Heavenly father pls I have sinned. Pls forgive me of all sins and all unrighteousess. Pls remove all evil all unrighteousess from my heart and my mind. I had made a tiktok account and I was listening to a nasty filthy wicked song. And watching girls on tiktok sing This song. This song has been...
country: unknown
heavenly father pls
holy spirit
last five pls
memory pls
nasty filthy wicked song
repetitive sin
tiktok account
Heavenly father I thank u this morning. Pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all unrighteousess. Pls plead your blood and Holy spirit. Pls cleanse me of all evil and all wickedness. Pls forgive me of the sin of idolatry adultery lust fits of anger staring at women and girls. Pls...
Heavenly father I thank u this morning. Pls deliver me from all evil all attacks of the enemy and all demons and all spiritual attacks. Pls shield me from all this. Pls help me to not idolize anymore. Pls help me to overcome all challenges. That I will officially change my name soon and find a...
Heavenly father pls deliver me from all nightmares sleeplessness evil thoughts bad thoughts evil eye witchcraft idolatry worldly thoughts adultery addictions sexual addictions sexual sin. Pls crush and destroy all this Pls forgive me of all this sins and cleanse me of all unrighteousess. Pls...
Heavenly father I want to become a brand new person. I want to move on from my past. Pls change me so I will be the person u called me to be. Pls cleanse and sanctify my heart and my mind. Pls deliver me from all evil and from the hand and attacks of the enemy and from all demons. Pls help me to...
Heavenly father I thank u this morning. Pls forgive me cleanse me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all unrighteousness. Pls continually deliver me from evil and wickedness from satanic attacks bad dreams nightmares demonic attacks sicknesses diseases illnesses evil dreams demonic dreams demonic...
Heavenly father I give my heart to u and my life to u and I accept u as my Lord and Savior and I accept ur gift of salvation. Pls help me to repent of all sins. Pls deliver me from evil eye spirits of antichrist witchcraft familiar spirits demonic attacks satanic attacks spiritual attacks. Pls...
Heavenly pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all sins. Pls cleanse me from all unrighteousess. Pls continually cleanse my heart and my thinking. Pls destroy and crush all demonic activities familiar spirits incantations spells witchcraft spells warlocks playing mind games familiar...
Heavenly Father pls uproot and crush and destroy and put to death all demonic activities. Pls cleanse me from all unrighteousess. Pls cleanse my brain and my heart. Pls forgive me of all sins and pls atone me of all sins. That I will have no sin in me. That I will be spotless and blameless. Pls...
country: unknown
evil eye evil people
evil music satanic music
familiar spirits witches pls
hatred bitterness resentment pls
mind games music
satanic attacks spiritual attacks
secular demonic activities spiritual wives
worldly living idolatry sin repetitive sin
Heavenly father pls I thank u this morning. Pls cleanse me of all sins and cleanse me of all unrighteousess. Pls that I will have sufficient money that I can return to Rhode Island next year in February and have an affordable housing to live in and have a job and be closer to my parents and my...
Heavenly that will be totally forgiven of all sins and cleanse totally of all sins and all unrighteousess. Pls that I will be totally delivered and set free from all sins repetitive sins and idolatry .That I will be totally spotless and righteous and blameless at all times and remain in track...
Heavenly father I thank u this morning. Pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all sins and all unrighteousess. Pls totally destroy and totally put to death all evil all curses witchcraft soul ties bad connections evil connections divinations evil eye thoughts of those from the past...
Heavenly father I praise you this morning. Pls be with me this morning. Pls protect me from all impurities all insecurities all impure thoughts all evil and wicked and all intrusive thoughts. Pls purify me from all unrighteousness. Pls show me if I'm called to a life of singleness. Pls improve...
Heavenly father I praise you this morning. Pls be with me this morning. Pls protect me from all impurities all insecurities all impure thoughts all evil and wicked and all intrusive thoughts. Pls purify me from all unrighteousness. Pls show me if I'm called to a life of singleness. Pls improve...
Heavenly father pls cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Pls wash away all my sins & iniquities with your precious blood. Pls be with me as I go to work tonight and as I come back later this evening. In JESUS name. AMEN.