A demonic spirit is shoving particles up my nose. I said stop and it said, not until you stop fucking yourself. I am not fucking myself. I am totally capable. God remove this dumb, disgusting evil spirit of torment and jealousy from me that wants to control me, to make me look gross and feel...
A spirit of torment has been touching me for days. Their favorite ways to torment me are by touching my ear, shoving particles up my nose and making me feel uncomfortable like I have to go to the bathroom and wipe my butt. Not super, but that’s what’s going on. Please pray God destroys them and...
I give God all the glory and all the honor for delivering me from satans hands. He has been given me a hard time with depression, sickness and hopelessness. I called on the Lord and He delivered me from this torment from hell. Please continue to pray for me to take away this pain in my...
This is stupid, but it’s meant to drive people to torment or suicide, to prevent people from getting married, to cause them to look mentally ill: Demonic familiar spirits are touching my butt while I work, encouraging other demonic spirits to touch me. Pray for the sexual harassment to end. -Bri
Please pray I am being tormented especially when my brother is around I noticed how evil really comes to torment when he comes around. I have been praying and hoping he can go somewhere so I can get some peace and he just won’t leave. I need peace so bad I’m at a breaking point I can’t take it...
Please pray I am being tormented especially when my brother is around I noticed how evil really comes to torment when he comes around. I have been praying and hoping he can go somewhere so I can get some peace and he just won’t leave. I need peace so bad I’m at a breaking point I can’t take it...
Please pray for me.. I’m so sick. I don’t know how my life will unfold. I feel so sick and scared and I don’t know how to make the pain and torment stop. Please help. Thank you. I appreciate your time and energy to help. I know I need it. My life is a mess. I’m isolated. I am homeless. I don’t...
I keep manifesting the torment is heavy. I keep giving it to God and fasting and praying, surrendering to God but somethings WRONG I was trembling on the bathroom floor, gagging, coughing, spasms. I feel heaviness in my skull. I do believe once saved always saved but I'm a victim of repeated...
Please continue to pray for me that the Lord relieves me of this torment, I feel like the Holy Spirit called me to post this, I believe that the prayers are working..Praise the Lord our God who heals and does miracles 🙏🏼 He is worthy of our praise
Dear Lord.I refuse to accept it's all over for us because the way things are going that's how it seems.When will you do something about this and everything were going throught .Such torment.Send a mirical Lord it's all I'm pleading with you.Amen
My children and I have been through so much and we just want to break free from the torment, the depression, the mental instability, the oppression and lack of success. We want a new beautiful healthy start!
Hi, I prayed and cried to God continuously without a response. I am scared of God's journey for me, as most of my life was torment and suffering... and a life like this is not worth living. I am in agony and torment now, I want so badly to be in Heaven with God and feel no more suffering and I...
Please please anyone who is reading this help me pray that God totally removes my estranged husband from my life. Today He showed up at the hospital and made a scene embarrassing me. Help me pray that he is not the father of the child Carrying as this could mean a life of torment and torture…...
Father I know my enemies will never repent but even so I forgive knowing their demise is worse than what they're trying to do to me. this torment is temporal and your a God of justice so I know the pit they've dug for they will fall in. But again Father in your sons name I do forgive...
I had breast cancer 2 years ago and the fear and torment that it will come back is so paralyzing. It is hard to make it through the day sometimes. Please pray this ends and that this cancer will never come back in Jesus name. I have 2 babies to raise.
Dear God,
I pray for healing. I pray that this heart is healed and deliverance from pain and the memories of torment, I pray all ties are completely cut from J. Lord Jesus, I know you can heal me, please hear my prayer.
In Jesus Name,
Dear God,
I pray for healing. I pray that this heart is healed and deliverance from pain and the memories of torment, I pray all ties are completely cut from J. Lord Jesus, I know you can heal me, please hear my prayer.
In Jesus Name,
Lord please Stop all this torment and in body heal me totally all sinuses wheezing allergies cough colds and head itch kill whatever it is soon and help the weather be nice so we can take care of all these issues here