
  1. natasha2

    Peace and no noise in the train

    Mo loud music or any other noise in the train!!! Today and this whole week amen. People are desrespectful, listen to music etc without earphones. Peace in me and all around me at least 1 km, amen!!!
  2. natasha2

    Unpleasant odour - train

    Unpleasant odour in the train. Like from the wc/toilet or like vomit. I must be in the train 30 min more...
  3. natasha2

    Peace in the train!!

    Complete peace in the train. No loud music (somebodies phone, pupils) shouting etc The devil disturbes me in listening to sermons. One more request: no noise or any kind disturbance in train, in my home or anywhere i go and i am, always!!
  4. natasha2

    My collegue steals my time and classroom

    Lord can you please deal with one collegue of mine who is entering my classroom without asking anyone and she complicates my life with it. She travels with car and i travel with train and have litteraly very little time to prepare for my classes. When i come into the classroom 1 or 2 hours ahead...
  5. natasha2

    No talking but peace in the train

    Lord i need peace in the train. People are constantly talking, some of them 1 hour on the phone. Its really taking energy.
  6. Durneloto

    Please pray for my husband's safety. One ...

    Please pray for my husband's safety. One guy from train which he travels threatened him and other guy also that tomorrow he will see them. My husband supported other guy for that he threatened. Please pray for there safety. May the one who threatening be made powerless in Jesus mighty name.
  7. natasha2

    Peace in the train please. It's 6 am. Everybody ...

    Peace in the train please. It's 6 am. Everybody is talking to loud. I need peace for meditating and thinking about God and daily tasks Thank you from the bottom of my heart
  8. natasha2

    Peace, no to loud people

    Peace in.the train People are to loud.
  9. natasha2

    No noise - train

    No noise in the train. No loud people. No nervous or aggressive peoole. Total peace in the train.
  10. natasha2

    Pupils restless

    Pupils are restless in the train
  11. natasha2

    Peace train now

    Please peace in the train now. Pupils blabbering non stop. Its 6 am!!
  12. natasha2

    No evil spirits or irritating people train

    No irritating people or evil spirits in the train. No restlessness or witchcraft. Amen No endless loud talking in general or on the phone. 6 am.
  13. natasha2

    Peace in the train, 6 am

    Peace in the train on the way to work and back. No.loud pupils. Its 6 in the morning!!!
  14. natasha2

    Silence in the train,

    Silence in the train now and on my way home, amen. Peace. To.much people babbling in big groups and on the phone. I dont undrstand how can people babble on the phone 1 hour?? Some of pupils are sometimes shouting and have no peace.
  15. Steven Bobb

    See this is what I mean. It's ...

    See this is what I mean. It's an otherwise quiet Sunday morning and across the canal at the other developement I hear a dog yelping continuously,cutting into my train of thought.I need this like a hole in the head. Yet I'm supposed to be continuously happy according to mainstrean Christian thought.
  16. natasha2

    No noise from neighbours, good sleep

    Please no night noise from neighbours. I want to sleep. Its almost midnight. Pray for my good sleep. Amen And no noise from the outside. Amen Me waking up on time. Catching a train and coming on time fir work. B Tomorrow not being sleepy but healthy and full of energy. I must wake up very early
  17. natasha2

    Silence in the train please always

    Silence in the train No excessive or to loud talking and laughing. Loud listening of music or talking on devices. It 6 am!!! Please pray that in my waggon will always be peace and silence. Some pupils are really aggressive and talkative and hyperactive. Like NON STOP talking without pause. They...
  18. natasha2

    Silence - train, sorrow, depression, partner

    Silence in the train. No excessive talking. No shouting or to loud laughing (pupils). Me healed from sprrow or depression. God bringing into my life the man of my life. Loving sweet healthy prosperous beautuful relationship and marriage.
  19. natasha2

    Strength, health, sleep, arrive om time

    Health. No diarrhea or irritation in my stomach intestines. Strength. Not feeling sleepy. Short sleep tonight but pray that it will strengthen and rejuvenate me. Pray also that i will arrive on time at my job with train
  20. natasha2

    Evil pupils

    Evil pupils in the train or in the school - God get them in order!!! No noise or any harrassment in the train or in the school. Evil pupils to be punished and removed. Amen
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