Total health for me and my wife my wife to deliver safely. Tmy wife to get employed and my business in transport industry to flourish we pray for perfect eyesight and HIV
Miracle conception for me and bukola in the month of October,
Alround breakthrough for me and my love once,
Restoration of David eye,
Miracle job for me and my husband,
Lord rember Ayodele and olaitan maritally
Peace in all our marriages,
Total heath for me and all my love once
Divine protection...
Please pray for total health of
1) my stomach, intestines (no gastritis, normalized acid)
2) my reproductive system and female organs
3) normalized menstrual cycle,
4) normalized hormons
5) healed lines in my body
6) total general health (+ teeth, dental flesh)
country: croatia
female organs
gastritis normalized acid
healed lines
normalized hormones
normalized menstrual cycle
reproductive system
total general health teeth dental flesh