
  1. Oglonian

    Tonia healing sinus infection, pain in her ...

    Tonia healing sinus infection, pain in her back. In Jesus name no more sinus infection and back pain shall attack her again. She receive her deliverance and total restoration. Amen ❤️ We all have health and Strength in Jesus name. Amen
  2. Oglonian

    Chad still having pain in his mouth. ...

    Chad still having pain in his mouth. He need a root canal. Tonia has to take the Covid test every. Thank You Jesus for Your and protection upon them. Amen
  3. Arenelion

    I need advancement in my I have ...

    I need advancement in my I have been stagnated everytime testimony is coming to me magically one thing will happen that will make it disappear, either I see myself in a dream where I am wearing my secondary school uniform or in an old house before u say jack Robbinson that favour is gone forever...
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