God, thank You. Heal & protect me and my loved ones ~ our hearts, souls, spirits, bodies, thoughts, relationships, homes, neighborhoods, all on the road & vehicles. May we abide in Christ♡Deliver us from evil. Thank You, ijnip
God, thank You. Heal & protect me and my loved ones ~ our hearts, souls, spirits, bodies, thoughts, relationships, homes, neighborhoods, all on the road & vehicles. May we abide in Christ♡Deliver us from evil. Thank You, ijnip
I am in pain and crisis! Let us pray that the Heavenly Father will have mercy on me, give me wisdom, strength and rule me (thoughts, words, actions, decisions, prayers and everything else) to come out of this crisis and pain, in the Name of Jesus Christ! Let us pray that the Heavenly Father will...
Dear Lord, Thank you for helping me cope with the questions that I was asked for the selection interview.Help me overcome my anxiety and stress on whether or not I have been chosen.Help me balance my thoughts and feelings regarding this matter. Thank you,Father for your eternal love and graces...
God, heal & protect us - me, my loved ones, all here ~ our hearts, souls, spirits, bodies, thoughts, relationships, homes, neighborhoods. Protect us driving, all passengers & vehicles. May we abide in Christ♡Deliver us from evil. Thank You, ijnip
God, heal & protect me and my loved ones ~ our hearts, souls, spirits, bodies, thoughts, relationships, homes, neighborhoods. Protect Tom, Sean & us driving, passengers & our vehicles. May we abide in Christ♡Deliver us from evil. Thank You, ijnip
God, protect me and my loved ones ~ our hearts, souls, spirits, bodies, thoughts, relationships, homes, neighborhoods. Protect Tom, S, B & us driving, passengers & our vehicles. May we abide in Christ♡Deliver us from evil. Thank You, ijnip
God, protect me and my loved ones ~ our hearts, souls, spirits, bodies, thoughts, relationships, homes, neighborhoods. Protect us driving & our vehicles. May we abide in Christ♡Deliver us from evil. Thank You, ijnip
God, heal and protect me and my loved ones today - our hearts, souls, spirits, bodies, thoughts, relationships, homes, neighborhoods, driving & vehicles. May we abide in Christ♡ Deliver us from evil. Thank You, IJNA
God, heal and protect me and my loved ones today - our hearts, souls, spirits, bodies, thoughts, relationships, homes, neighborhoods, driving & vehicles. May we abide in Christ♡ Deliver us from evil. Thank You, IJNA
God, heal and protect me and my loved ones today - our hearts, souls, spirits, bodies, thoughts, relationships, homes, neighborhoods, driving & vehicles. May we abide in Christ♡ Deliver us from evil. Thank You, IJNA
God, thank You for blessings. Heal and protect my family today - our hearts, souls, spirits, bodies, thoughts, relationships, homes, neighborhoods, driving & vehicles. May we abide in Christ♡ Deliver us from evil. Thank You, IJNA
Jesus i know You since i am a baby. I know You had chosen me and you still love me after all these years. My request is if it is possible that the father of my kid becomes a born again christian man, believing in Jesus, reading the bible, and marrying me. I know You are gracious and your...
God, heal and protect my family - our hearts, souls, spirits, bodies, thoughts, relationships, homes, neighborhoods, driving & vehicles. May we abide in Christ♡ Deliver us from evil. Thank You, IJNA
God, heal and protect my family - our hearts, souls, spirits, bodies, thoughts, relationships, homes, neighborhoods, driving & vehicles. May we abide in Christ♡ Deliver us from evil. Thank You, IJNA
God, i pray heal and guard my family - our hearts, souls, spirits, bodies, thoughts, relationships, homes, neighborhoods, driving & vehicles. May we abide in Christ♡ Deliver us from evil. Thank You, IJNA
. and safeguard my family today - our hearts, souls, spirits, bodies, thoughts, relationships, homes, neighborhoods, driving & vehicles. May we abide in Christ♡ Deliver us from evil. Thank You for everything, Almighty God, IJNA
Lord may Your Holy Spirit intercede for me in my prayers, circumstances, relationships, thoughts and matters of the heart. May he pray for me and bring back comfort, answers, direction and discernment in my season. Lord give me strength and Your presence in Jesus name Amen
.. and safeguard my family today - our hearts, souls, spirits, bodies, thoughts, relationships, homes, neighborhoods, driving & vehicles. May we abide in Christ♡ Deliver us from evil. Thank You for everything, Almighty God, IJNA
.. and safeguard my family today - our hearts, souls, spirits, bodies, thoughts, relationships, homes, neighborhoods, driving & vehicles. May we abide in Christ♡ Deliver us from evil. Thank You for everything, Almighty God, IJNA