Pray for Nidhin Anthony who is in coma and in ventilator after collapsing in swimming pool. Please pray for him. He is the room mate of my son in Canada. My name is Jose PV from St George Church Chittoor Kothamangalam. Nidhin is from Edappally Ernakulam
My mother Geetha Bai is currently under ventilation. She should be able to breathe on her own and I pray God that she comes out from the ventilator. Thank you
PLEASE need Prayers for an AMAZING MOW, WIFE AND FRIEND. Lorenza Portella- Redielli she’s 55. On a ventilator with Covid. Jersey Shore med center. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE her family needs her. She’s so caring and puts EVERYONE before herself. Her daughter and son recovered yet she caught it. They...
I have a family member, Dawn, whose husband, Curt, was put on a ventilator yesterday due to Covid infection. His oxygen is very low and the doctors say his lungs are very damaged. They don’t feel he’s going to rebound. They’ve allowed Dawn (not her four children) to see him as she was infected...
Please continue to pray for rafe they took him off the ventilator and put him on a tracheotomy he still hasn’t woke up I can’t see him only family,I’m a real long friend like 30 years he’s my best friend please let him pull through this,I don’t want him to suffer but it hurts me to say this but...
Please continue to pray for my friend rafe,he’s still in icu ,the hospital don’t let any visitors in right now so I only know that he’s still in icu on the ventilator please continue to pray for him,God bless everyone
God thank you so much for Cindy, Rachael's youngest sister for updating with me about Rachael saying I got word that they were able to take Rachael off the ventilator, and so far is able to hold her oxygen levels! prayers are being answered 😊 she is on high flow oxygen , at 60%, and they are...
Praise the Lord, dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, please pray for my dad health recovery he is on ventilator, my dad's name is Mariyasan N M Nadar
Lord Jesus,please help Rafe pull through he’s my friend and he’s on the ventilator fighting for his life he has emphazema ,penumonia please help him pull through ,I don’t think I can make it with out him and I’m worried about him ,please help him in Jesus name amen.
Lord Jesus,please help Rafe pull through he’s my friend and he’s on the ventilator fighting for his life he has emphazema ,penumonia please help him pull through ,I don’t think I can make it with out him and I’m worried about him ,please help him in Jesus name amen.
Please pray for my friend Tony Lao’s parents who are currently in ICU stricken with Covid. His mom was out on a ventilator and may not pull through. Please also pray for Tony’s strength to endure this stressful time in his life.
today my mom colonoscopy show she had no bleeding and she is recovery from pneumonia pray that heal her throat from being on a ventilator and pray she gets her strength back pray God still heal her lungs and have a full recovery vary thank you for praying for my mom
i vary worry my is still vary sick today they said her breatheing got worst she breathe fast and she has fluid overload after blood transfusion and something do with her kidneys pray that God help with her breatheing and help get her remove fluid help her kidneys also pray that she don't go back...