
  1. Anonymous

    Please pray victims of sadistic abuse are ...

    Please pray victims of sadistic abuse are freed without condition.
  2. Des Denisse

    I pray Lord, for all victims of ...

    I pray Lord, for all victims of human trafficking, that feel no hope, and no way out. Please rescue us and save us. In Jesus name, I humbly pray and ask this. Amen. Please protect us all victims of human trafficking. Please, hear our cries for help, and see our tears, and feel our fears. Please...
  3. Sefias

    Lord, please help the victims of Typhoon ...

    Lord, please help the victims of Typhoon Rolly and Typhoon Ulysses in the Philippines, that they will all be safe and sound. Please guide them and give them relief. Amen
  4. Bainykos

    Our dearest father in heaven. I thank ...

    Our dearest father in heaven. I thank you in advance that you will be mercifull and surround Laura with your grace as the cancer starts taking its toll. Having first hand experience in seeing how this affects the victims and their families. O dear God like your grace was there for my father and...
  5. Bainykos

    Our dearest father in heaven. I thank ...

    Our dearest father in heaven. I thank you in advance that you will be mercifull and surriund Laura with your grace as the cancer starts taking its toll. Having first hand experience in seeing how this affects the victims and their families. O dear God like your grace was there for ny father and...
  6. David Phillip

    Please pray for all the victims of ...

    Please pray for all the victims of Covid. Pray for them who have lost their parents, siblings, partners, childrens and friends. Some may have not even got a chance of watching the body. They might be going through the toughest of times. May the heavenly father bring happiness in their life.
  7. darian

    Good morning To Our Father in Heaven. ...

    Good morning To Our Father in Heaven. God we need your will here on earth. Father, here us please. Let not your children fall into the hands of the ememy. Many are sick. Many are suffering, homeless,jobless, and losing their Faith. Father remember your covenant. Save us . We need your...
  8. Jalmoy

    Prayer for the safety and protection of ...

    Prayer for the safety and protection of my daughter and 3 year old grandson who are victims of a court decision that places my grandson in the cluthes of one who has repeatedly beaten my daughter and whose driving privileges has been revoked due to repeated drunk driving.
  9. Hymnion

    Prayer for those living in slums, refugees, ...

    Prayer for those living in slums, refugees, houseless families, runaways, and victims of trafficking.
  10. plondono

    Extremely difficult praying for years and your ...

    Extremely difficult praying for years and your prayers are never heard, specially for so many things, and injustices. What we have hope for, is God's word that nothing happens without his consent and that all things work together for your ultimate good. Let's pray, that God here's our prayers...
  11. Martin Wilson

    I want to Pray for Syrian country ...

    I want to Pray for Syrian country people who lost their love ones in war, the Kids who lost their parents and still expecting one day miracle will happened and they go back with their parents to their homes. I request to all the prayer warriors to kindly pray for the victims for their better...
  12. Des Denisse

    My Lord, I pray for justice for ...

    My Lord, I pray for justice for those victims who lost their lives through murder. Please bless us with strength to love our brother as we love ourselves. My Lord, I humbly pray, you help us to not hurt others. Help us to be a blessing for others. Help us walk in love, and love like you love. In...
  13. SAMV

    Let us uplift all those affected by ...

    Let us uplift all those affected by the current health crisis, and also as a result, by economic and financial problems. Praying for healing, as well as jobs and provision for those in need at this time! Prayers for all the victims of the devastating fires too. May God have mercy! May He grant...
  14. Hymnion

    Prayer for my grandmother's rights, prayer against ...

    Prayer for my grandmother's rights, prayer against elder abuse, prayer for victims and their families, and prayer against systemic issues.
  15. jorgelor

    Please Pray for the People of Lebanon

    When I heard the news that that terrible explosion happened in Lebanon. When I saw the Wedding Video of the Bride posing for Pictures and everything is still one minute and the next minute a Terrible Explosion makes me think How Life is so precious. I ask for prayers for those victims of the...
  16. Yonarin

    Sick feeling and Earthquake

    Praying this sick feeling to finally leave me now and the root cause of this Lord in my home, have so much to do and no help. Prayers also for the victims of the Large Quake in Mexico this morning Lord help them and all of us and how to speak to these people re. my Urgent matters Soon that they...
  17. Vestiloura

    Lord bring justice and restitution for victims. ...

    Lord bring justice and restitution for victims. past and present, of pedophilia, child trafficking and abuse. Lord I pray now is the time to arrest and show the face of those who engage in these crimes. I pray that those who are big shots. high profile perpetrators in Hollywood, media, business...
  18. Nineteen51

    Reveal Who They Really Are

    Lord please just expose it all. Expose all the players who mean to kill, hurt, disrupt and cause problems. Expose bad cops as well as those who destroy property. These people starting the fires and looting are not from the places they swarm! They don’t even know their way around!!! I pray they...
  19. Kreor

    Spiritual Warfare

    Please pray for me in my battles with forces that intend to destroy my life. I've been told by spiritual mediums that my life is in danger and that I will die an unatural death. My family and I have been victims to witchcraft..Please fellow worshippers of the lord Jesus Christ help me, nothing...
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