple months now that he drinks a lot more water each day. He didn't use to do that. I worry that this is a sign something is wrong with him. I have seen this before and have done research that this could be far worse or...
I am EVelina Amunyela live in Namibia. My contact 0812600752,address pobox 385,okahao,Namibia.l would like to receive the gift of new annoited stickers and watet
My name is Kwesiga Guma from Uganda. I need anointing water, whercan I get it. Is it possible to send it to Nigerian embassy in Kampala and I get it from there? Thanks
Goodmorning please I'm asking for prayer a powerful deliverance one I dream last night that my I had on my engagement ring I saw smoke coming off it so I take it off put it on the ground and i went in the kitchen for some water to throw on it when i get back the ring is on flame i throw water in...
Man of God please pray for my wife she is having kidney problem both her kidney is fail and also I requested to send the sticker and anointing water. Please help us my wife is suffering since 8yr. I believe if Prophet will pray for her in the name of Lord Jesus Christ she will be heel Amen
Please pray for Simran not getting better always going toilet upset stomach and wasting to much water. When she eat food up set tomey ,please pray for her back pain leg pain getting angry. Financial problem for us me and my daughter please 🙏 for us last night thief enter in my house .please pray...
My daughter still sick not geting better please pray for her .tomey pain going toilet couple timesand wasting water.back pain leg pain getting angry.please pray 🙏 for us financial problem we want to move looking for housing house. Please pray we get the housing house soon as posible please.
Please pray for Simran not getting better always going toilet upset stomach and wasting to much water. When she eat food up set tomey ,please pray for her back pain leg pain getting angry. Financial problem for us me and my daughter please 🙏 for us last night thief enter in my house .please pray...
Happy New Year .thank god this year will very good everything. Please pray for us simran still getting hungry all the time and still wasting water going washroom still not feeling well soreyhroat feeling not well .leg pain back pain smoking bed everything irritating throat. please pray for...
1. I want to hear and know God. 2. Someone promised to marry me and I want him to do it now 3. The water fill my yard and even enter my home that we move out , 2021 is different i dont want that anymore 4 I pray for my children marriages to be Happy and full with love 5. I want to find favor...
Hello .pray for us please add us every day in your prayer stil my daughter wasting lots of water not getting better 🙏 please pray for her .her head ,leg ,back pain and tomey still up set going wash room all the time .scared go to tap when she goes to tap washing her face smell bad all the...
Please for us my daughter still wasting to much water up set tomey getting angry. Back pain leg pain please pray for her in kitchen smell herbad everything smells bad. She put every where baby power in her room whats going on I don't know only God knows .whats worse to her I am very worried...
Hello 👋 my dsughter still getting angry kitchen still smells bad to her .still wasting to much water going wash room all the time up set tommy .please pray she get better.she said if she goesto tap wash her hands then she waste to much water.please pray 🙏 she get better. She is worried. .back...
Hello Still my daughter is sick noisy stomach wasting water going wash room serveral times.throat irritating please pray she get better .when she eat food later she is hungry why it hapeing please pray .back pain leg pain.please 🙏
Simran is still not getting better getting angry.going wash room couple time wasting water to much please pray for Simran my name Aruna my right eyes pain please pray for us. We go bed late like after . 12.its to late I want to go bed early before 10 please pray gor us both of us back pain leg...
Still my daughter waste water getting angry up stomachs going toilet she was going study up set tommy banging geting angry please pray she will get better soon as possible please 🙏 not feeling well getting hungry upset leg pain back pain
Simran cant go to sleep before 2 o' clock still up set tomey pain why she get yp set stomach. When she go study up set tomey please pray for Sinren get better soon wasting to much water.leg pain ,back pain.irritating throat
Still my daughter waste water getting angry up stomachs going toilet she was going study up set tommy banging geting angry please pray she will get better soon as possible please 🙏 not feeling well getting hungry upset leg pain back pain