
  1. Tavulthea

    My dad., pastor Bright Selvakumar was undergoing ...

    My dad., pastor Bright Selvakumar was undergoing hemo dialysis for past one year and now he was very sick because of jaundice for the past 5 months . We went to many hospitals for treatments but the doctors couldn’t find the exact reason for jaundice . Every day the level of jaundice is getting...
  2. pounce

    Dear lord, Please bless the treatments and ...

    Dear lord, Please bless the treatments and vaccines. Bless the efficacy and quantity so we can get through this pandemic quickly. Please bless the science Lord. Amen
  3. pounce

    Dear Jesus, Please bless the fight against ...

    Dear Jesus, Please bless the fight against coronavirus. So many of us need to get back to normal. Please bless the treatments and vaccines with success quickly so by 2021 we can be closer to normal in the beginning part of the year. Let us get something substantial before the year is finished...
  4. pounce

    Dear Jesus, Please bless the treatments and ...

    Dear Jesus, Please bless the treatments and vaccines so by the middle of winter we will be in a better place. Please bless people to wear masks and slow the spread. Bless my family business and help Steve find a job. Bless me with school, as it's so tough to teach now. Bless PT will all of your...
  5. pounce

    Dear Jesus, Please take away the pandemic. ...

    Dear Jesus, Please take away the pandemic. Bless the vaccines and treatments. Amen
  6. pounce

    Dear Jesus, Please bless the vaccines and ...

    Dear Jesus, Please bless the vaccines and treatments. Have us been much better by January. I would love to have something substantial by next month. Please Lord, stop the spread. Amen
  7. pounce

    Dear Jesus, We got some good news ...

    Dear Jesus, We got some good news on treatments today. Please bless the quantity of treatments so we stop losing people. Please bless them so my mom's bridal shows can be a success in January. Amen
  8. pounce

    Dear Jesus, Please bless the treatments and ...

    Dear Jesus, Please bless the treatments and vaccines. I fear the virus will get worse this winter. Please bless their success and the volume of these products. My mom has her bridal shows i January and I fear that if the virus keeps spreading people won't want to come. Please Lord, put you hand...
  9. pounce

    Dear Lord, Please bless the treatments for ...

    Dear Lord, Please bless the treatments for the coronavirus and help guide the government to send funding to them to make more amounts of the treatments. Please Lord, bless these treatments and vaccines with success and have them available this month so we can start to beat this virus. Please...
  10. pounce

    Dear Jesus, Please bless my brother's job ...

    Dear Jesus, Please bless my brother's job search. Help my mom with her business. Help us treat and prevent the coronavirus. Help the treatments and vaccines. Please send so many blessings to PT. He needs your love, guidance, support, and success you can send to him. Amen
  11. pounce

    Dear Jesus, Please take away the coronavirus. ...

    Dear Jesus, Please take away the coronavirus. Please bless the treatments and vaccines. Please bless mask wearing. Bless those who are sick. Help people see reason. Amen
  12. pounce

    Dear Jesus, Please send blessings to our ...

    Dear Jesus, Please send blessings to our world. We have angry people here who need to find you. Please send blessings. Help us. Take away the hate. Please bless my family. Help our finances. Bless the treatments and vaccines so covid can go away. Amen
  13. Windwold

    Heavenly Father, please protect and heal my ...

    Heavenly Father, please protect and heal my son. Help him to safety with drs who will provide the right medical care and treatments in Jesus'name Amen
  14. Windwold

    Heavenly Father, please protect and heal my ...

    Heavenly Father, please protect and heal my son. Help him to safety with drs who will provide the right medical care and treatments in Jesus'name Amen
  15. Psaltisis

    We lift up and entrust CiRO G ...

    We lift up and entrust CiRO G SONGCO and his general well-being to our Lord. We also pray for his doctors and attending team, for wisdom and right diagnosis and treatments for Him ..
  16. Windwold

    Heavenly Father, please protect and heal my ...

    Heavenly Father, please protect and heal my son. Help him to safety with drs who will provide the right medical care and treatments in Jesus'name Amen
  17. Windwold

    Heavenly Father, please protect and heal my ...

    Heavenly Father, please protect and heal my son. Help him to safety with drs who will provide the right medical care and treatments in Jesus'name Amen
  18. Zordrik

    I am fr.antony.suffering from different serious illness ...

    I am fr.antony.suffering from different serious illness and spends lot of money for treatments.32 years of suffering. I am 57 years.I am suffereing a lot.please pray for my spiritual physical healing
  19. Reiketh

    Pray for healing of my body. Going ...

    Pray for healing of my body. Going to my last treatment for breast cancer. God has truly bought me through all my treatments and kept me strong. Continue to bless my family and friends for their support. Amen
  20. Lushtus

    Thank you Jesus for making Cindy attend ...

    Thank you Jesus for making Cindy attend to me; I really don’t understand why she is so ungrateful when I have been taking her treatments over 10yrs.Please lay your hands upon her dear Jesus please make her treatments be genuine & treat me well.Amen
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