Hello, please pray fir sorcery and witchcraft to stop against me abs my family today and for no more spells or voodoo put on my family please ask God to let Roxann and Aiden know that they can’t hurt us with witchcraft anymore also all spells of competition to be taken off immediately
Hello, please pray fir all voodoo and witchcraft spells to be removed from Aberdeen schools and Ramkota Hotel , Abra, Aberdeen Chrysler today thank you
Hello, please pray for all witchcraft spells and black magic and voodoo to be removed and grieving over my Dad that passed away to be healed from a broken heart
Hello, please pray fir curse words spoken over me abs my family involving the word old to removed immediately and all witchcraft spells and voodoo to go immediately too
Hello, please pray fir all witchcraft spells and voodoo to be removed from our home and jobs immediately and for it to backfire if m husband keeps trying to make jealous of other girls
Hello, please pray for all voodoo and bad luck and black magic and tragedy’s to get removed from our lives immediately and all witchcraft to not return
Hello, please pray for Diane to be delivered from all witchcraft abs voodoo and witchcraft spells and black magic and incantations and psychics and salvation abs healing fir her today thank you
Hello, please pray for all curse and voodo and hexes and curse abs witchcraft abs love spells and incantations to be removed from Chrysler Dealership and Abra and Ramkota Hotel immediately abs not to return and Gods protection around everyone who works at these places today, thank you
Hello, please pray for all hexes and all voodoo and all curse by Roxann or witchcraft from any source to be removed immediately and all love spells too thank you
Hello, please pray fir God to heal my marriage and my family especially Diane and Victoria and for all witchcraft spells and voodoo to be broken off in Jesus name today thank you
Hello, please pray for healing fir Cade and for Aiden also that all witchcraft spells and voodoo would be broken off of Aiden and all my family thank you