Terrible terrible noise in my neighbourhood!! Very loud music and basses. Even when i shut my windows.
Kidds having party. Probably druggs and alcohol to. Unusual shouts, house on the near hill.
Lord secure to me and other people peaceful night and sleep. Its 9.15 pm
Please let this terrivble noise of loud music and basses stops. It lasts now for hours. Kidds have party obviously.- on a hill..it spreads in the whole city block.
You don't punish the innocent for how God chooses to respond to your foolishness. Whether through disobedience, idolatry, or mockery, God’s enemies are those who insult Him.
If you make fun of poor people, you insult the God who made them. You will be punished if you...
17 5 gnt fools
country: united states
disobedience idolatry
good deeds
holy mountain
isaiah 66 6 nlt
misfortune proverbs
mockery s enemies
poor people
Please let this terrible noise stops. Non stop drilling machine
Let them make noise when i am not home. 11.40 pm till 5 pm. Thank you
I need peace to have communion with God and organizing my day and prepare my classes. I am teacher in a highschool.
Also let them make noise only when i am not...
My upstair neighbour is making a terrible noise. Obviously vaccum cleaning and moving furniture totaly nervously and aggressively. But he is very noisy in general.
It is 8 pm. The time to rest before sleep.
Lord, please let my neighbour upstairs stop being so loud.
When he comes from outside he makes such terrible noise like earthquake.
Walks like a bear, slamms with doors, flushes toilette etc etc..
I go to sleep always before he comes.
Lord, please have mercy.
I need sleep.It is almost 11 pm.
Terrible noise from neighbours. Shouting, water flushing, loud music, loud laughing etc...
Please pray for peace and my good sleep.
I am exhausted i want to go to sleep.
No noise from my upstair neighbour.
When he is home he make such terrible noise while walking.
My walls tremble.
He is also dropping things and moving furniture etc..
Also makes night noise, very late and very early.
Lord, deliver me for good from any noise and trouble makers in Jesus name.
Please pray that my neighbours be it next door or upstair neighbours will stop make terrible noise, like someone is moving furniture and slams with doors and windows, please put peace upon them all and remove the noise- and troublemakers from my building. Loud talking, walking, loud tv/music...
My next door neighbours are making terrible noise with furniture or similar.
Its almost 10 pm.
Pray that they will have peace and go to sleep or go out in Jesus name.
Also pray that other neighbours will be quiet to.
Let this person upstairs stop making terrible noise.
LIke stones are crumbling down the hill!!
Probably cleaning the appartement, but its late and its really annoying.
Please pray that my next door neighbours will stop doing terrible noise with a driller machine, sometimes hammer.
It is saturday evening for rest.
Also i am on a diet for stomach.
I need peace and sleep.
Also it makes me bloat and breathe not easy - this noise.
It affects my nerves.
Please let this terrible noise stops.
Someone is running through the appartement.
Its like an earthquake.
Please Lord, i want peace.
Let all the other noise stops to.
Lord, please make my neighbours extreemeley peaceful in Jesus name.
You can do all things in Jesus name.
Find the way, amen.
No weappon of distraction and harressment will prosper against me in Jesus name.
They are just rebellious and not carying for other people.
My upstair neighbour is...
Please pray that my neighbour (next door or upstaris) will stop making terrible noise by walking up and down up and down.
Also Pray that i will catch up a sleep today; because i slept not well: nervosity of stomach; clogged left sinuse; noise of neighbours:
I have in couple of minutes teacher meeting online, and someone is making terrible noise outside with some kind of machine.
Please pray for peace, there are some very important infos that we need to hear.
In Jesus name!!
closes all windows and i can still hear it very lou