
  1. Anonymous

    Please bring the highest authorities to help ...

    Please bring the highest authorities to help me, set things straight and make it right, and have me win all battles and wars that are about me ASAP, and let me be with my soulmate who loves me, and take me to heaven safely ASAP in Jesus name amen. John 14, but this time read verses 13 and 14...
  2. Anonymous

    Please bring the highest authorities to help ...

    Please bring the highest authorities to help me, set things straight and make it right, and have me win all battles and wars that are about me ASAP, and let me be with my soulmate who loves me, and take me to heaven safely ASAP in Jesus name amen. John 14, but this time read verses 13 and 14...
  3. Anonymous

    Please bring the highest authorities to help ...

    Please bring the highest authorities to help me, set things straight and make it right, and have me win all battles and wars that are about me ASAP, and let me be with my soulmate who loves me, and take me to heaven safely ASAP in Jesus name amen. John 14, but this time read verses 13 and 14...
  4. Sislach

    Man of God please pray for me ...

    Man of God please pray for me and my Husband. We are in debts we can't even afford to pay our children fees. I am on fasting help with verses to give me strength and break through
  5. Atheteimma

    Pastor I am listening to your sermons ...

    Pastor I am listening to your sermons I can understand tamil but not able to understand verses which you are referring request to please display both in English and tamil
  6. Ciatash

    Spiritual growth through the word of God. ...

    Spiritual growth through the word of God. To understand, to know the verses to quote when I pray. Interpretation and revelation of the word of God. Wisdom.
  7. ronald Dourado

    Dear Brothers n Sister I have a ...

    Dear Brothers n Sister I have a son named Ryan n plz agree with me in prayers that 1. He will revert to his FIRST LIVE that is Jesus Christ n that Ryan will read n mediate on the Bible 2. For Ryan to be protected at his job n also his health. As we claim the verses in Psalm 91 that Ryan will hv...
  8. Steven Bobb

    Just sharing ,God can reveal to us ...

    Just sharing ,God can reveal to us the actual reason, but--as much as it nauseates me to say it, but more and more it looks like Biden will get in .At first I questioned why God will take someone from the party that openly backs abortion, gay marriage religious persecution all the things the...
  9. Articles

    The Spirit's Moment

    Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was righteous and devout. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was on him. It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the Lord's Messiah. Moved by the Spirit, he went...
  10. Steven Bobb

    We read in Revelation,"And death will be ...

    We read in Revelation,"And death will be no more,neither will there be any more mourning or pain. for the former things have passed away.God will wipe out all tears from their eyes." I've been to funerals of loved ones, and those verses come to me at those times. However, I don't see some of my...
  11. Havornlias


    Tomorrow I will be fasting. I request that you guide me on bible chapters and verses to read. I will be fasting in preparation of my interview scheduled next week. In the name of Jesus Our lord. Am Brian Masoso from Kenya
  12. Mausam

    Lord bless everyone lord who ever is ...

    Lord bless everyone lord who ever is in pain lord heak them lord who were is going through any disease cure them in your name lord you are great lord you are only living God in this world lord let your wish be fufill in everyone life lord glory to you lord you said in your verses that pslams...
  13. Steven Bobb

    For those of you afraid of coronavirus, ...

    For those of you afraid of coronavirus, these verses,"Fear not those who can kill the body,but after this can do no more, but fear Him who can destroy both body and soul in Gehenna." "to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord".
  14. Visionary1


    Who among them has declared these things? Oh, that you had heeded My commandments! Then your peace would have been like a river. But the house of Israel will not listen to you, because they will not listen to me; for all the house of Israel are impudent and hard-hearted: "Tell them anyway."...
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