
  1. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Help me please God as i am at a standstill & i need a new hope & a new inspiration in life please heal me in every area of my whole life in Jesus Amen

    Help me please Heavenly Father God with all that i am struggling with please Heal me & make me every bit whole once again please Restore Me To A Place Of Health In Every Part Of My Whole Life Please I NEED YOU FATHER, SON, & HOLY GHOST, I NEED YOU BLESSED TRINITY In Jesus's Name I Pray...Amen...
  2. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Bless Me Oh Abba-Father-Daddy-God In Jesus's Name Please Do The Impossible For Me Just Because You Love Me & You Can Thank-You Blessed Trinity Amen XO

    Bless me oh Lord with the most wonderous miracles in every area of my whole life and may a whole new life be given and granted to me that is amazing and takes my very breath away May this be a magnificent testimony to all who see what You Alone have done for me and cause them to believe and...
  3. Tulvarearen

    Trinity having trouble on her job, the ...

    Trinity having trouble on her job, the staff at the hospital doing nasty attitude, smoking in the office.
  4. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Please take this migraine away Abba-Daddy-Father-God in Jesus's Name

    Dearest Father In Jesus's Name please take my headache away please & help me to feel all better today I have soo much that i must get done & i need to not be sick with a migraine from stress & anxiety Please heal me Blessed Trinity Help me please Amen Thank-you God Amen xoxox
  5. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Could You Please Kindly Pray For Me For Healing As I Don't Feel Soo Good Right Now

    Thank-you for praying for me soo much right now From extreme stress i feel like i just can't breathe at all and also my lower back went out too from feeling soo very nervous today Dear Abba-Father-Daddy-God please heal me physically and emotionally in Your Son Jesus's Name Thank-you...
  6. Danielle M.

    Cats reaction to flea pill 🥺

    My boyfriend's cat took a flea pill and is acting funny. Please pray for healing of Trinity the cat. She's an emotional support for David.
  7. Yronaelang

    Please pray for my cousin to reject ...

    Please pray for my cousin to reject the devious lies of Islam and to return to the Church. Help him to appreciate the eternal and indescribable beauty of the Trinity and how amazing it is that God gave the life of his only begotten Son for us. And please pray for me to have both the moral and...
  8. Kara9

    Hello, please pray fir healing for my ...

    Hello, please pray fir healing for my nervous system and healing and salvation and deliverance fir Courtney that she wouldn’t judge me too and healing fir Trinity
  9. Gleeketowne

    Dear prayer partners few hours ago I ...

    Dear prayer partners few hours ago I have sent a prayer request for Chandra Das about his brain operation. At first I Praise to Trinity and Thanks to all prayer partners. Thank you very much
  10. Gleeketowne

    Dear prayer partners few hours ago I ...

    Dear prayer partners few hours ago I have sent a prayer request for Chandra Das about his brain operation. At first I Praise to Trinity and Thanks to all prayer partners. Thank you very much
  11. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    SERIOUS PRAYER REQUEST I just moved & I am missing 4 items & i have tons of boxes PLEASE HOLY SPIRIT help me to find all 4 items by tonight XOX

    I do not know where anything is & i am soo confused & anxious It is very hard when i can't locate items & i feel soo displaced & scared right now after moving because i am in new surroundings & i feel very strange & soo out of place here PLEASE DEAREST HOLY SPIRIT MY MIND IS ON OVER-DRIVE RIGHT...
  12. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    May God Crown My Every Effort With Success Today

    May The Lord Be With Me In A Very Special Way Today & Bless My Every Local Errand & Effort With Much Godly Success & May I Get Everything Accomplished With Much Energy & Strength I Especially Pray For Everyone To Show Me Great Favor & Be Very Kind & Soo Compassionate To Me All Day Today Help...
  13. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Asking Prayer for a very calm & organized day with the sweetest peace of mind as i finish up all paper-work & any errands that need to be done Amen.

    Father In Jesus's Name May this whole day and all of my efforts be ordered by You Blessed Trinity May i accomplish what i need to finish up this afternoon with a beautiful calmness & soo much peace of mind Thank-you for leading and guiding me one step at a time Please crown all of my...
  14. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Several UnSpoken Prayer Requests Tonight God Please Ease My Soo Troubled Mind About Soo Many Things This Evening Father In Jesus's Name Amen & Amen...

    God knows what they all are and i thank-you for your kind prayers for me tonight xoxo Father In Jesus's Name please ease my soo troubled mind and answer my unspoken prayers in the most miraculous of ways Thank-You Blessed Trinity Amen xoxox
  15. Sincerely Changed

    My prayer is for you today to ...

    My prayer is for you today to receive a special blessing from the God who never forgets and never stops loving us. God sent his son Jesus and his Holy Spirit making it the full package the "Trinity" so that we can know how serious he is about his love for us. I pray that you receive all your...
  16. nana2000

    Lord I pray for all healing and ...

    Lord I pray for all healing and freedom in you LOrd Coralie tumours and mental health My mental health and Keith Parkinson’s Symptoms Lord help me to go to the doctor and help him to stop drinking follow you to not rely always on in your name to pray for Trinity to come back to you and Owen and...
  17. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Need Energy Strength & Focus To Accomplish My Goals Today

    Father i ask in Jesus's Name To Please Bless me with Such Abundant Super Strength & Super Energy & Stamina plus the ability to truly Focus & Concentrate so i can accomplish much needed Goals & Chores & Errands all day today Thank-you Blessed Trinity soo much xox
  18. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Urgent Request UnSpoken

    Thank-you for your prayers for me soo much This is urgent & serious & God knows what it is about i am soo grateful for all of you up-holding me in Spiritual Support thank-you soo much to everyone again xox PLEASE FATHER IN JESUS'S NAME SEND YOUR MIRACLE WORKING POWER & PLEASE DO FOR ME WHAT I...
  19. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Favor At Doctor's Appointment Today

    i ask for such compassionate great and very kind favor with my doctor this afternoon and may i be in and out of there very fast too and may i get a most wonderful and good report too... may my doctor be especially understanding with me i ask this of you Father in Jesus's name Amen...and...
  20. Feathers Of Angel's Wings


    Praying for a peace of mind that only The Lord Jesus can give to me A peace that passes all understanding this very evening For why-ever today was soo brutally hard for me may this evening be soo beautiful and calming and may i find such sweet inner peace at last Daddy-God bless me with this...
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