
  1. Daeten

    i am feeling very anxious may be ...

    i am feeling very anxious may be i going through depression i am overwhelmed . I think about my kids future. please pray for me to overcome my unbelief.
  2. Powers

    Silent needs

    Lord, for silent needs. I believe. Help my unbelief. Deliver us from evil. Thank You for this, IJNA
  3. Anonymous

    Years ago I volunteered at our local ...

    Years ago I volunteered at our local art league. For some reason, it was common for unbelieving artists to seek me out and have discussions about their unbelief. It is happening again, but with my daughter in law, her nephew, and other random people. Please pray for the Lord to use me and speak...
  4. Kinothen

    Healing miracles

    Heavenly father, You know that my faith is strong but so is my worry and unbelief often. This places me in a torment. Please help me now to leave all worry and unbelief behind by focusing on Your words and Your voice within me. I know this will place me in perfect peace and complete peace...
  5. Nasaerelia

    Pray that God will set ambushment against ...

    Pray that God will set ambushment against all the blood suckers in Nigeria 2 God please help my unbelieve
  6. Kinothen

    Heavenly father, You know that my faith ...

    Heavenly father, You know that my faith is strong but so is my unbelief at times. This places me in a torment. Please help me now to leave all unbelief behind by focusing on Your words and your voice within me. I know this will place me in perfect peace and completel peace. Your peace that...
  7. JesusourLordandSavior

    Thank you God for helping me so ...

    Thank you God for helping me so much with the attacks. I pray for your continued guidance and protection. I pray also today for people who have unbelief and have no hope and are lost. I pray that they will be led to Christ and will accept Him as there Savior and believe in their hearts that He...
  8. Martin Kugame


    Please pray with me so the doubt and unbelieve in my life will change so I can have faith in what I'm trying to achieve. I've been praying expecting a breakthrough for what I've planned but seeing no results. Other than that I will still push on in prayer regardless of whatever happens Please...
  9. JesusourLordandSavior

    Thank you God for helping me so ...

    Thank you God for helping me so much with the attacks. I pray for your continued guidance and protection. I pray also today for people who have unbelief and have no hope and are lost. I pray that they will accept our Lord as there Savior and believe in their hearts that Christ died to save them...
  10. BrotherVincent

    A doctor has died of covid.

    With a deep sadness and unbelief a beloved doctor has departed planet earth. He had the second dose and thought he was safe and secure, but that did not happen. Who will we trust? He was not for the money, he was helping a lot of people and tried his best to alliviate their pain, but He is...
  11. Anonymous

    Heal me Lord bring help in what ...

    Heal me Lord bring help in what and how to send these papers so they get them soon and Protect us and close ones Save them my Lord from stubbornness pride and unbelief, deliver them their mind wil and emotions break all confusion that they listen to your voice to your truths and deliver from...
  12. Blessings1964

    "And Jesus looking upon them saith, With ...

    "And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible." ... "For with God nothing shall be impossible." Luke 1:37, KJV. "And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God. Matthew 17:20 (KJV) – And Jesus...
  13. Glamarabon

    Pray for me to bury the unbelief ...

    Pray for me to bury the unbelief concerning my health.
  14. Bylmer

    "As all descends into chaos, many of ...

    "As all descends into chaos, many of those who are called by My Name will shame Me as their tongues utter lies to save their own skins. They will become desperate in their unbelief and will steal and kill to feed themselves instead of relying on Me to provide for them. If only My children...
  15. Articles

    Today's Verse - Hebrews 11:1 (KJV)

    Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. —Hebrews 11:1 (KJV) Thoughts on Today's Verse... "I believe, but help my unbelief!" That's what the father of the boy with convulsions said to Jesus (Mark 9:24). This must sometimes be our prayer, too. As we look...
  16. Uskosk

    i believe tht pual servant of GOD, ...

  17. Imonfalcel

    I pray that I continue to trust ...

    I pray that I continue to trust that the Lord will answer all my prayers. I say Lord help me in my unbelief and strengthen my belief. Amen.
  18. animallovez

    Lord, i desperately need you

    Lord, I'm starting to give up. Please stop the fights and make us both think before we start one Father God, Please come to me and bless me to be in a better person towards C.M., please help strengthen up my feelings for him all over again, and strengthen up our Relationship, please help us to...
  19. Joyceokurukpe

    #1 My name is Joyce Okurukpe..I want to ...

    #1 My name is Joyce Okurukpe..I want to be born again and give my Life to Christ and accept him as my Lord and Saviour...i want to stop my unbelief,i want Christ to dwell in me,I want to stand by faith,I want a Christ centred life...I'm having spiritual problems and sleepless night,I've been...
  20. Anonymous

    My name is Joyce Okurukpe..I want to be born again

    My name is Joyce Okurukpe..I want to be born again and give my Life to Christ and accept him as my Lord and Saviour...i want to stop my unbelief,i want Christ to dwell in me,I want to stand by faith,I want a Christ centred life...I'm having spiritual problems and sleepless night,I've been going...
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