thx intercessors

  1. Anonymous


    thx intercessors for all prayers that I can finally b well of this COVID---now one month of being soooooooooo sick. also now have covid pneumonia. pls pls pray for health & wellness! Pls cont. to pray all excess sells asap. for God to heal me of a collecting d/o. so much stuff in house can...
  2. Anonymous


    thx for cont. prayers that Doug (currently in ICU) & I will b totally healed of COVID. I'm fatigued, w/ chills, and relentless cough. Doug has to have extremely high doses of oxygen continuously right now to survive. We both are tired of being sick. Pls cont. to pray for God to supernaturally...
  3. Anonymous


    Thx intercessors. I am almost completely recovered fr/ COVID--STILL short of breath, remaining cough--pls pray God restores me to 100%! Pls pray that i never get this covid again--it took 14 days to get well. So much paperwork to catch up on--pls pray i can get thru it all! Also again that...
  4. blessedofGod


    thx intercessors; have tested pos for covid despite gettn pfizer vaccine. thx for all prayers for rapid healings. pls pray for K to b obedient to the LORD!
  5. blessedofGod


    thx intercessors for praying that God can help me move. I'm in need of God to help me get rid of stuff. I need an affordable place to move to. Pls pray for miracles. also for miracle weight loss; miracles of healings in my heart and liver. For doug to b alot more remorseful for his sins.
  6. Anonymous


    thx intercessors; i plan to go tomorrow to consignment store; pls pray i can put together 20 good items to sell. i had bad diarrhea yesterday am; pray my body goes back to normal. for God to truly heal me of all arthritis, bursitis, autoimmune, depression n anxiety. God to help Noriko, delores...
  7. Anonymous

    relationship challenges

    thx intercessors for prayn for a friend of mine named "M". she needs prayers; we got into an argument bc she has a different opinion than mine re: our last pres.; pls pray that we can still b "friends". pray that SATAN will b bound in these relationships w/ others!! still need prayers for GOD...
  8. blessedofGod


    thx so much for all cont. prayers that God helps me to produce order n my home n car. Too much stuff--pls cont to pray that all excess sells asap or is donated. i need to have clear pathways n my home. For cont. conviction on thieves who stole bunches of stuff off my porches to b convicted to...
  9. Anonymous


    thx intercessors for all prayers that God will help me to declutter; PTL!! Prayers r surely being answered bc the HOLY SPIRIT has made me aware of what a collection i have!! Pls cont to pray for supernatural big favor for all excess to sell asap; that i truly STOP STOP a bad collectn d/o...
  10. Anonymous

    income tax

    thx intercessors for praying that income tax will b done accurately and asap. Pls also pray that I can get all paperwork together to begin 2021 return!! Need paperwork in house to b in much better order. Pls cont to pray that excess finds great favor to sell asap. Pls pray if i have to get 2019...
  11. Anonymous


    soooo much healing needed! Yesterday, my feet/ankles/knees hurt fr/ pain. Over the yrs; the arthritis seems to b gettn worse!! Pls pray for miracles!! Victory needed in areas of appetite & overweightness. cont. prayer to have victory in areas of depression & cluttern. PTL!! God is answering...
  12. Anonymous


    thx intercessors for all cont. prayers that God will help me to focus on priorities. I get distracted easily and lose focus. Pls pray that I can do my income tax asap. I need God to help me find my flash drive to redo my resume. I need God to help me w/ FAVOR TO obtain a PT job that i can b...
  13. Anonymous


    thx intercessors for all prayers: i need to eat more healthy: heart artery one is 25% blocked; need more veggies; less fried foods. pray the devil can't tempt me w/ fatty foods; i also need @ least a 10# weight loss. Pls pray for self control & to b satisfied w/ a smaller portion of food @ all...
  14. Anonymous


    tHX intercessors for cont to pray that a collectn d/o stops; that all excess finds Great favor to sell asap; that i can clear out my home in prep for a move!! The enemy is so bad to blind me to a very destructive habit--hoardn. thx for prayers that God can direct my steps to a great move to a...
  15. blessedofGod


    thx intercessors; my CTA scan showed 25% blockage in one of my arteries in heart; too much plaque fr/ eating fatty foods. pray that cholesterol level will decrease supernaturally w/o having to take statins; and more B/P pills. Our God is supernatural & I don't want to take so many pills!! Also...
  16. Anonymous

    Thx intercessors for all of yr prayers ...

    Thx intercessors for all of yr prayers that i can pass house inspection this mon. Pls pray that the inspector will b full of mercy n grace as i do have a lot of flower pots, etc, outside. pls pray that collecting d/o will stop @ once as i need to move to a smaller place. pray for cont...
  17. blessedofGod

    stolen property

    thx intercessors for all prayers. @ 1 am on sund. some thieves came to my 2 front porches & stole bunches of stuff; clothes, shoes, furniture. also some personal mail & other gift items were taken; pls pray for heavy conviction that they will return the items; esp. personal mail asap. i...
  18. Anonymous


    thx intercessors for praying that God will straighten out the house insurance payment. 2 people r working on the home insurance quote--they r coming up w/ different totals; pls pls pray God irons out the kinks as the house insurance payment is due very soon!! Again, pls cont. to pray for God to...
  19. blessedofGod


    thx intercessors for all prayers for cont. healings of lower legs, ankles, feet. God has answered prayers & I'm now in PT 2x/wk for next 8 wks!! God is awesome! My PT needs prayer to b a believer. Pls pray that I can b able to walk pain free; for weight loss, freedom fr/ a collecting habit...
  20. Anonymous

    thx intercessors for praying for a newer ...

    thx intercessors for praying for a newer car. this one has been great but in last 3 mos; has had to b repaired 3x; 2 of which involved towing!! pls pray for God to cont. to show me what to keep and what to donate/sell--seeming stronghold in my life; over collecting. thx. and for healings in...
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