
  1. Garkna

    Please pray for our business. WE are ...

    Please pray for our business. WE are having a lot of trial with our transportation business nowadays. I am praying that all problems of the truck will be fixed and the driver will be always safe during work time. Jesus, we need our trucks so that we can sustain our needs and pay our debts. All...
  2. Garkna

    Please pray for our business. WE are ...

    Please pray for our business. WE are having a lot of trial with our transportation business nowadays. I am praying that all problems of the truck will be fixed and the driver will be always safe during work time. Jesus, we need our trucks so that we can sustain our needs and pay our debts. All...
  3. Wylandadh

    Please pray for my daughter Kaya. She ...

    Please pray for my daughter Kaya. She believes in Jesus now but sadly she is still living in sin with her boyfriend Ash. Please pray either that Ash comes to accept Jesus and they get married or else that they would split up so she is not commiting fornication and can go on the rapture. Also for...
  4. Garkna

    Please pray for our business. WE are ...

    Please pray for our business. WE are having a lot of trial with our transportation business nowadays. I am praying that all problems of the truck will be fixed and the driver will be always safe during work time. Jesus, we need our trucks so that we can sustain our needs and pay our debts. All...
  5. Garkna

    Please pray for our business. WE are ...

    Please pray for our business. WE are having a lot of trial with our transportation business nowadays. I am praying that all problems of the truck will be fixed and the driver will be always safe during work time. Jesus, we need our trucks so that we can sustain our needs and pay our debts. All...
  6. Pipto

    Please pray for Mr. Johnny Depp, Please ...

    Please pray for Mr. Johnny Depp, Please pray that the jury finds Amber Heard guilty, and that he wins his trial. Please pray, that the people who brought these charges against them leave them alone. And everyone moves on with their lives. Please let him be ok, please let him win. Please pray...
  7. Garkna

    Please pray for our business. WE are ...

    Please pray for our business. WE are having a lot of trial with our transportation business nowadays. I am praying that all problems of the truck will be fixed and the driver will be always safe during work time. Jesus, we need our trucks so that we can sustain our needs and pay our debts. All...
  8. Orhanistyr

    God. I need you right now. Please ...

    God. I need you right now. Please bless me with strength, maturity, and wisdom to get through this trial. I have tried so many things and I’m not sure what else to do but to give you my broken heart and surrender. I can’t do it anymore. I just need you to take over. I am so grateful for all that...
  9. natasha2

    Loss of money returned/recompensed in the trial

    Returned and recompensed all the money that we have lost in the trial. My brother is in prison falsely accused. It should have been my money for a new bigger appartement that i need for a decent way of living. To small appartement. Lord, double for our trouble (the devil messing with my...
  10. mantry

    Lost the job, struggling to survive. No ...

    Lost the job, struggling to survive. No source of income. The employer dragged me to court for trial. Suffering a lot.. No words to describe. Kindly pray for favourable judgement.... Otherwise a fimaly will be ruined.... Have mercy to pray..Have mercy.... Have mercy... Pray to save a family.....amen
  11. Wurvorel

    I saw there was a blood moon ...

    I saw there was a blood moon this last night this day begins the Depp Heard trial I ask protective prayers for Johhny Depp as he has to face more ugliness verbal emotional attack against him Cover him in spirituaal God light this week thank you with love and blessing in return
  12. natasha2

    Debt, financial increase, recompense of the lost money, not loosing a job

    Get out of debt. Financial increase. Real estates increase. Recompense of all the money we lost in the trial for my brother who is in prison falsely accused. Lord, let him get out of prison, and not loose a job.
  13. natasha2

    Debt, bigger appartement , dream job, recompense

    To get out of debt. To get bigger appartement. New dream job. Returned money to my family that we lost in the trial (my brother is in prison falsely accused,l. Double for our trouble.
  14. leaski

    Many years ago we found out that ...

    Many years ago we found out that both of our daughters had been raped by a man we knew (claiming to be a pastor/evangelist). We reported it and have come up against many obstacles. It has taken 5 years, but he is finally on trial. Ours are not the only girls this has happened to and he has...
  15. Orhanistyr

    Please pray for the trial I am ...

    Please pray for the trial I am walking through with my husband to be sanctified for bettering our marriage. That we will be completely devoted to one another, and that there will be deep trust and loyalty to one another. I thank Heavenly Father for the mountains that have been moved already, and...
  16. natasha2

    Lord, protect our money, real estates

    Lord, protect our money, real estates, and my inheritence in Christ Jesus. Connected to everything but especially now connected to the trial (my brother in prison is falsely accused) and give us wisdom and protection not to invest or give money to anybody who will not help us properly. Also let...
  17. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - Central Asia

    Ahok and Guina are awaiting trial after they shared the gospel with two young people. The two teenagers accepted Jesus, but their parents were outraged and are taking Ahok and Guina to court. Pray for justice for Ahok and Guina, for faith for the teenagers, and that Jesus will reveal Himself to...
  18. Brother in Christ (JC)


    John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” James 1:12 Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which...
  19. Anonymous

    Please pray for Becky, that she would ...

    Please pray for Becky, that she would be delivered from her trial and afflictions according to the Lord's mercy, grace, lovingkindness, and compassion. Pray that God would comfort and bless her spiritual walk as well as bless her with peace and wisdom. Pray for discernment for her and the gifts...
  20. CDuncha

    Jesus so much trial so much pain ...

    Jesus so much trial so much pain i m fed up of everything please me towards u hold me in ur arms n clean away my sins and sweep my pain..take my tears n turn into happiness
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