
  1. natasha2

    No lateness of train, health-me, my father

    No lateness of the train. Me on time for work. Arriving at my working place at least at 9.20 am No diarrhea. No diggestive issues. Normal.stomach acid. No cramps in my muscles at night. Also my old father - diarrhea, serious health issues with skin, prostate gland, eyes.
  2. natasha2

    No bloating, diarrhea, breathibg issues

    No.bloating. feeling like i have a stone in my stomach No diggestive issues, breathing issies or diarrhea in Jesus name No lateness of the train. Me on time for work
  3. natasha2

    URGENT No lateness, me on time for work

    Please no lateness of the train.- me on time for work. Our principle spreads negative energy when we are late. Spirit of control
  4. natasha2

    No lateness of the train, no principle as control

    No lateness of the train so that I can arrive on time for work. The train should be at 12.40 pm at the end destination and arrive to be on duty in the school at 13.10 pm. Last time the train had so much lateness that I arrived in the school at 13.30 pm. Also my principle is watching over the...
  5. natasha2

    Train lateness, refined mobbing at school

    Please pray that the train will not be late tomorrow. I must be in the school (my working place) at 1.10 pm. But please pray that the train will arrive at least at 12.40 pm at the station so that i have time for some stuff. I am watching over the school halls and surroundings school duty 1-2 a...
  6. natasha2

    URGENT No lateness of the train, on time for work

    URGENT No lateness of my train. Me arriving exactly on time for work - 7.20 in a classroom (according to the a classroom which is bit ahead). No principle to controll us. No evil energies throughr her words deeds face expressions. Amen.
  7. natasha2

    Night noise, sleep, no lateness- train

    1) its almost midnight. My neighbours are lisrening very loud tv. I want to sleep. I must wake up in 4 hoirs!!! 2) good sweet peaceful sleep 3) no lateness of the train tomorrowy this week and this whole month. No control of the principle over me and others in teachers room and over lateness...
  8. natasha2

    URGENT The train is late, principle nagging??

    Lord have mercy. The train is already late and we have 4 stations more. Lord help me in this situation: let the principle not be in the classroom or let her not make sneaky or unpleasant or manipulative reproaches or unpleasant face expressions. Lord let no evil energy comes through her. LORD...
  9. natasha2

    URGENT Lateness of the train, diarrhea...

    URGENT Please no lateness of the train but arrival little bit earlier. Exactly at 7.20 am. The principle is controlling arrival of teachers and her comments and face expressions are unpleasant. Also no problems with nausea, diggestion, diarrhea, stomach acid.
  10. natasha2

    URGENT To arrive on time for work. ...

    URGENT To arrive on time for work. 7.20. I need miracle that the train will move very quicly. Please no.lateness Also no.primciple to out if i am late
  11. natasha2

    URGENT lateness of the train

    Lord have mercy. Please no lateness of the train. Let me be exactly on time in the teachersroom 7.20 am. The train - to be at my destimation at 7.14 in Jesus name. (According to the clock in a teachersroom not other clocks. Amen This train is always late and my principle is often controlling...
  12. natasha2

    URGENT no.lateness of train, going to work

    No.lateness of train please. To arrive exactly on time for work. (Teacher) 7.20 am. Get my principle out of my way and sight. No controlling of workers if they are late. Lord make her busy with something elsem No reproaches no umpleasant situation. No.negative energies or evil eye from her or...
  13. natasha2

    URGENT No lateness of the train

    No lateness of the train please. Me exactly on time at work. 7.20 (a clock at work-and school bell). No principle to watch over our lateness. No worries about it...understanding and favor from the principle No nervosity. No diggestive issues.
  14. natasha2

    No lateness of the train, no diarrhea

    No lateness of the train. Train exactly at 7.13 at my destination. Me exactly on time for work or earlier. No primciple watching over us about lateness. Me completely calm and without worries cinfident that God will very soon resolve the issue of lateness and /or my other kind of transport to...
  15. natasha2

    Resolving the transportation, diggestive issues, other problems

    Lord please resolve the issue with my transportation to work because the train is always lare at that time cca 10 min and the principle is always making reproaches to me and it makes me feel uncomfortable, guilty, fearful of repercutions. She is perfectionist. And i am not exactly her favored...
  16. natasha2

    Issue with transport work, appology from some people

    Please pray that God will resolve the problem with my transportation. The train is coming late to ma workimg place and the principle is harrassing me about some paperwork connected to my lateness. 2 people who should have drive me to my work are also.disrespecting and harrassimg me. So i dont...
  17. natasha2

    Lord help me to find glases and train card

    Lord help me to find my reading glasses and my monthly plastic card for the train. I am under lots of stress and it seems i am not collected. Alao protection from any harm. This morning a dog almost attacked me and i really like dogs. The man was ignoring my request to put him on a short leash...
  18. natasha2

    URGENT Peace plrssr in the train

    Plrase peace in the train. Evety person on thr train is talking or even shoutjng Lord please peace. No loud music to
  19. natasha2

    URGENT No lateness, penalty for this railway company

    Please no lateness of the train. Maximum at 12.50 pm to be at my destimation The train is already late 15 min. Lord please get thus railway company in order. Give them penalties from the state. Remove uncapable managers and other responsible stuff in the name of Jesus. Let this 3 year terror...
  20. natasha2

    PEACE IN THE TRAIN, No lateness, success, prosperity, protection, ppsitive energies

    CompletePeace in and around the train. No.smoking in or around the rrain or at the station. Especially not around me. Arriving exactly on time at work..Even before 7.20. (According to the clock at work which 2 min early). PROTECTION everywhere. Success and prosperity in every area of my life...
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