unsaved people

  1. Steven Bobb

    Tribulation saints

    I've heard some Christians say to unsaved people,or even on a television ministry--"You can't wait until the Tribulation to get saved, then it will be too late."Uh...that's not really true. Once they TAKE the mark of the Antichrist, yes, too late. However, we have the 144,000 and the 2...
  2. Steven Bobb

    Don't lie!!

    Jesus said, "Let your yes mean yes, and your no, no."When reading in the Bible who will go to Heaven or Hell, we read things like,"And anyone liking and carrying on a lie."{will be outside}Also, "But as for {names types of sinners} AND ALL LIARS, these shall have their part in the lake of...
  3. Steven Bobb

    Are obsessions from the devil?

    One thing about "the world" is, once something takes hold, you get swamped with it and never stop hearing about it,And although I'm proud to say I've always had a mind of my own and don't play "follow the leader",practically everyone else I see and hear , DOES play follow the leader,the "leader"...
  4. Steven Bobb

    Can people we're "not sure about" go to Heaven?

    Looking around at different people, including and maybe especially people we know,we see some we can say are Christians{based on the loyalty to, and defending of, God, their belief in His salvation plan, etc.}{And following it, not just saying it.}Others, unless they have a last minute deathbed...
  5. Steven Bobb

    Don't glorify the devil

    I've seen this before--people into "dark things,", like an intense interest in the occult ,and 2 like minded people get together and in a way almost reminding me of a sexual orgasm in intensity, they share with their mouths watering how much , say , watching something about the dark side...
  6. Steven Bobb

    The worldly deception of "There's no right or wrong"

    Of the "new age" thinking that 's misleading many these days,one that's to me as irritating as getting a gnat stuck in your eye is this idea"there's no right or wrong. Do your own thing,whatever you do is alright."I've heard this, like someone could be into what is obviously described in the...
  7. Steven Bobb

    Against people taking advantage of me. Unsaved ...

    Against people taking advantage of me. Unsaved people seem to have a habit of once they get get a liitle friendly with you, they see it as an oppurtunity to use you for some means to better their own cause.{And don't have a conscience about inconveniencing you.}I've been dealing with this in...
  8. Steven Bobb

    Don't let sin become "acceptable"

    There are different sins that we notice the unsaved{or even backslidden Christians} do, and we speak on them. But here's one I see becoming more common, in fact quite common,and it is, yes, a sin!These unmarried "couples", maybe "going steady " even engaged,who "get a jump on things" and have a...
  9. Steven Bobb

    We all get "scarred" in some way by the fallen world

    The results of living in a fallen world...doesn't affect us all in the "same" way,but looking around{or hearing} we can see that it has left one scar or another upon us all.Some may be born with a sickness that lasts through life. Others, it's a handicap from birth.We even see people who have...
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