As a greeter of the church of the living God, I can hear Jesus speaking through me. Come to Me, I will give you rest. No one will be rejected or ignored. You can come in just as you are.
Let us remember that we must and should gather with fellow believers in His house of worship. To feel...
When God spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai, He said. You can not see Me and live. Eternity speaking to a faithful servant of a lving God. When Jesus was on earth, anyone who came to Him found themselves in front of a wonderful person who came from heaven. O flame of love so living forever and...
Just as in the days of old, when Jesus was teaching, preaching and healing lepers and casting out devils out of people, today, we see lost souls roaming our streets and our churches too. They are living so far away from the Lord. Seeking peace, joy and happiness in their life. Lots of them...
The profound truth of Gods word will touch the deepest part of our being. When we ask for deliverance from stress, depression, oppression from the devil and tiredness, Jesus will come to you and deliver your troubled soul from any torment satan has brought to your life.
More love,
If you are lonely and no one cares for you, then seek the Lord while He can be found. He will comfort your troubled soul and will give you peace and joy in your heart.
Greetings, Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Many of you prayed for my beloved soulmate Rachel a few days ago. The Lord has answered those prayers and we have reconciled a great deal. However the enemy is still at work. She is a very troubled soul from a very troubled past and a very troubled...
beautiful creation
beloved soulmate rachel
bondage mindset
country: united states
dark scales
great deal
relationship breakthrough
relationship downs
self deprecation
special creation
troubled past marriage
true love
Life is getting faster every single day of our life. We have no time to think, no time to thank God for His blessings, no time to read Gods word and no time to love others.
Stop now and sing praises to Jesus. He will calm your troubled soul. Praise Him above all things.
The Lord, our wonderful Savior want us all to be happy and joyful in our life. Just give Him a chance. He want us all to rejoice in His holy presence. Only Jesus is the fountain of all joy.
Let us all stop to be waiting to be happy.
True happiness comes from knowing Jesus.
Add joy and...
God is speaking to all of us. The thunder speaks, the wind call us to come to Jesus. The snowfall tell us that God is in control of everything. Holy is the Lord our God. He want us all to hear the voice that comes from heaven. He want us all coming to Him and finding in Him life...
It is so amazing how heavenly music touches the heart, the mind and the soul of people who love to raise their voice to the Jesus. A greteful heart, a forgiven soul will continue to sing praises to God because He has done great things in their life. So many times I heard people in church...
angry soul
beautiful masterpiece
country: bolivia
deep desire
forgiven soul
great things
negative attitude
rejected soultroubledsoul
universal language
God saw that we were getting tired and sick. Could not attend church anymore. Could not go out and visit the sick and those in prison. He send an angel from heaven to tell us. You are not alone. You are in the middle of those who praise, honor and glorify the Lord. My heart jump for...
When trials and tribulations comes to your life. When darkness and rejection reaches your life, and when there is no one to help, run to the arms of Jesus. He is waiting for you to comfort your troubled soul. To give you a new direction in life. To lead your path towards heaven. There is...
Our God is real and He wants us all to worship Him in spirit and in truth. Do not make idols of any kind. Come to Him just as you are and He will be waiting for you and for me with open arms to welcome us in and give the peace the joy we were looking for all these time.
It is not a feeling...
Never ever forget who your Father is. The One who redeemed us from sin and evil. The One who will lead us all to our eternal home in heaven. He loves you, He cares for you, He wants you and me to be holy and pure before His holy presence.
So, when you are over loaded by fear, doubt and...
The mustard plant.
19 Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said, Why could not we cast him out?
20. And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place...
comparative word
country: canada
evil spirit
infamous passage
king james
many other translations
popular belief
prime focus
rabbinical methods
Jesus eternal promise is that He will never leave us nor forsake us. He knows your pain, your sorrow, all the tears you shed He is counting and wants to send comfort and blessings and healing. Trust His word. Believe everything He saidl. In My Fathers house are many mansions. I am going...
No one can escape from the presence of Jesus. No one can get rid of Him unless we sin against Him, ignore His presence or just reject Him and His word. But as for me...
How blessed I am to know Him.
I know this is to be true.
A complete sense of His presence all around us.
Deep within my...
I heard a voice coming from heaven. Sing unto the Lord a new song, sing unto the Lord, all the earth. What a wonderful promise. What a beautiful sugestion coming to me.
Dear Lord. You brought me sunshine when I only saw rain.
You brought me laughter when I felt pain.
You sent peace down...
Dear people of God, please pray for our church service on Sunday to be full of the presence of Jesus and that everyone who come in will find relief to their troubled soul and all worry about the virus will go away and Jesus will be exalted above all things. O worship the King all glorious above...
Breath on me breath of God.
Till I am wholly Thine.
Until this earthly part of me.
Glows with Your heavenly fire.
In the presence of the Lord there is fullness of joy. Seek Him and you shall find true relief to your troubled soul.