unborn child

  1. Vasdlast

    God I thank you for the gift ...

    God I thank you for the gift of life, I thank you for everything you have done in my life . I pray for my daughter who is going to give birth this month ,may God cover her by that precious blood of the lamb so that she can stay protected and her unborn child.
  2. Bintan

    Hi!may you Please pray for me.my life ...

    Hi!may you Please pray for me.my life is sort of a drama.i was pregnent and just told that the father of your unborn child is dead.his reletives did not allow me to do body viewing even to see the coffin nor going to the grave yard on the burial day.the following day they took me to the grave...
  3. Nomelkari

    My prayer for today is for the ...

    My prayer for today is for the father of my kids ,we keep fighting all the time because he is cheating on me as I speak we're not talking to each other and when he does that he doesn't look after our kids im alone looking after them now im worried about his unborn child that I'm carried he won't...
  4. Valrisai

    Please man of God I need a ...

    Please man of God I need a prayer because I'm pregnant of 25 weeks now. Pray for me so that I give birth in a proper way on December..God protect me and my unborn child
  5. karmi

    help me pray my brothers and sisters

    my ob gyne told me i will be induced i pray things will turn out good for me and my unborn child. it is hard to stay longer in the hospital nowadays with a newborn baby. i dont know how long we will be staying there. please help me pray🙏 i badly need your prayers my schedule is on sunday...
  6. Sakhile

    I pray for a house, before my ...

    I pray for a house, before my unborn child is born and to protect them against any evil . I pray that they are born in a beautiful home filled by love and warmt
  7. karmi

    please pray for me about to give ...

    please pray for me about to give birth anytime soon i am required to take a swabtest first please pray for me and my unborn child . whatever it is that we have to go through i pray we will still get out of the hospital safe . thank you so much🙏
  8. Mimiemmi

    LORD JESUS thank you for all that ...

    LORD JESUS thank you for all that you have done for me my entire life...I come before you this hour father with a broken heart and a prayer that you bless me with a complete GOD fearing home for me,my daughter and my unborn child...please Father remember me..AMEN
  9. Memanrut

    Prayer for my unborn child to be ...

    Prayer for my unborn child to be mentally, physical emotional and spiritual well child,, God fearing and loving child
  10. Wounded

    Please pray for my family that we ...

    Please pray for my family that we may be strong and keep together, as for my unborn child. Pray for protection and health for my son and daughter
  11. Aischroteia

    I am 35 year old female and ...

    I am 35 year old female and 31 weeks pregnant I'm facing health challenges plz pray for me and my unborn child I'll be due next month ,my babies life could be a t risk
  12. SAMV

    Sovia is childless, after losing an unborn ...

    Sovia is childless, after losing an unborn child years ago. S has met P who is willing to get married, but P would need to have surgery to reverse vasectomy, and is no longer mentioning the subject.Please kindly pray for both P and S to be uplifted and guided by God, and for C and F as well. God...
  13. SAMV

    Sovia is childless, after losing an unborn ...

    Sovia is childless, after losing an unborn child years ago. S has met P who is willing to get married, but P would need to have surgery to reverse vasectomy, and is no longer mentioning the subject. Moreover, P has just heard other news from his family abroad (his siblings and children from...
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