
  1. Anonymous

    Heavenly plz kindly cleanse me of all ...

    Heavenly plz kindly cleanse me of all unrighteousness and plz crush all evil eye. Plz kindly soften my heart. Pls help me to seek you more and plz kindly intervene so each morning I will have ability and willingness to pray without season. Pls have control over my life. Plz crush all...
  2. Anonymous

    Heavenly I thank u this morning. pls ...

    Heavenly I thank u this morning. pls kindly help me seek you more and improve a area in life. So I will seek confirmation from you and family never anyone else. Pls kindly forgive me of all sins and pls kindly cleanse me of all sins and all unrighteousness. so I'll have a sincere heart of...
  3. JesusourLordandSavior

    Thank you Father for this beautiful day. ...

    Thank you Father for this beautiful day. I pray for relief and deliverance from evil attacks. Please cleanse me Father of all unrighteousness. Please fill me with the Holy Spirit Father. I pray also for my loved ones. Please guide them and protect them from anything like what I go through...
  4. Anonymous

    Heavenly pls cleanse me of all unrighteousness ...

    Heavenly pls cleanse me of all unrighteousness and all sins. Amen.
  5. Anonymous

    Heavenly plz cleanse me of all unrighteousness ...

    Heavenly plz cleanse me of all unrighteousness and plz forgive me of all sins. Amen.
  6. Anonymous

    Heavenly plz cleanse me of all unrighteousness ...

    Heavenly plz cleanse me of all unrighteousness and pls forgive me of all sins. Plz help me so I'll will think of nice things and never remember those in my past. So I'll look towards my future and change in any area of life I still need to change. And a heart of repentance. Amen.
  7. Anonymous

    Heavenly plz clear my mind and plz ...

    Heavenly plz clear my mind and plz cleanse me of all unrighteousness and plz forgive me of all sins. Amen.
  8. Anonymous

    Heavenly I thank u this morning. Pls ...

    Heavenly I thank u this morning. Pls help me so my heart will be soft. And having humility and obedience. And not overeating. Pls cleanse me of all unrighteousness and all sins. Pls forgive me of all sins. Pls so I could move back to c. Falls Rhode island and be approved for house and find a job...
  9. Anonymous

    Heavenly plz forgive me of all sins. ...

    Heavenly plz forgive me of all sins. Pls cleanse me of all unrighteousness. Amen.
  10. Anonymous

    Heavenly pls kindly cleanse me of all ...

    Heavenly pls kindly cleanse me of all unrighteousness and pls kindly forgive me of all sins . So the pipe at my job will stop overflowing with water and work correctly. Plz so tomorrow will be a new start for me. Plz help to be a better version of me. And ability to sleep. Amen.
  11. Anonymous

    Heavenly pls kindly cleanse me of all ...

    Heavenly pls kindly cleanse me of all unrighteousness and pls kindly forgive me of all sins . So the pipe at my job will stop overflowing with water and work correctly. Plz so tomorrow will be a new start for me. Plz help to be a better version of me. Amen.
  12. Anonymous

    Heavenly I thank u this morning. Plz ...

    Heavenly I thank u this morning. Plz cleanse me if all unrighteousness and pls forgive me of all sins. Pls help me so I will fast till tomorrow at 8. Plz so I will have ability to go out and come back. Plz show me if it's your will I stay in this city or move to slaton next month. Plz so I will...
  13. Anonymous

    Heavenly I thank u. Pls cleanse me ...

    Heavenly I thank u. Pls cleanse me of all unrighteousness and all sins. Pls so I could receive cash to relocate. And pls so I will seriousness while I pray. So I will put u first. Amen.
  14. JesusourLordandSavior

    Heavenly Father I thank you for your ...

    Heavenly Father I thank you for your divine presence and protecting me. Please remove all unrighteousness from me. Please replace it with a new start, free of all the evil attacks and ready to worship you. I also pray to be able to rest. Please also protect my loved ones. I love you so much...
  15. Anonymous

    Heavenly pls cleanse me of all unrighteousness ...

    Heavenly pls cleanse me of all unrighteousness and pls forgive me of all sins. Pls so I will utilize my phone fur your glory. Pls so I will find favor with coworkers and so I will be a blessing to everyone. And pls so I'll have money to pay rent and pls show if it's your will I stay in current...
  16. Anonymous

    Heavenly pls cleaned me of all sins ...

    Heavenly pls cleaned me of all sins and all unrighteousness. And pls so I will relocate back to MA. Pls help me to seek u and avoid all sins and read my Bible and so my bank account will be a low no. And pls so I will keep to myself and not chase after anyone. Pls bless family and pls offer them...
  17. Anonymous

    Heavenly pls cleanse me of all unrighteousness ...

    Heavenly pls cleanse me of all unrighteousness and all sins. Pls so I will have humility and desire for humility. Pls remove all pride in my life. Amen.
  18. Anonymous

    Heavenly pls cleanse of all unrighteousness and ...

    Heavenly pls cleanse of all unrighteousness and pls forgive of all sins. Pls break and crush all evil eye intrusive thoughts spiritual attacks. Amen.
  19. Anonymous

    Heavenly pls cleanse me of all unrighteousness ...

    Heavenly pls cleanse me of all unrighteousness and pls forgive me of all sins. Pls so I will never be thinking of anyone from my past anymore. So my mind will be clear. Amen.
  20. Anonymous

    Heavenly pls cleanse me of all unrighteousness ...

    Heavenly pls cleanse me of all unrighteousness and pls forgive me of all sins. Amen.
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