video games

  1. allie222


    Please help pj spend less time on the computer playing video games and do something else
  2. allie222

    Dont know

    Please help pj spend less time on the computer playing video games online. Help him see it's not healthy. Help jd talk to me again and help him relax and stop being so stubborn
  3. allie222


    Please help pj spend less time on the computer playing video games online all day long. Help him see it's not healthy. Help him distance himself from jd
  4. allie222

    Something else

    Please help pj spend less time on the computer playing video games. Help him see it's not healthy. Help jd stop going on fb. It's stressing him out.
  5. allie222


    Help pj stop gaming and do something else instead. Let him see it's not healthy and there's so much more to do in life then video games.
  6. allie222


    Let pj see playing to much video games online isnt healthy. Help him do something else instead.
  7. allie222


    Please help jd and pj distance them selfs from each other. Help them see there friendship isn't healthy. Help pj spend less time on the computer playing video games. Help him do other things.
  8. allie222


    Please pj get off the computer and not play video games to much. Let him see it's not healthy
  9. allie222


    Please help pj not play the gta game. Help him less time on the computer playing video games online all day. There's so much more to do than gaming
  10. allie222

    Dont know

    Please help pj spend less time on the computer playing video games online all day. Help him see it's not healthy. Help jd talk to me. Help him stop being so stubborn
  11. allie222

    Doing something else

    Please help pj spend less time on the computer playing video games. Help him see it's not healthy. And help jd talk to me and stop ignoring me
  12. allie222


    Please help pj spend less time on the computer playing video games online all day. Help him see it's not healthy. Help him get off the computer and find something else to do
  13. allie222


    Please can pj spend less time on the computer playing video games online. Help him see it's not healthy playing for so much can he get off the computer and relax.
  14. allie222


    Please help pj spend less time on the computer playing video games online. Help him distance himself from jd.
  15. allie222


    Please God, help pj spend less time on the computer playing video games online all day. Help him do something else instead
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