
  1. Pinky grace

    I want healing without theraphy plz help ...

    I want healing without theraphy plz help me u are the best cousellor plz get me out of this phobia and problem amen
  2. Leen Aileen

    May almighty God bless my beautiful son, ...

    May almighty God bless my beautiful son, a prayer of healing for this beautiful creation, i am asking here my dear brother and sister in Christ to pray for my son, i'm hoping one of this days he can speak well and communicate same as the other children. He has autism and he cannot talk. We...
  3. Anonymous

    Prayer for peace of mind. To lead ...

    Prayer for peace of mind. To lead me in therapy so I'm not charged for missing the session.
  4. Anonymous

    Psychological Healing

    I have been going through therapy which is gruelling and painful because it concerns my mother. Please pray that my unconscious can release all its pain and I can be well for the first time in my life.
  5. Danielle pearl

    Marriage healing

    Please pray for my Husband Adriano to leave his parents and cling to me his wife. My husband is struggling to leave his parents and continues to live with them and I want him to return home. We are having therapy but many people trying to destroy our marriage. We need help🙏🏻🤵🏻👰🏼✝️
  6. Hymnion

    Please pry that ____________ gets therapy before ...

    Please pry that ____________ gets therapy before they end up in the hospital again.
  7. Anita Nanda

    My right hand pains a lot as ...

    My right hand pains a lot as I has once met with an accident took medicine and therapy but still it pains please pray for my good health.
  8. Elfosessan

    My name is Oyella Jacklyn from Uganda ...

    My name is Oyella Jacklyn from Uganda in a town called gulu . I would like man of God Prophet TB Joshua to pray for me . I was diagnosed with cancer of the cervix and I'm suppose to go for tests in mulago hospital to see how far the virus has spread so that they can see whether to start on...
  9. Reshryx

    Kindly pray for my friend to recover from cocaine addiction

    Hi, everyone. For the last many days I am not feeling good because my friend always behaves abnormally. I realized that he is addicted to cocaine and I understand that he is going through a tough time. He is just 23 years old. He tried a lot to rid out of these insecurities but goes in vain. I'm...
  10. Gathhath

    Dear lord, sorry for asking help at ...

    Dear lord, sorry for asking help at this hour. I am asking permission if i can resched the therapy of my daughter next week and the therapist will understand. Amen
  11. JulieH

    Pray for son

    Please father help my son. Please make him wake up and want help and to change. Please. He needs rehab I believe but at least some therapy and help. He needs a job and some motivation. I pray you would please inspire him and help him. In Jesus name I pray amen
  12. Empath

    My son

    Another day, another wanting to run away & never return. My adult son playing victim yet again. Making everyone around him feel miserable. Throws guilt on every one & wants constant pity. He had a nice life but claims he didn’t. I need him OUT! But he refuses to save $$$$$. He uses having...
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