Urgent I decree and declare no no no more dissappoitments in any way form with any any photographes videos taken of me please please lord that I need to delete hate feel soo very self conscious insecure about no no more in any way form never ever again ever in jesus christ name lord your words...
Very very urgent I decree and declare no no no more singleness lonleyness lateness in marriage dissappoitments rejection critasism delay sadness sorrow suffering misery worry stress anxity fear deppression nerve problems no more thin hair on my head no no more itchy scalp nk more skin problems...
Very urgent I decree and declare no no no more dissappoitments in any way area of my life in jesus name no no more rejection in any way area part of my life in jesus name no no no more critasism to me about me about my hair weight skin etes under eyes figure life where I life mu fiances no no...
country: unknown
hair weight skin eyes
loneliness singleness lateness
lungs airways body
single area part
single way
stress worry anxiety
thin hair
way area part
Very very urgent I decree and declare no no more delay in my life in any way area no no more obstacles in any way area of my life in jesus name no no more dissappoitments in any way area of my life no no more rejection in any way area part of my life no no more lonleyness singleness lateness in...
Very very urgent I decree and declare no no no more dissappoitments please please lord in any way in any form please lore with any any photographes videos taken of me that I need to delete hate feel soo insecure about no no no no no more please in any way ever ever again ever in jesus christ namess
Very very urgent I decree and declare in jesus christ name no no more dissappoitments in any way area part of my life in jesus name no no more delay in any way area part of my life in jesus name no no more rejection in any way form in any area of my life in jesus name no no no more misfortune in...
Very urgent I decree and declare my prayers will will produce the desired results right now always all every ome of my deepest desires are all fifilled reality rigjt now without any delay in jesus christ name ss
Very urgent I decree and declare no no more dissappoitments in any way no no more rejection in any way or form no no more delay in any way no no more lonleyness singleness lateness in marriage no no more sadness suffering misfortune stress worry anxity deppression lack poverty in my life in...
country: unknown
loneliness singleness lateness
misfortune stress worry anxiety depression
name decree restoration
single way area part
Very very urgent I decree and declare no no more lonleyness singleness lateness in marriage rejection dissappoitments pain spluttering lack poverty misfortune in my life please lord In jesus christ namess
Very very very urgent I decree and declare no no more lonleyness singleness lateness in marriage critasism rejection dissappoitments pain suffering stress anxity deppression lack poverty in my life please lord in jesus christ namess
Very very urgent I decree and declare p a is totally totally single and free no no longer in a relationship with Chinese girl that is not Not right for him in any way they no no longer get on in any way they split up permanently in every single way right now permanently p a removes all all every...
Very very very urgent I decree and declare restoration restoration in every single way area of my life right now please lord without any delay no no no more lonleyness no more singleness no no more lateness in marriage no no more delay in any way no no more obstacles in any way no more...
Urgent I decree and declare p a takes down away permanently all photos videos of him his ex chinese girl that he has split up with permanently no no longer with on his face book page instagraham page right now without any delay please lord in jesus christ namess
Urgent I decree and declare no no no more dissappoitments in any way form with any any photographes vidris taken of me that I need to delete no more of this in any wah never ever again ever I decree and declare I look incredibly incredibly amazing incredibly beautiful incredibly geourgeous...
Very very urgent I decree and declare Paul a I love very much that truly deeply loves evert part of me proposes to me asks me me to marry him in 2023 gets my ring size knows the ring I want in 2023 he proposes to me in Paris in the most awsome amazing romantic way in 2023 we have a wonderful...
Very very urgent I decree and declare no no no more dissappoitments in any way jn any form in any area of my life in jesus name no no more delay in any way in any area of my life in jesus name no no more rejection in any way area of my life in jesus name no no no more critasism about me to me...
Very very urgent I decree and declare no no no more dissappoitments in any way in any area of my life ever ever again please lord in jesus christ name no no more delay in any way area of my life in jesus name no no more rejection in any way area of my life ever again in jesus name no no more...
Very urgent I decree and declare no no no more dissappoitments please please please lord with any any photographes videos selfies snap chat photograohes snap chat videos watapp videos face time videos video calls taken of me never ever ever again that I don't like feels soo insecure about no no...
Very very urgent I decree and declare no no more lonleyness singleness in my life no no more dissappoitments rejection critasism sadness sorrow delay misfortune lack poverty in my life I decree restoration restoration restoration in every single way area part of my life in jesus christ namess
country: unknown
criticism sadness sorrow
life decree restoration
loneliness singleness
single way area
Very very urgent I decree and declare no no no more dissappoitments please please lord on any way in any form with any photographes videos taken of me that I don't like hate need to delete no more of this never ever again ever please lord in jesus christ name I decree and declare I look I look...